CNLMath : Linear Systems : lin_sol_gen

Solves a real general system of linear equations Ax = b. Using optional arguments, any of several related computations can be performed. These extra tasks include computing the LU factorization of A using partial pivoting, computing the inverse matrix A-1, solving ATx = b, or computing the solution of Ax = b given the LU factorization of A.
#include <imsl.h>
float *imsl_f_lin_sol_gen (int n, float a[], float b[], …, 0)
The type double function is imsl_d_lin_sol_gen.
Required Arguments
int n (Input)
Number of rows and columns in the matrix.
float a[] (Input)
Array of size n × n containing the matrix.
float b[] (Input)
Array of size n containing the right-hand side.
Return Value
A pointer to the solution x of the linear system Ax = b. To release this space, use imsl_free. If no solution was computed, then NULL is returned.
Synopsis with Optional Arguments
#include <imsl.h>
float *imsl_f_lin_sol_gen (int n, float a[], float b[],
IMSL_A_COL_DIM, int a_col_dim,
IMSL_RETURN_USER, float x[],
IMSL_FACTOR, int **p_pvt, float **p_factor,
IMSL_FACTOR_USER, int pvt[], float factor[],
IMSL_FAC_COL_DIM, int fac_col_dim,
IMSL_INVERSE, float **p_inva,
IMSL_INVERSE_USER, float inva[],
IMSL_INV_COL_DIM, int inva_col_dim,
IMSL_CONDITION, float *cond,
Optional Arguments
IMSL_A_COL_DIM, int a_col_dim (Input)
The column dimension of the array a.
Default: a_col_dim = n
Solve ATx = b.
Default: Solve Ax = b
IMSL_RETURN_USER, float x[] (Output)
A user-allocated array of length n containing the solution x.
IMSL_FACTOR, int **p_pvt, float **p_factor (Output)
int **p_pvt (Output)
The address of a pointer to an array of length n containing the pivot sequence for the factorization. On return, the necessary space is allocated by imsl_f_lin_sol_gen. Typically, int *p_pvt is declared, and &p_pvt is used as an argument.
float **p_factor (Output)
The address of a pointer to an array of size n × n containing the LU factorization of A with column pivoting. On return, the necessary space is allocated by imsl_f_lin_sol_gen. The lower-triangular part of this array contains information necessary to construct L, and the upper-triangular part contains U (see Example 2). Typically, float *p_factor is declared, and &p_factor is used as an argument.
IMSL_FACTOR_USER, int pvt[], float factor[] (Input/Output)
int pvt[] (Input/Output)
A user-allocated array of size n containing the pivot sequence for the factorization.
float factor[] (Input/Output)
A user-allocated array of size n × n containing the LU factorization of A. The strictly lower-triangular part of this array contains information necessary to construct L, and the upper-triangular part contains U (see Example 2). If A is not needed, factor and a can share the same storage.
These parameters are input if IMSL_SOLVE is specified. They are output otherwise.
IMSL_FAC_COL_DIM, int fac_col_dim (Input)
The column dimension of the array containing the LU factorization of A.
Default: fac_col_dim = n
IMSL_INVERSE, float **p_inva (Output)
The address of a pointer to an array of size n × n containing the inverse of the matrix A. On return, the necessary space is allocated by imsl_f_lin_sol_gen. Typically, float *p_inva is declared, and &p_inva is used as an argument.
IMSL_INVERSE_USER, float inva[] (Output)
A user-allocated array of size n × n containing the inverse of A.
IMSL_INV_COL_DIM, int inva_col_dim (Input)
The column dimension of the array containing the inverse of A.
Default: inva_col_dim = n
IMSL_CONDITION, float *cond (Output)
A pointer to a scalar containing an estimate of the L1 norm condition number of the matrix A. This option cannot be used with the option IMSL_SOLVE_ONLY.
Indicates if iterative refinement is desired.
No iterative refinement.
Do iterative refinement.
Default: refine = 0.
Compute the LU factorization of A with partial pivoting. If IMSL_FACTOR_ONLY is used, either IMSL_FACTOR or IMSL_FACTOR_USER is required. The argument b is then ignored, and the returned value of imsl_f_lin_sol_gen is NULL.
Solve Ax = b given the LU factorization previously computed by imsl_f_lin_sol_gen. By default, the solution to Ax = b is pointed to by imsl_f_lin_sol_gen. If IMSL_SOLVE_ONLY is used, argument IMSL_FACTOR_USER is required. If iterative refinement of the solution is desired, argument a must be present. Otherwise, a is ignored.
Compute the inverse of the matrix A. If IMSL_INVERSE_ONLY is used, either IMSL_INVERSE or IMSL_INVERSE_USER is required. The argument b is then ignored, and the returned value of imsl_f_lin_sol_gen is NULL.
The function imsl_f_lin_sol_gen solves a system of linear algebraic equations with a real coefficient matrix A. It first computes the LU factorization of A with partial pivoting such that L-1U. Let F be the matrix p_factor returned by optional argument IMSL_FACTOR. The triangular matrix U is stored in the upper triangle of F. The strict lower triangle of F contains the information needed to reconstruct L-1 using
The factors Pi and Li are defined by partial pivoting. Pi is the identity matrix with rows i and p_pvt[i‑1] interchanged. Li is the identity matrix with Fji , for j = i + 1, …, n, inserted below the diagonal in column i.
The factorization efficiency is based on a technique of “loop unrolling and jamming” by Dr. Leonard J. Harding of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The solution of the linear system is then found by solving two simpler systems, y = L-1b and x = U-1y. Additionally, the accuracy of the solution can be improved by iterative refinement. IMSL uses mixed precision iterative refinement in single precision and fixed precision iterative refinement in double precision. In double precision, the residuals b-Ax are computed with high accuracy using algorithms based on Ogita, Rump and Oishi (2005). When the solution to the linear system or the inverse of the matrix is sought, an estimate of the L1 condition number of A is computed using the same algorithm as in Dongarra et al. (1979). If the estimated condition number is greater than 1∕ε (where ε is the machine precision), a warning message is issued. This indicates that very small changes in A may produce large changes in the solution x. The function imsl_f_lin_sol_gen fails if U, the upper triangular part of the factorization, has a zero diagonal element.
Example 1
This example solves a system of three linear equations. This is the simplest use of the function. The equations follow below:
+ 3x
+ 3x
= 1
+ 3x
+ 4x
= 4
+ 4x
+ 3x
= 1
#include <imsl.h>
int main()
int n = 3;
float *x;
float a[] = {1.0, 3.0, 3.0,
1.0, 3.0, 4.0,
1.0, 4.0, 3.0};
float b[] = {1.0, 4.0, -1.0};
/* Solve Ax = b for x */
x = imsl_f_lin_sol_gen (n, a, b, 0);
/* Print x */
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Solution, x, of Ax = b", 1, 3, x, 0);
Solution, x, of Ax = b
1 2 3
-2 -2 3
Example 2
This example solves the transpose problem ATx = b and returns the LU factorization of A with partial pivoting. The same data as the initial example is used, except the solution x = A-Tb is returned in an array allocated in the main program. The L matrix is returned in implicit form.
#include <imsl.h>
int main()
int n = 3, pvt[3];
float factor[9];
float x[3];
float a[] = {1.0, 3.0, 3.0,
1.0, 3.0, 4.0,
1.0, 4.0, 3.0};
float b[] = {1.0, 4.0, -1.0};
/* Solve trans(A)*x = b for x */
imsl_f_lin_sol_gen (n, a, b,
IMSL_FACTOR_USER, pvt, factor,
/* Print x */
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Solution, x, of trans(A)x = b", 1, n, x, 0);
/* Print factors and pivot sequence */
imsl_f_write_matrix ("LU factors of A", n, n, factor, 0);
imsl_i_write_matrix ("Pivot sequence", 1, n, pvt, 0);
Solution, x, of trans(A)x = b
1 2 3
4 -4 1
LU factors of A
1 2 3
1 1 3 3
2 -1 1 0
3 -1 0 1
Pivot sequence
1 2 3
1 3 3
Reconstruction of L-1 and U from factor:
Pi is the identity matrix with row i and row pvt[i-1] interchanged.
pvt = 1, 3, 3
row 1 and row pvt[0], or row 1, are interchanged, which is still the identity matrix.
row 2 and row pvt[1], or row 3, are interchanged.
Li is the identity matrix with Fji, for j = i + 1, n, inserted below the diagonal in column i, where F is factor:
second and third elements of column 1 of factor are inserted below the diagonal in column 1.
third element of column 2 of factor is inserted below the diagonal in column 2.
U is the upper triangle of factor:
Example 3
This example computes the inverse of the 3 × 3 matrix A of the initial example and solves the same linear system. The matrix product C = A-1A is computed and printed. The function imsl_f_mat_mul_rect is used to compute C. The approximate result C = I is obtained.
#include <imsl.h>
float a[] = {1.0, 3.0, 3.0,
1.0, 3.0, 4.0,
1.0, 4.0, 3.0};
float b[] = {1.0, 4.0, -1.0};
int main()
int n = 3;
float *x;
float *p_inva;
float *C;
/* Solve Ax = b */
x = imsl_f_lin_sol_gen (n, a, b,
IMSL_INVERSE, &p_inva,
/* Print solution */
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Solution, x, of Ax = b", 1, n, x, 0);
/* Print input and inverse matrices */
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Input A", n, n, a, 0);
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Inverse of A", n, n, p_inva, 0);
/* Check result and print */
C = imsl_f_mat_mul_rect("A*B",
IMSL_A_MATRIX, n, n, p_inva,
IMSL_B_MATRIX, n, n, a,
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Product matrix, inv(A)*A",n,n,C,0);
Solution, x, of Ax = b
1 2 3
-2 -2 3
Input A
1 2 3
1 1 3 3
2 1 3 4
3 1 4 3
Inverse of A
1 2 3
1 7 -3 -3
2 -1 0 1
3 -1 1 0
Product matrix, inv(A)*A
1 2 3
1 1 0 0
2 0 1 0
3 0 0 1
Example 4
This example computes the solution of two systems. Only the right-hand sides differ. The matrix and first right-hand side are given in the initial example. The second right-hand side is the vector c = [0.5, 0.3, 0.4]T. The factorization information is computed with the first solution and is used to compute the second solution. The factorization work done in the first step is avoided in computing the second solution.
#include <imsl.h>
int main()
int n = 3, pvt[3];
float factor[9];
float *x,*y;
float a[] = {1.0, 3.0, 3.0,
1.0, 3.0, 4.0,
1.0, 4.0, 3.0};
float b[] = {1.0, 4.0, -1.0};
float c[] = {0.5, 0.3, 0.4};
/* Solve A*x = b for x */
x = imsl_f_lin_sol_gen (n, a, b,
IMSL_FACTOR_USER, pvt, factor,
/* Print x */
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Solution, x, of Ax = b", 1, n, x, 0);
/* Solve for A*y = c for y */
y = imsl_f_lin_sol_gen (n, a, c,
IMSL_FACTOR_USER, pvt, factor,
imsl_f_write_matrix ("Solution, y, of Ay = c", 1, n, y, 0);
Solution, x, of Ax = b
1 2 3
-2 -2 3
Solution, y, of Ay = c
1 2 3
1.4 -0.1 -0.2
Warning Errors
The input matrix is too ill-conditioned. An estimate of the reciprocal of its L1 condition number is “rcond” = #. The solution might not be accurate.
The input matrix is too ill-conditioned for iterative refinement to be effective.
Fatal Errors
The input matrix is singular.