Example: np -chart

The location of 50 chips on each of 30 successive wafers is measured. The number of defects is the number of horizontal or vertical misregistrations of chips. The data is from NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook: Proportions Control Charts .
using Imsl.Chart2D;
using Imsl.Chart2D.QC;
using System;

public class NpChartEx1 : FrameChart
	private static readonly int[] numberDefective = {
		24, 30, 16, 20, 8, 14, 32, 18, 28, 20, 10, 12,
		34, 24, 44, 16, 20, 10, 26, 22, 40, 36, 48, 30,
		18, 24, 14, 26, 18, 12
	private const int sampleSize = 100;

	public NpChartEx1()
		AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(this.Chart);
		axis.AxisY.AxisTitle.SetTitle("Number Defective");
		new NpChart(axis, sampleSize, numberDefective);
	public static void Main(string[] argv) 
		System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new NpChartEx1());


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