
Analyzes a balanced factorial design with fixed effects.


anovaFactorial (nLevels, y)

Required Arguments

int nLevels (Input)
Array of length nSubscripts containing the number of levels for each of the factors for the first nSubscripts − 1 elements. nLevels [nSubscripts − 1] is the number of observations per cell.
float y[] (Input)
Array of length nLevels [0]*nLevels [1] × … *nLevels [nSubscripts − 1] containing the responses. Argument y must not contain NaN for any of its elements; i.e., missing values are not allowed.

Return Value

The p-value for the overall F test.

Optional Arguments

modelOrder, int (Input)
Number of factors to be included in the highest-way interaction in the model. Argument modelOrder must be in the interval [1, nSubscripts − 1]. For example, a modelOrder of 1 indicates that a main effect model will be analyzed, and a modelOrder of 2 indicates that two-way interactions will be included in the model. Default: modelOrder = nSubscripts − 1.

pureError (Input)


poolInteractions (Input)
pureError, the default option, indicates factor nSubscripts is error. Its main effect and all its interaction effects are pooled into the error with the other (modelOrder + 1)-way and higher-way interactions. poolInteractions indicates factor nSubscripts is not error. Only (modelOrder + 1)-way and higher-way interactions are included in the error.
anovaTable (Output)

An array of size 15 containing the analysis of variance table. The analysis of variance statistics are given as follows:

Element Analysis of Variance Statistics
0 Degrees of freedom for the model.
1 Degrees of freedom for error.
2 Total (corrected) degrees of freedom.
3 Sum of squares for the model.
4 Sum of squares for error.
5 Total (corrected) sum of squares.
6 Model mean square.
7 Error mean square.
8 Overall F-statistic.
9 p-value.
10 \(R^2\) (in percent).
11 Adjusted \(R^2\) (in percent).
12 Estimate of the standard deviation.
13 Overall mean of y.
14 Coefficient of variation (in percent).

Note that the p‑value is returned as 0.0 when the value is so small that all significant digits have been lost.

testEffects (Output)

An NEF × 4 array containing a matrix containing statistics relating to the sums of squares for the effects in the model. Here,

\[\mathrm{NEF} = \binom{n}{1} + \binom{n}{2} + \ldots + \binom{n}{\min(n,|\mathrm{modelOrder}|)}\]

where n is given by nSubscripts if poolInteractions is specified; otherwise, nSubscripts − 1.

Suppose the factors are A, B, C, and error. With modelOrder = 3, rows 0 through NEF − 1 would correspond to A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, and ABC, respectively. The columns of testEffects are as follows:

Column Description
0 Degrees of freedom.
1 Sum of squares.
2 F-statistic.
3 p-value.

Note that the p‑value is returned as 0.0 when the value is so small that all significant digits have been lost.

means (Output)

An array of length (nLevels [0] + 1) × (nLevels [1] + 1) × … × (nLevels[n − 1] + 1) containing the subgroup means.

See argument testEffects for a definition of n. If the factors are A, B, C, and error, the ordering of the means is grand mean, A means, B means, C means, AB means, AC means, BC means, and ABC means.


Function anovaFactorial performs an analysis for an n-way classification design with balanced data. For balanced data, there must be an equal number of responses in each cell of the n-way layout. The effects are assumed to be fixed effects. The model is an extension of the two-way model to include n factors. The interactions (two-way, three-way, up to n-way) can be included in the model, or some of the higher-way interactions can be pooled into error. The argument modelOrder specifies the number of factors to be included in the highest-way interaction. For example, if three-way and higher-way interactions are to be pooled into error, set modelOrder = 2. (By default, modelOrder = nSubscripts − 1 with the last subscript being the error subscript.) Argument pureError indicates there are repeated responses within the n-way cell; poolInteractions indicates otherwise.

Function anovaFactorial requires the responses as input into a single vector y in lexicographical order, so that the response subscript associated with the first factor varies least rapidly, followed by the subscript associated with the second factor, and so forth. Hemmerle (1967, Chapter 5) discusses the computational method.


Example 1

A two-way analysis of variance is performed with balanced data discussed by Snedecor and Cochran (1967, Table 12.5.1, p. 347). The responses are the weight gains (in grams) of rats that were fed diets varying in the source (A) and level (B) of protein. The model is

\[y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \gamma_{ij} + \varepsilon_{ijk} \phantom{...} i=1,2; \phantom{...} j=1,2,3; \phantom{...} k=1,2,\ldots,10\]


\[\sum_{i=1}^{2} \alpha_i = 0; \sum_{j=1}^{3} \beta_j = 0; \sum_{i=1}^{2} \gamma_{ij} = 0 \text{ for } j = 1,2,3; \text{ and } \sum_{j=1}^{3} \gamma_{ij} = 0\]

for i = 1, 2. The first responses in each cell in the two-way layout are given in the following table:

  Protein Source (A)
Protein Level (B) Beef Cereal Pork
High 73, 102, 118, 104, 81, 107, 100, 87, 117, 111 98, 74, 56, 111, 95, 88, 82, 77, 86, 92 94, 79, 96, 98, 102, 102, 108, 91, 120, 105
Low 90, 76, 90, 64, 86, 51, 72, 90, 95, 78 107, 95, 97, 80, 98, 74, 74, 67, 89, 58 49, 82, 73, 86, 81, 97, 106, 70, 61, 82
from __future__ import print_function
from numpy import *
from pyimsl.stat.anovaFactorial import anovaFactorial

n_levels = [3, 2, 10]
y = [73., 102., 118., 104., 81., 107., 100., 87., 117., 111.,
     90., 76., 90., 64., 86., 51., 72., 90., 95., 78.,
     98., 74., 56., 111., 95., 88., 82., 77., 86., 92.,
     107., 95., 97., 80., 98., 74., 74., 67., 89., 58.,
     94., 79., 96., 98., 102., 102., 108., 91., 120., 105.,
     49., 82., 73., 86., 81., 97., 106., 70., 61., 82.]

p_value = anovaFactorial(n_levels, y)

print("P-value = %10.6f" % p_value)


P-value =   0.002299

Example 2

In this example, the same model and data is fit as in the initial example, but optional arguments are used for a more complete analysis.

from __future__ import print_function
from numpy import *
from pyimsl.stat.anovaFactorial import anovaFactorial
from pyimsl.stat.writeMatrix import writeMatrix

n_subscripts = 3
n_levels = [3, 2, 10]
y = [73., 102., 118., 104., 81., 107., 100., 87., 117., 111.,
     90., 76., 90., 64., 86., 51., 72., 90., 95., 78.,
     98., 74., 56., 111., 95., 88., 82., 77., 86., 92.,
     107., 95., 97., 80., 98., 74., 74., 67., 89., 58.,
     94., 79., 96., 98., 102., 102., 108., 91., 120., 105.,
     49., 82., 73., 86., 81., 97., 106., 70., 61., 82.]
labels = ["degrees of freedom for the model",
          "degrees of freedom for error",
          "total (corrected) degrees of freedom",
          "sum of squares for the model",
          "sum of squares for error",
          "total (corrected) sum of squares",
          "model mean square", "error mean square",
          "F-statistic", "p-value",
          "R-squared (in percent)", "Adjusted R-squared (in percent)",
          "est. standard deviation of the model error",
          "overall mean of y",
          "coefficient of variation (in percent)"]
test_row_labels = ["A", "B", "A*B"]
test_col_labels = ["Source", "DF", "Sum of\nSquares",
                   "Mean\nSquare", "Prob. of\nLarger F"]
mean_row_labels = ["grand mean",
                   "A1", "A2", "A3",
                   "B1", "B2",
                   "A1*B1", "A1*B2", "A2*B1",
                   "A2*B2", "A3*B1", "A3*B2"]

# Perform analysis
anova_table = []
test_effects = []
means = []
p_value = anovaFactorial(n_levels, y,

# Print results
print("P-value = %10.6f" % p_value)
writeMatrix("* * * Analysis of Variance * * *",
            anova_table, rowLabels=labels, writeFormat="%11.4f", column=True)
writeMatrix("* * * Variation Due to the Model * * *",
            test_effects, rowLabels=test_row_labels,
            colLabels=test_col_labels, writeFormat="%11.4f")
writeMatrix("* * * Subgroup Means * * *", means,
            writeFormat="%11.4f", column=True)
tmpLen = 1
for i in range(0, len(n_levels) - 1):
    tmpLen = tmpLen * (n_levels[i] + 1)


P-value =   0.002299
           * * * Analysis of Variance * * *
degrees of freedom for the model                 5.0000
degrees of freedom for error                    54.0000
total (corrected) degrees of freedom            59.0000
sum of squares for the model                  4612.9333
sum of squares for error                     11586.0000
total (corrected) sum of squares             16198.9333
model mean square                              922.5867
error mean square                              214.5556
F-statistic                                      4.3000
p-value                                          0.0023
R-squared (in percent)                          28.4768
Adjusted R-squared (in percent)                 21.8543
est. standard deviation of the model error      14.6477
overall mean of y                               87.8667
coefficient of variation (in percent)           16.6704
          * * * Variation Due to the Model * * *
Source           DF       Sum of         Mean     Prob. of
                         Squares       Square     Larger F
A            2.0000     266.5333       0.6211       0.5411
B            1.0000    3168.2667      14.7666       0.0003
A*B          2.0000    1178.1333       2.7455       0.0732
* * * Subgroup Means * * *
  grand mean      87.8667
  A1              89.6000
  A2              84.9000
  A3              89.1000
  B1              95.1333
  B2              80.6000
  A1*B1          100.0000
  A1*B2           79.2000
  A2*B1           85.9000
  A2*B2           83.9000
  A3*B1           99.5000
  A3*B2           78.7000

Example 3

This example performs a three-way analysis of variance using data discussed by Peter W.M. John (1971, pp. 91−92). The responses are weights (in grams) of roots of carrots grown with varying amounts of applied nitrogen (A), potassium (B), and phosphorus (C). Each cell of the three-way layout has one response. Note that the ABC interactions sum of squares, which is 186, is given incorrectly by Peter W.M. John (1971, Table 5.2.) The three-way layout is given in the following table:

  \(A_0\) \(A_1\) \(A_2\)
  \(B_0\) \(B_1\) \(B_2\) \(B_0\) \(B_1\) \(B_2\) \(B_0\) \(B_1\) \(B_2\)
\(C_0\) 88.76 91.41 97.85 94.83 100.49 99.75 99.90 100.23 104.51
\(C_1\) 87.45 98.27 95.85 84.57 97.20 112.30 92.98 107.77 110.94
\(C_2\) 86.01 104.20 90.09 81.06 120.80 108.77 94.72 118.39 102.87
from __future__ import print_function
from numpy import *
from pyimsl.stat.anovaFactorial import anovaFactorial
from pyimsl.stat.writeMatrix import writeMatrix

n_levels = [3, 3, 3]
y = [88.76, 87.45, 86.01, 91.41, 98.27, 104.2, 97.85, 95.85,
     90.09, 94.83, 84.57, 81.06, 100.49, 97.2, 120.8, 99.75,
     112.3, 108.77, 99.9, 92.98, 94.72, 100.23, 107.77, 118.39,
     104.51, 110.94, 102.87]
labels = ["degrees of freedom for the model",
          "degrees of freedom for error",
          "total (corrected) degrees of freedom",
          "sum of squares for the model",
          "sum of squares for error",
          "total (corrected) sum of squares",
          "model mean square",
          "error mean square",
          "F-statistic", "p-value",
          "R-squared (in percent)",
          "Adjusted R-squared (in percent)",
          "est. standard deviation of the model error",
          "overall mean of y",
          "coefficient of variation (in percent)"]
test_row_labels = ["A", "B", "C", "A*B", "A*C", "B*C"]
test_col_labels = ["Source", "DF", "Sum of\nSquares",
                   "Mean\nSquare", "Prob. of\nLarger F"]

# Perform analysis
anova_table = []
test_effects = []
p_value = anovaFactorial(n_levels, y,

# Print results
print("P-value = %10.6f" % p_value)
writeMatrix("* * * Analysis of Variance * * *",
            anova_table, rowLabels=labels, writeFormat="%11.4f", column=True)
writeMatrix("* * * Variation Due to the Model * * *",
            test_effects, rowLabels=test_row_labels,
            colLabels=test_col_labels, writeFormat="%11.4f")


P-value =   0.008299
           * * * Analysis of Variance * * *
degrees of freedom for the model                18.0000
degrees of freedom for error                     8.0000
total (corrected) degrees of freedom            26.0000
sum of squares for the model                  2395.7290
sum of squares for error                       185.7763
total (corrected) sum of squares              2581.5052
model mean square                              133.0961
error mean square                               23.2220
F-statistic                                      5.7315
p-value                                          0.0083
R-squared (in percent)                          92.8036
Adjusted R-squared (in percent)                 76.6116
est. standard deviation of the model error       4.8189
overall mean of y                               98.9619
coefficient of variation (in percent)            4.8695
          * * * Variation Due to the Model * * *
Source           DF       Sum of         Mean     Prob. of
                         Squares       Square     Larger F
A            2.0000     488.3675      10.5152       0.0058
B            2.0000    1090.6564      23.4832       0.0004
C            2.0000      49.1485       1.0582       0.3911
A*B          4.0000     142.5853       1.5350       0.2804
A*C          4.0000      32.3474       0.3482       0.8383
B*C          4.0000     592.6238       6.3800       0.0131