Example 2: Using Copulas to imprint and extract correlation information

This example uses method Random.NextGaussianCopula to generate a multivariate sequence GCdevt[k=0..nseq-1][j=0..nvar-1] whose marginal distributions are user-defined and imprinted with a user-specified correlation matrix CorrMtrxIn[i=0..nvar-1][j=0..nvar-1] and then uses method Random.CanonicalCorrelation to extract from this multivariate random sequence a canonical correlation matrix CorrMtrx[i=0..nvar-1][j=0..nvar-1] .

This example illustrates two useful copula related procedures. The first procedure generates a random multivariate sequence with arbitrary user-defined marginal deviates whose dependence is specified by a user-defined correlation matrix. The second procedue is the inverse of the first: an arbitary multivariate deviate input sequence is first mapped to a corresponding sequence of empirically derived variates, i.e. cumulative distribution function values representing the probability that each random variable has a value less than or equal to the input deviate. The variates are then inverted, using the inverse Normal(0,1) function, to N(0,1) deviates; and finally, a canonical covariance matrix is extracted from the multivariate N(0,1) sequence using the standard sum of products.

This example demonstrates that the nextGaussianCopula method correctly imbeds the user-defined correlation information into an arbitrary marginal distribution sequence by extracting the canonical correlation from these sequences and showing that they differ from the original correlation matrix by a small relative error, which generally decreases as the number of multivariate sequence vectors increases.

using System;
using Imsl.Math;
using Imsl.Stat;

public class RandomEx2

    internal static Imsl.Stat.Random IMSLRandom()
        Imsl.Stat.Random r = new Imsl.Stat.Random(123457);
        r.Multiplier = 16807;
        return r;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        double[,] CorrMtrxIn = new double[,]{
            {1.0, - 0.9486832980505138, 0.8164965809277261},
            {- 0.9486832980505138, 1.0, -0.6454972243679028},
            {0.8164965809277261, -0.6454972243679028, 1.0}};

        int nvar = 3;

        Console.WriteLine("Random Example 2:");

        for (int i = 0; i < nvar; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                Console.WriteLine("CorrMtrxIn[" + i + "," + j + "] = " + CorrMtrxIn[i, j]);

        PrintMatrixFormat pmf = new PrintMatrixFormat();
        pmf.NumberFormat = "0.000000000";

        new PrintMatrix("Input Correlation Matrix: ").Print(pmf, CorrMtrxIn);
        Console.WriteLine("Correlation Matrices calculated from");
        Console.WriteLine(" Gaussian Copula imprinted multivariate sequence:");

        // Compute the Cholesky factorization of CorrMtrxIn
        Cholesky CholMtrx = new Cholesky(CorrMtrxIn);

        for (int kmax = 500; kmax < 1000000; kmax *= 10)

            Console.WriteLine("# vectors in multivariate sequence: " + kmax);

            double[][] GCvart = new double[kmax][];
            double[][] GCdevt = new double[kmax][];
            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < kmax; i2++)
                GCdevt[i2] = new double[nvar];
            Imsl.Stat.Random r = IMSLRandom();
            for (int k = 0; k < kmax; k++)
                GCvart[k] = r.NextGaussianCopula(CholMtrx); //probs
                for (int j = 0; j < nvar; j++)
                    *  invert Gaussian Copula probabilities to deviates using
                    *  variable-specific inversions: j = 0: Chi Square; 1: F;
                    *  2: Normal(0,1); will end up with deviate sequences ready
                    *  for mapping to canonical correlation matrix:
                    if (j == 0)
                        //convert probs into ChiSquare(df=10) deviates:
                        GCdevt[k][j] = InvCdf.Chi(GCvart[k][j], 10.0);
                    else if (j == 1)
                        //convert probs into F(dfn=15,dfd=10) deviates:
                        GCdevt[k][j] = InvCdf.F(GCvart[k][j], 15.0, 10.0);
                        //convert probs into Normal(mean=0,variance=1) deviates:
                        GCdevt[k][j] = InvCdf.Normal(GCvart[k][j]);
            *  extract Canonical Correlation matrix from arbitrarily distributed
            *  deviate sequences GCdevt[k=0..kmax-1][j=0..nvar-1] which have been
            *  imprinted with CorrMtrxIn[i=1..nvar][j=1..nvar] above:
            double[][] CorrMtrx = r.CanonicalCorrelation(GCdevt);
            double relerr;
            for (int i = 0; i < nvar; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    relerr = Math.Abs(1.0 -
                        (CorrMtrx[i][j] / CorrMtrxIn[i, j]));
                    Console.WriteLine("CorrMtrx[" + i + "][" + j + "] = " +
                        CorrMtrx[i][j] + "; relerr = " + relerr);
            new PrintMatrix("Correlation Matrix: ").Print(pmf, CorrMtrx);


Random Example 2:

CorrMtrxIn[1,0] = -0.948683298050514
CorrMtrxIn[2,0] = 0.816496580927726
CorrMtrxIn[2,1] = -0.645497224367903
         Input Correlation Matrix: 
        0             1             2        
0   1.000000000  -0.948683298   0.816496581  
1  -0.948683298   1.000000000  -0.645497224  
2   0.816496581  -0.645497224   1.000000000  

Correlation Matrices calculated from
 Gaussian Copula imprinted multivariate sequence:

# vectors in multivariate sequence: 500
CorrMtrx[1][0] = -0.95029565568146; relerr = 0.00169957417218125
CorrMtrx[2][0] = 0.805260514673251; relerr = 0.0137613145197848
CorrMtrx[2][1] = -0.640202740166643; relerr = 0.00820217965529457
            Correlation Matrix: 
        0             1             2        
0   1.000000000  -0.950295656   0.805260515  
1  -0.950295656   1.000000000  -0.640202740  
2   0.805260515  -0.640202740   1.000000000  

# vectors in multivariate sequence: 5000
CorrMtrx[1][0] = -0.948611734364931; relerr = 7.54347480657058E-05
CorrMtrx[2][0] = 0.815532446740145; relerr = 0.00118081840157325
CorrMtrx[2][1] = -0.646255361981671; relerr = 0.00117450174090306
            Correlation Matrix: 
        0             1             2        
0   1.000000000  -0.948611734   0.815532447  
1  -0.948611734   1.000000000  -0.646255362  
2   0.815532447  -0.646255362   1.000000000  

# vectors in multivariate sequence: 50000
CorrMtrx[1][0] = -0.948314953115713; relerr = 0.00038826965285188
CorrMtrx[2][0] = 0.817827046711005; relerr = 0.00162948114463246
CorrMtrx[2][1] = -0.646669093465958; relerr = 0.00181545180028175
            Correlation Matrix: 
        0             1             2        
0   1.000000000  -0.948314953   0.817827047  
1  -0.948314953   1.000000000  -0.646669093  
2   0.817827047  -0.646669093   1.000000000  

# vectors in multivariate sequence: 500000
CorrMtrx[1][0] = -0.94873295551488; relerr = 5.23435634081082E-05
CorrMtrx[2][0] = 0.81728795761655; relerr = 0.000969234540976194
CorrMtrx[2][1] = -0.646929884520875; relerr = 0.00221946756529401
            Correlation Matrix: 
        0             1             2        
0   1.000000000  -0.948732956   0.817287958  
1  -0.948732956   1.000000000  -0.646929885  
2   0.817287958  -0.646929885   1.000000000  

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