
Solves a sparse linear programming problem by an infeasible primal-dual interior-point method.


sparseLinProg (a, b, c)

Required Arguments

a[[]] (Input)
An array of length nza containing the location and value of each nonzero coefficient in the constraint matrix A.
float b[] (Input)
An array of length m containing the right-hand side of the constraints; if there are limits on both sides of the constraints, then b contains the lower limit of the constraints.
float c[] (Input)
An array of length n containing the coefficients of the objective function.

Return Value

An array of length n containing the solution x of the linear programming problem. If no solution can be computed, then None is returned.

Optional Arguments

constrType, int[] (Input)

An array of length m containing the types of general constraints in the matrix A. Let \(r_i=a_{i1} x_1+\ldots+a_{in} x_n\). Then, the value of constrType[i] signifies the following:

constrType[i] Constraint
0 \(r_i=b_i\)
1 \(r_i\leq b_i\)
2 \(r_i\geq b_i\)
3 \(b_i\leq r_i \leq upperLimit_i\)
4 Ignore this constraint

Note that constrType[i] = 3 should only be used for constraints i with both finite lower and finite upper bound. For one-sided constraints, use constrType[i] = 1 or constrType[i] = 2. For free constraints, use constrType[i] = 4.

Default: constrType = 0

upperLimit, float[] (Input)

Array of length m containing the upper limit of the constraints that have both a lower and an upper bound. If such a constraint exists, then optional argument constrType must be used to define the type of the constraints. If constrType[i]≠ 3, i.e. if constraint i is not two-sided, then the corresponding entry in upperLimit, upperLimit[i], is ignored.

Default: None of the constraints has an upper bound.

lowerBound, float[] (Input)

An array of length n containing the lower bound on the variables. If there is no lower bound on a variable, then \(-10^{30}\) should be set as the lower bound.

Default: lowerBound = 0.

upperBound, float[] (Input)

An array of length n containing the upper bound on the variables. If there is no upper bound on a variable, then \(10^{30}\) should be set as the upper bound.

Default: None of the variables has an upper bound.

objConstant, float (Input)

Value of the constant term in the objective function.

Default: objConstant = 0.

preordering, int (Input)

The variant of the Minimum Degree Ordering (MDO) algorithm used in the preordering of the normal equations or augmented system matrix:

preordering Method
0 A variant of the MDO algorithm using pivotal cliques.
1 A variant of George and Liu’s Quotient Minimum Degree algorithm.

Default: preordering = 0.

maxIterations, int (Input)

The maximum number of iterations allowed for the primal-dual solver.

Default: maxIterations = 200.

optTol, float (Input)

The relative optimality tolerance.

Default: optTol = 1.0e-10.

prinfTol, float (Input)

The primal infeasibility tolerance.

Default: prinfTol = 1.0e-8.

dlinfTol, float (Input)

The dual infeasibility tolerance.

Default: dlinfTol = 1.0e-8.

t_print, int (Input)

Printing option.

t_print Action
0 No printing is performed.
1 Prints statistics on the LP problem and the solution process.

Default: t_print = 0.

presolve, int (Input)

Presolve the LP problem in order to reduce the problem size or to detect infeasibility or unboundedness of the problem. Depending on the number of presolve techniques used different presolve levels can be chosen:

presolve Description
0 No presolving.
1 Eliminate singleton rows
2 Additionally to 1, eliminate redundant (and forcing) rows.
3 Additionally to 2, eliminate dominated variables.
4 Additionally to 3, eliminate singleton columns.
5 Additionally to 4, eliminate doubleton rows.
6 Additionally to 5, eliminate aggregate columns.

Default: presolve =0.

cscFormat, int aColptr[], int aRowind[], float aValues[] (Input)

Accept the constraint matrix A in Harwell-Boeing format. See (Compressed Sparse Column (CSC) Format) in the Introduction to this manual for a discussion of this storage scheme.

If this optional argument is used, then required argument a is ignored.

terminationStatus (Output)
The termination status for the problem.
terminationStatus Description
0 Optimal solution found.
1 The problem is primal infeasible (or dual unbounded).
2 The problem is primal unbounded (or dual infeasible).
3 Suboptimal solution found (accuracy problems).
4 Iterations limit maxIterations exceeded.
5 An error outside of the solution phase of the algorithm, e.g., a user input or a memory allocation error.
obj (Output)
Optimal value of the objective function.
iterationCount (Output)
The number of iterations required by the primal-dual solver.
dual (Output)
An internally allocated array of length m containing the dual solution.
primalInfeas (Output)
The violation of the primal constraints, described by err_b, the primal infeasibility of the solution, and by err_u, the violation of the variable bounds.
dualInfeas (Output)
The violation of the dual constraints, described by err_c, the dual infeasibility of the solution.
cpRatioSmallest (Output)
The ratio of the smallest complementarity product to the average.
cpRatioLargest (Output)
The ratio of the largest complementarity product to the average.


The function sparseLinProg uses an infeasible primal-dual interior-point method to solve linear programming problems, i.e., problems of the form

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} \min\limits_{x \in R^n} c^T x \\ \text{subject to } \begin{array}[t]{l} & b_1 \leq Ax \leq b_u \\ & x_1 \leq x \leq x_u \\ \end{array} \end{array}\end{split}\]

where c is the objective coefficient vector, A is the coefficient matrix, and the vectors \(b_l\), \(b_u\), \(x_l\), and \(x_u\) are the lower and upper bounds on the constraints and the variables, respectively.

Internally, sparseLinProg transforms the problem given by the user into a simpler form that is computationally more tractable. After redefining the notation, the new form reads

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} \min\limits_{x \in R^n} c^T x \\ \text{subject to } \begin{array}[t]{l} & Ax = b \\ & x_i + s_i = u_i, \phantom{..} x_i,s_i \geq 0, & i \in I_u \\ & x_j \geq 0, & j \in I_s. \\ \end{array} \end{array}\end{split}\]

Here, \(I_u\cup I_s=\{ 1,\ldots,n \}\) is a partition of the index set \(\{ 1,\ldots,n \}\) into upper bounded and standard variables.

In order to simplify the description it is assumed in the following that the problem above contains only variables with upper bounds, i.e. is of the form

\[\begin{split}(P)\phantom{...} \begin{array}{l} \min c^T x \\ \text{subject to } \begin{array}[t]{l} & Ax = b, \\ & x+s=u, \\ & x,s \geq 0. \\ \end{array} \end{array}\end{split}\]

The corresponding dual problem is then

\[\begin{split}(D)\phantom{...} \begin{array}{l} \max b^T y - u^T w \\ \text{subject to } \begin{array}[t]{l} & A^T y + z - w = c, \\ & z,w \geq 0. \\ \end{array} \end{array}\end{split}\]

The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions for (P) and (D) are

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ll} Ax = b, & (1.1) \\ x + s = u, & (1.2) \\ A^Ty + z - w = c, & (1.3) \\ XZe = 0, & (1.4) \\ SWe = 0, & (1.5) \\ x,z,s,w \geq 0, & (1.6)\\ \end{array}\end{split}\]

where \(X=\mathit{diag}(x),Z=\mathit{diag}(z),S=\mathit{diag}(s),W=\mathit{diag}(w)\) are diagonal matrices and \(e=(1,\ldots,1)^T\) is a vector of ones.

Function sparseLinProg, like all infeasible interior point methods, generates a sequence

\[\left(x_k,s_k,y_k,z_k,w_k\right), \phantom{...} k=0,1, \ldots\]

of iterates, that satisfy \(\left( x_k,s_k,y_k,z_k,w_k \right)>0\) for all \(k\), but are in general not feasible, i.e. the linear constraints (1.1)-(1.3) are only satisfied in the limiting case \(k\to\infty\).

The barrier parameter \(\mu\), defined by

\[\mu = \frac{x^T z + s^T w}{2n}\]

measures how good the complementarity conditions (1.4), (1.5) are satisfied.

Mehrotra’s predictor-corrector algorithm is a variant of Newton’s method applied to the KKT conditions (1.1)-(1.5). Function sparseLinProg uses a modified version of this algorithm to compute the iterates \(\left( x_k,s_k,y_k,z_k,w_k \right)\). In every step of the algorithm, the search direction vector

\[\mathit{\Delta} := (\mathit{\Delta}x, \mathit{\Delta}s, \mathit{\Delta}y, \mathit{\Delta}z, \mathit{\Delta}w)\]

is decomposed into two parts, \(\mathit{\Delta}=\mathit{\Delta}_a+\mathit{\Delta}_c^\omega\), where \(\mathit{\Delta}_a\) and \(\Delta_c^\omega\) denote the affine-scaling and a weighted centering component, respectively. Here,

\[\mathit{\Delta}_c^{\omega} := ( \omega_P \mathit{\Delta}x_c, \omega_P \mathit{\Delta}s_c, \omega_P \mathit{\Delta}y_c, \omega_P \mathit{\Delta}z_c, \omega_P \mathit{\Delta}w_c)\]

where \(\omega_P\) and \(\omega_D\) denote the primal and dual corrector weights, respectively.

The vectors \(\mathit{\Delta}_a\) and \(\mathit{\Delta}_c :=\left( \mathit{\Delta}x_c,\mathit{\Delta}s_c,\mathit{\Delta}y_c,\mathit{\Delta}z_c,\mathit{\Delta}w_c \right)\) are determined by solving the linear system

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} A & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ I & 0 & I & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & A^T & 0 & I & -I \\ Z & 0 & 0 & X & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & W & 0 & S \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathit{\Delta}x \\ \mathit{\Delta}y \\ \mathit{\Delta}s \\ \mathit{\Delta}z \\ \mathit{\Delta}w \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} r_b \\ r_u \\ r_c \\ r_{xz} \\ r_{ws} \\ \end{bmatrix} \phantom{...} (2)\end{split}\]

for two different right-hand sides.

For \(\mathit{\Delta}_a\), the right-hand side is defined as

\[\left(r_b,r_u,r_c,r_{xz},r_{ws}\right) = \left(b-Ax, u-x-s, c-A^T y-z+w, -XZe, -WSe\right).\]

Here, \(r_b\) and \(r_u\) are the violations of the primal constraints and \(r_c\) defines the violations of the dual constraints.

The resulting direction \(\mathit{\Delta}_a\) is the pure Newton step applied to the system (1.1)-(1.5).

In order to obtain the corrector direction \(\mathit{\Delta}_c\), the maximum stepsizes \(\alpha_{Pa}\) in the primal and \(\alpha_{Da}\) in the dual space preserving nonnegativity of \((x,s)\) and \((z,w)\) respectively, are determined and the predicted complementarity gap

\[g_a = \left(x + \alpha_{Pa} \mathit{\Delta}x_a\right)^T \left(z + \alpha_{Da} \mathit{\Delta}z_a\right) + \left(s + \alpha_{Pa} \mathit{\Delta}s_a\right)^T \left(w + \alpha_{Da} \mathit{\Delta}w_a\right)\]

is computed. It is then used to determine the barrier parameter

\[\hat{\mu} = \left(\frac{g_a}{g}\right)^2 \frac{g_a}{2n},\]

where \(g=x^Tz+s^Tw\) denotes the current complementarity gap.

The direction \(\mathit{\Delta}_c\) is then computed by choosing

\[\left(r_b,r_u,r_c,r_{xz},r_{sw}\right) = \left(0,0,0,\hat{\mu}e - \mathit{\Delta}X_a \mathit{\Delta}Z_a e, \hat{\mu} e - \mathit{\Delta}W_a \mathit{\Delta}S_a e\right)\]

as the right-hand side in the linear system (2).

Function sparseLinProg now uses a linesearch to find the optimal weight \(\hat{\omega}=\left( \hat{\omega}_P,\hat{\omega}_D \right)\) that maximizes the stepsizes \(\left( \alpha_P,\alpha_D \right)\) in the primal and dual directions of \(\mathit{\Delta}=\mathit{\Delta}_a+\mathit{\Delta}_c^{\omega}\), respectively.

A new iterate is then computed using a step reduction factor \(\alpha_0=0.99995\):

\[\left(x_{k+1},s_{k+1},y_{k+1},z_{k+1},w_{k+1}\right) = \left(x_k,s_k,y_k,z_k,w_k\right) + \alpha_0\left( \alpha_P\mathit{\Delta}x, \alpha_P\mathit{\Delta}s, \alpha_D\mathit{\Delta}y, \alpha_D\mathit{\Delta}z, \alpha_D\mathit{\Delta}w \right)\]

In addition to the weighted Mehrotra predictor-corrector, sparseLinProg also uses multiple centrality correctors to enlarge the primal-dual stepsizes per iteration step and to reduce the overall number of iterations required to solve an LP problem. The maximum number of centrality corrections depends on the ratio of the factorization and solve efforts for system (2) and is therefore problem dependent. For a detailed description of multiple centrality correctors, refer to Gondzio(1994).

The linear system (2) can be reduced to more compact forms, the augmented system (AS)

\[\begin{split}\begin{bmatrix} -\mathit{\Theta}^{-1} & A^T \\ A & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathit{\Delta}x \\ \mathit{\Delta}y \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} r \\ h \end{bmatrix} \phantom{...}(3)\end{split}\]

or further by elimination of \(\mathit{\Delta}x\) to the normal equations (NE) system

\[A \mathit{\Theta} A^T \mathit{\Delta} y = A \mathit{\Theta} r + h, \phantom{.....} (4)\]


\[\theta = \left(X^{-1}Z + S^{-1}W\right)^{-1}, r = r_c - X^{-1}r_{xz} + S^{-1}r_{ws} - S^{-1}Wr_u, h = r_b.\]

The matrix on the left-hand side of (3), which is symmetric indefinite, can be transformed into a symmetric quasidefinite matrix by regularization. Since these types of matrices allow for a Cholesky-like factorization, the resulting linear system can be solved easily for \(( \mathit{\Delta} x,\mathit{\Delta} y )\) by triangular substitutions. For more information on the regularization technique, see Altman and Gondzio (1998). For the NE system, matrix \(A \Theta A^T\) is positive definite, and therefore a sparse Cholesky algorithm can be used to factor \(A \Theta A^T\) and solve the system for \(\mathit{\Delta}y\) by triangular substitutions with the Cholesky factor \(L\).

In function sparseLinProg, both approaches are implemented. The AS approach is chosen if \(A\) contains dense columns, if there is a considerable number of columns in \(A\) that are much denser than the remaining ones or if there are many more rows than columns in the structural part of \(A\). Otherwise, the NE approach is selected.

Function sparseLinProg stops with optimal termination status if the current iterate satisfies the following three conditions:

\[\frac{\mu}{1+0.5 \left(\left|c^Tx\right| + \left|b^Ty-u^Tw\right|\right)} \leq \mathrm{optTol}\]
\[\frac{\|(b-Ax, x+s-u)\|}{1 + \|(b,u)\|} \leq \mathrm{prinfTol} \text{, and } \frac{\|c - A^Ty - z + w\|}{1+\|c\|} \leq \mathrm{dlinfTol},\]

where prinfTol, dlinfTol and optTol are primal infeasibility, dual infeasibility and optimality tolerances, respectively. The default value is 1.0e-10 for optTol and 1.0e-8 for the two other tolerances.

Function sparseLinProg is based on the code HOPDM developed by Jacek Gondzio et al., see the HOPDM User’s Guide (1995).


Example 1

The linear programming problem

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} \min f(x) = 2x_1 - 8x_2 + 3x_3 \\ \text{subject to } \begin{array}[t]{l} & x_1 + 3x_2 & \leq 3 \\ & 2x_2 + 3x_3 & \leq 6 \\ & x_1 + x_2 + x_3 & \geq 2 \\ & -1 \leq x_1 \leq 5 \\ & 0 \leq x_2 \leq 7 \\ & 0 \leq x_3 \leq 9 \\ \end{array} \\ \end{array}\end{split}\]

is solved.

from __future__ import print_function
from numpy import *
from pyimsl.math.sparseLinProg import sparseLinProg
from pyimsl.math.writeMatrix import writeMatrix

m = 2
n = 3
a = [[0, 0, 1.0],
     [0, 1, 3.0],
     [1, 1, 2.0],
     [1, 2, 3.0],
     [2, 0, 1.0],
     [2, 1, 1.0],
     [2, 2, 1.0]]
b = [3.0, 6.0, 2.0]
c = [2.0, -8.0, 3.0]
xlb = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
xub = [5.0, 7.0, 9.0]
irtype = [1, 1, 2]
obj = []

x = sparseLinProg(a, b, c, constrType=irtype,
                  lowerBound=xlb, upperBound=xub,
writeMatrix("x", x)
print("\nObjective: %f" % obj[0])


Objective: -6.000000
          1            2            3
     -0.375        1.125        1.250

Example 2

This example demonstrates how the function readMps can be used with sparseLinProg to solve a linear programming problem defined in an MPS file. The MPS file used in this example is an uncompressed version of the file ‘afiro’, available from

from __future__ import print_function
from numpy import *
from pyimsl.math.sparseLinProg import sparseLinProg
from pyimsl.math.readMps import readMps
from pyimsl.math.writeMatrix import writeMatrix

# Read the QPS file.
problem = readMps("afiro.mps")

m = problem[0].nrows
n = problem[0].ncolumns

# Setup the constraint matrix.
a = []
nza = problem[0].nonzeros
for k in range(nza):

# Setup constraint bounds and constraint type array.
irtype = empty(m, dtype=int)
bl = empty(m, dtype=double)
bu = empty(m, dtype=double)
for i in range(m):
    if ((problem[0].lower_range[i] == problem[0].negative_infinity)
            and (problem[0].upper_range[i] == problem[0].positive_infinity)):
        bl[i] = problem[0].negative_infinity
        bu[i] = problem[0].positive_infinity
        irtype[i] = 4
    elif (problem[0].lower_range[i] == problem[0].negative_infinity):
        bl[i] = problem[0].upper_range[i]
        bu[i] = problem[0].positive_infinity
        irtype[i] = 1
    elif (problem[0].upper_range[i] == problem[0].positive_infinity):
        bl[i] = problem[0].lower_range[i]
        bu[i] = problem[0].positive_infinity
        irtype[i] = 2
        if (problem[0].lower_range[i] == problem[0].upper_range[i]):
            bl[i] = problem[0].lower_range[i]
            bu[i] = problem[0].positive_infinity
            irtype[i] = 0
            bl[i] = problem[0].lower_range[i]
            bu[i] = problem[0].upper_range[i]
            irtype[i] = 3

# Set up variable bounds. Be sure to account for
# how unbounded variables should be set.
xlb = empty(n, dtype=double)
xub = empty(n, dtype=double)
c = empty(n, dtype=double)
for i in range(n):
    if problem[0].lower_bound[i] == problem[0].negative_infinity:
        xlb[i] = -1.0e30
        xlb[i] = problem[0].lower_bound[i]
    if problem[0].upper_bound[i] == problem[0].positive_infinity:
        xub[i] = 1.0e30
        xub[i] = problem[0].upper_bound[i]
    c[i] = problem[0].objective[i]
# Solve the LP problem.
obj = []
x = sparseLinProg(a, bl, c,
                  lowerBound=xlb, upperBound=xub,
                  obj=obj, presolve=6)

print("Problem Name: ", problem[0].name.decode("utf-8"))
print("objective : %15.10e" % obj[0])
writeMatrix("Solution", x)


Problem Name:  AFIRO    
objective : -4.6475314284e+02
          1            2            3            4            5            6
       80.0         25.5         54.5         84.8         65.4          0.0
          7            8            9           10           11           12
        0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0
         13           14           15           16           17           18
       18.2         47.2         69.4        500.0        475.9         24.1
         19           20           21           22           23           24
        0.0        215.0        141.7          0.0          0.0          0.0
         25           26           27           28           29           30
        0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0        339.9        242.3
         31           32
       60.9          0.0

Warning Errors

IMSL_ALL_FEAS_SOLS_OPTIMAL The coefficients of the objective function are all equal to zero. Every feasible solution is also optimal.
IMSL_SUBOPTIMAL_SOL_FOUND A suboptimal solution was found after #iterations.
IMSL_MAX_ITERATIONS_REACHED_1 The maximum number of iterations was reached. The best answer will be returned. “#”=#was used, a larger value may help complete the algorithm.

Fatal Errors

IMSL_PRIMAL_UNBOUNDED The primal problem is unbounded.
IMSL_PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE The primal problem is infeasible.
IMSL_DUAL_INFEASIBLE The dual problem is infeasible.
IMSL_INIT_SOL_INFEASIBLE The initial solution for the one-row linear program is infeasible.
IMSL_PROB_UNBOUNDED The problem is unbounded.
IMSL_DIAG_WEIGHT_TOO_SMALL The diagonal element #[#]=#of the diagonal weight matrix #is too small.
IMSL_CHOL_FAC_ACCURACY The Cholesky factorization failed because of accuracy problems.