Linear Systems¶
Linear Equations with Full Matrices¶
Factor, Solve, and Inverse for General Matrices¶
Real matrices linSolGen
Complex matrices linSolGenComplex
Factor, Solve, and Inverse for Positive Definite Matrices¶
Real matrices linSolPosdef
Complex matrices linSolPosdefComplex
Linear Equations with Band Matrices¶
Factor and Solve for Band Matrices¶
Real matrices linSolGenBand
Complex matrices linSolGenBandComplex
Factor and Solve for Positive Definite Matrices Symmetric¶
Real matrices linSolPosdefBand
Complex matrices linSolPosdefBandComplex
Linear Equations with General Sparse Matrices¶
Factor and Solve for Sparse Matrices I¶
Real matrices linSolGenCoordinate
Complex matrices linSolGenCoordinateComplex
OpenMP-based parallel Factor and Solve for Sparse Matrices¶
Real Matrices superluSmp
Complex Matrices superluSmpComplex
Factor and Solve for Positive Definite Matrices¶
Real matrices linSolPosdefCoordinate
Complex matrices linSolPosdefCoordinateComplex
OpenMP-based parallel Factor and Solve for Positive Definite Matrices¶
Real Matrices sparseCholeskySmp
Complex Matrices sparseCholeskySmpComplex
Iterative Methods¶
Restarted generalized minimum residual (GMRES) method linSolGenMinResidual
Conjugate gradient method linSolDefCg
Linear Least-squares with Full Matrices¶
Least-squares and QR decomposition¶
Least-squares solve, QR decomposition linLeastSquaresGen
Non-negative least squares solution nonnegLeastSquares
Linear constraints linLsqLinConstraints
Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF)¶
Non-negative matrix factorization solution nonnegMatrixFactorization
Singular Value Decompositions (SVD) and Generalized Inverse¶
Real matrix linSvdGen
Complex matrix linSvdGenComplex
Factor, Solve, and Generalized Inverse for Positive Semidefinite Matrices¶
Real matrices linSolNonnegdef