Usage Notes
The majority of the functions in this chapter produce cubic piecewise polynomial or general spline functions that either interpolate or approximate given data or support the evaluation and integration of these functions. Two major subdivisions of functions are provided. The cubic spline functions begin with the prefix “cub_spline_” and use the piecewise polynomial representation described below. The spline functions begin with the prefix “spline_” and use the B-spline representation described below. Most of the spline functions are based on routines in the book by de Boor (1978).
We provide a few general purpose routines for general least-squares fit to data and a routine that produces an interpolant to two-dimensional scattered data.
Piecewise Polynomials
A univariate piecewise polynomial (function) p is specified by giving its breakpoint sequence ξ∈ℜ , the order k (degree k  1) of its polynomial pieces, and the k × (n - 1) matrix c of its local polynomial coefficients. In terms of this information, the piecewise polynomial (ppoly) function is given by
The breakpoint sequence ξ is assumed to be strictly increasing, and we extend the ppoly function to the entire real axis by extrapolation from the first and last intervals. This representation is redundant when the ppoly function is known to be smooth. For example, if p is known to be continuous, then we can compute c1,i+1 from the cii as follows:
For smooth ppoly, we prefer to use the nonredundant representation in terms of the “basis” or B-splines, at least when such a function is first to be determined.
Splines and B-Splines
B-splines provide a particularly convenient and suitable basis for a given class of smooth ppoly functions. Such a class is specified by giving its breakpoint sequence, its order k, and the required smoothness across each of the interior breakpoints. The corresponding B-spline basis is specified by giving its knot sequence t ε M. The specification rule is as follows: If the class is to have all derivatives up to and including the j-th derivative continuous across the interior breakpoint ξi, then the number ξi should occur k  j  1 times in the knot sequence. Assuming that ξ1 and ξn are the endpoints of the interval of interest, choose the first k knots equal to ξ1 and the last k knots equal to ξn. This can be done because the B-splines are defined to be right continuous near ξ1 and left continuous near ξn.
When the above construction is completed, a knot sequence t of length M is generated, and there are m: = M  k B-splines of order k, for example B0, Bm-1, spanning the ppoly functions on the interval with the indicated smoothness. That is, each ppoly function in this class has a unique representation
as a linear combination of B-splines. A B-spline is a particularly compact ppoly function. Bi is a nonnegative function that is nonzero only on the interval [ti,ti+k]. More precisely, the support of the i-th B-spline is [ti,ti+k]. No ppoly function in the same class (other than the zero function) has smaller support (i.e., vanishes on more intervals) than a B-spline. This makes B-splines particularly attractive basis functions since the influence of any particular B-spline coefficient extends only over a few intervals. When it is necessary to emphasize the dependence of the B-spline on its parameters, we will use the notation Bi,k,t to denote the i-th B-spline of order k for the knot sequence t.
Cubic Splines
Cubic splines are smooth (i.e., C0, C1 or C2), fourth-order ppoly functions. For historical and other reasons, cubic splines are the most heavily used ppoly functions. Therefore, we provide special functions for their construction and evaluation. These routines use the ppoly representation as described above for general ppoly functions (with k = 4).
We provide three cubic spline interpolation functions: imsl_f_cub_spline_interp_e_cnd, imsl_f_cub_spline_interp_shape, and imsl_f_cub_spline_tcb. The function imsl_f_cub_spline_interp_e_cnd allows the user to specify various endpoint conditions (such as the value of the first or second derivative at the right and left points). The natural cubic spline, for example, can be obtained using this function by setting the second derivative to zero at both endpoints. The function imsl_f_cub_spline_interp_shape is designed so that the shape of the curve matches the shape of the data. In particular, one option of this function preserves the convexity of the data while the default attempts to minimize oscillations. The function imsl_f_cub_spline_tcb allows the user to specify tension, continuity and bias parameters at each data point.
It is possible that the cubic spline interpolation functions will produce unsatisfactory results. For example, the interpolant may not have the shape required by the user, or the data may be noisy and require a least-squares fit. The interpolation function imsl_f_spline_interp is more flexible, as it allows you to choose the knots and order of the spline interpolant. We encourage the user to use this routine and exploit the flexibility provided.
Tensor Product Splines
The simplest method of obtaining multivariate interpolation and approximation functions is to take univariate methods and form a multivariate method via tensor products. In the case of two-dimensional spline interpolation, the derivation proceeds as follows. Let tx be a knot sequence for splines of order kx, and tv be a knot sequence for splines of order kv. Let Nx + kx be the length of tx, and Nv + kx be the length of tv. Then, the tensor-product spline has the following form.
Given two sets of points
for which the corresponding univariate interpolation problem can be solved, the tensor-product interpolation problem finds the coefficients cnm so that
This problem can be solved efficiently by repeatedly solving univariate interpolation problems as described in de Boor (1978, p. 347). Three-dimensional interpolation can be handled in an analogous manner. This chapter provides functions that compute the two-dimensional, tensor-product spline coefficients given two-dimensional interpolation data (imsl_f_spline_2d_interp) and that compute the two-dimensional, tensor-product spline coefficients for a tensor-product, least-squares problem (imsl_f_spline_2d_least_squares). In addition, we provide evaluation, differentiation, and integration functions for the two-dimensional, tensor-product spline functions. The relevant functions are imsl_f_spline_2d_value and imsl_f_spline_2d_integral.
Scattered Data Interpolation
The IMSL C Math Library provides one function, imsl_f_scattered_2d_interp, that returns values of an interpolant to scattered data in the plane. This function is based on work by Akima (1978), which uses C1 piecewise quintics on a triangular mesh.
Multi-dimensional Interpolation
imsl_f_spline_nd_interp computes a piecewise polynomial interpolant, of up to 15-th degree, to a function of up to 7 variables, defined on a multi-dimensional grid.
Least Squares
The IMSL C Math Library includes functions for smoothing noisy data. The function imsl_f_user_fcn_least_squares computes regressions with user-supplied functions. The function imsl_f_spline_least_squares computes a least-squares fit using splines with fixed knots or variable knots. These functions produce cubic spline, least-squares fit by default. Optional arguments allow the user to choose the order and the knot sequence. IMSL C Math Library also includes a tensor-product spline regression function (imsl_f_spline_2d_least_squares), mentioned above. The function imsl_f_radial_scattered_fit computes an approximation to scattered data in N using radial-basis functions.
In addition to the functions listed above, several functions in Chapter 10, “Statistics and Random Number Generation”, provide for polynomial regression and general linear regression.
Smoothing by Cubic Splines
One ‘‘smoothing spline’’ function is provided. The default action of imsl_f_cub_spline_smooth estimates a smoothing parameter by cross-validation and then returns the cubic spline that smooths the data. If the user wishes to supply a smoothing parameter, then this function returns the appropriate cubic spline.
Structures for Splines and Piecewise Polynomials
This optional section includes more details concerning the structures for splines and piecewise polynomials.
A spline may be viewed as a mapping with domain d and target r, where d and r are positive integers. For this version of the IMSL C Math Library, only r = 1 is supported. Thus, if s is a spline, then for some d and r
s : d r
This implies that such a spline s must have d knot sequences and orders (one for each domain dimension). Thus, associated with s, we have knots and orders
t0, , td-1
, , kd-
The precise form of the spline follows:
s(x) = (s
(x), , sr
(x)) x = (x
, , xd) ε d
where the following equation is true.
Note that ni is the number of knots in ti minus the order ki.
We store all the information for a spline in one structure called Imsl_f_spline. (If the type is double, then the structure name is Imsl_d_spline, and the float becomes double.) The specification for this structure follows:
typedef struct {
int domain_dim;
int target_dim;
int *order;
int *num_coef;
int *num_knots;
float **knots;
float **coef;
} Imsl_f_spline;
The following function demonstrates how the contents of an Imsl_f_spline can be viewed:
#include <imsl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void sp_print(Imsl_f_spline *sp)
int i, j;
printf("Domain dimension: %d\n", sp->domain_dim);
printf("Target dimension: %d\n\n", sp->target_dim);
for (i = 0; i < sp->domain_dim; i++) {
printf("Domain #%d\n", (i + 1));
printf(" Order %d\n", sp->order[i]);
printf(" # of coefficients %d\n", sp->num_coef[i]);
printf(" # of knots %d\n",sp->num_knots[i]);
printf(" Knots:\n");
for (j = 0; j < (sp->num_knots[i]); j++)
printf(" %8.3f\n", sp->knots[i][j]);
* Handle printing of 1D and 2D B-spline coefficients separately.
if (sp->domain_dim==1) {
imsl_f_write_matrix("Spline Coefficients",
sp->num_coef[0], 1, sp->coef[0], 0);
if (sp->domain_dim==2) {
* Coefficients of 2D B-splines are stored in column-major order.
* To view the coefficients correctly we reverse the dimensions and
* use optional argument IMSL_TRANSPOSE when calling
* imsl_f_write_matrix() .
imsl_f_write_matrix("Spline Coefficients",
sp->num_coef[1], sp->num_coef[0],
sp->coef[0], IMSL_TRANSPOSE, 0);
The data for this example comes from the function ex sin (x + y) on the rectangle [0, 3] × [0, 5]. This function is sampled on a 50 × 25 grid and a tensor-product spline approximation is computed using imsl_f_spline_2d_least_squares(). The contents of the spline structure are then printed using the function sp_print() provided above.
#include <imsl.h>
void sp_print(Imsl_f_spline *sp);
int main()
#define NXDATA 50
#define NYDATA 25
/* Define function */
#define F(x,y) (float)(exp(x)*sin(x+y))
int i, j;
float fdata[NXDATA][NYDATA];
float xdata[NXDATA], ydata[NYDATA];
Imsl_f_spline *sp;
/* Set up grid */
for (i = 0; i < NXDATA; i++)
xdata[i] = 3.*(float) i / ((float)(NXDATA-1));
for (i = 0; i < NYDATA; i++)
ydata[i] = 5.*(float) i / ((float)(NYDATA-1));
/* Compute function values on grid */
for (i = 0; i < NXDATA; i++)
for (j = 0; j < NYDATA; j++)
fdata[i][j] = F(xdata[i], ydata[j]);
/* Compute tensor-product fit */
sp = imsl_f_spline_2d_least_squares(NXDATA, &xdata[0], NYDATA,
&ydata[0], &fdata[0][0], 5, 7, 0);
/* Print contents of spline structure. */
Domain dimension: 2
Target dimension: 1
Domain #1
Order 4
# of coefficients 5
# of knots 9
Domain #2
Order 4
# of coefficients 7
# of knots 11
Spline Coefficients
1 2 3 4 5
1 -0.02 0.43 1.34 0.87 -0.78
2 0.52 0.99 1.62 0.35 -1.40
3 3.35 4.99 6.16 -0.46 -6.45
4 10.43 7.44 -5.11 -16.78 -5.56
5 2.98 -5.24 -23.55 -18.74 11.62
6 7
1 -1.18 -1.05
2 -1.30 -0.95
3 -4.60 -2.79
4 7.10 10.21
5 21.49 20.07
Piecewise Polynomials
For ppoly functions, we view a ppoly as a mapping with domain d and target r where d and r are positive integers. Thus, if p is a ppoly, then for some d and r the following is true.
p : d r
For this version of the C MathLibrary, only r = d = 1 is supported. See the section Piecewise Polynomials near the beginning of this chapter for a detailed description of ppoly construction.
We store all the information for a ppoly in one structure called Imsl_f_ppoly. (If the type is double, then the structure name is Imsl_d_ppoly, and the float becomes double.) The following is the specification for this structure.
typedef struct {
int domain_dim;
int target_dim;
int *order;
int *num_coef;
int *num_breakpoints;
float **breakpoints;
float **coef;
} Imsl_f_ppoly;
The following function demonstrates how the contents of an Imsl_f_ppoly can be viewed.
#include <imsl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void pp_print(Imsl_f_ppoly *pp)
int i, j, k;
printf("Domain dimension: %d\n", pp->domain_dim);
printf("Target dimension: %d\n\n", pp->target_dim);
for (i = 0; i < pp->domain_dim; i++) {
printf("Domain #%d\n", (i + 1));
printf(" Order %d\n", pp->order[i]);
printf(" # of coefficients %d\n", pp->num_coef[i]);
printf(" # of breakpoints %d\n",pp->num_breakpoints[i]);
printf(" Breakpoints:\n");
for (j = 0; j < (pp->num_breakpoints[i]); j++)
printf(" %8.3f\n", pp->breakpoints[i][j]);
for (j = 0; j < ((pp->num_breakpoints[0]) - 1); j++)
printf(" ppoly piece %4d", j + 1);
for (k = 0; k < (pp->order[0]); k++)
printf(" %9.3f ", pp->coef[0][j * (pp->order[0]) + k]);
In this example, a cubic spline interpolant to a function f is computed. The contents of the ppoly structure are then printed using the sample code pp_print() provided above.
#include <imsl.h>
void pp_print(Imsl_f_ppoly *pp);
int main()
#define NDATA 11
/* Define function */
#define F(x) (float)(sin(15.0*x))
int i;
float fdata[NDATA], xdata[NDATA], x, y;
Imsl_f_ppoly *ppoly;
/* Compute xdata and fdata */
for (i = 0; i < NDATA; i++) {
xdata[i] = (float)i /((float)(NDATA-1));
fdata[i] = F(xdata[i]);
/* Compute cubic spline interpolant */
ppoly = imsl_f_cub_spline_interp_e_cnd (NDATA, xdata, fdata, 0);
/* Print contents of ppoly structure. */
Domain dimension: 1
Target dimension: 1
Domain #1
Order 4
# of coefficients 40
# of breakpoints 11
ppoly piece 1 0.000 23.414 -310.479 1250.916
ppoly piece 2 0.997 -1.379 -185.387 1250.917
ppoly piece 3 0.141 -13.663 -60.295 3294.986
ppoly piece 4 -0.978 -3.218 269.203 -1956.621
ppoly piece 5 -0.279 13.919 73.541 -3253.285
ppoly piece 6 0.938 5.007 -251.787 1394.176
ppoly piece 7 0.412 -13.201 -112.370 3540.767
ppoly piece 8 -0.880 -6.734 241.707 -1152.020
ppoly piece 9 -0.537 11.677 126.505 -2758.902
ppoly piece 10 0.804 10.532 -149.385 -2758.903