IMSLS_STAT, float*cvmstat (Output) The Cramer-von Mises statistic.
IMSLS_N_MISSING, int*nmiss (Output) The number of missing observations.
Given a data sample {Xi, i=1 .. n}, where n = nobs and Xi = x[i-1], function imsls_f_cvm_normality_test computes the Cramer-von Mises (CvM) normality statistic W = cvmstat and the corresponding Return Value (p-value) P=P == {probability that a normally distributed n element sample would have a CvM statistic > W}. If P is sufficiently small (e.g. P < .05), then the CvM test indicates that the null hypothesis that the data sample is normally-distributed should be rejected. W is calculated:
Where is the cumulative distribution function of standard normal N(0,1) distribution, , and and s are the sample mean and standard deviation respectively. P is calculated by first transforming W to an “n-adjusted” statistic W*:
and then calculating P in terms of W* using a parabolic approximation taken from Table 4.9 in Stephens (1986).
This example is taken from Conover (1980, pages 364 and 195). The data consists of 50 two digit numbers taken from a telephone book. The CvM test fails to reject the null hypothesis of normality at the .05 level of significance.