Chapter 15: Utilities


Computes the transpose of a matrix, a matrix-vector product, a matrix-matrix product, a bilinear form, or any triple product.


#include <imsls.h>

float *imsls_f_mat_mul_rect (char *string, ..., 0)

The type double function is imsls_d_mat_mul_rect.

Required Arguments

char *string (Input)
String indicating operation to be performed. See the Description section below for more details.”

Return Value

The result of the operation. This is always a pointer to a float, even if the result is a single number. If no answer was computed, NULL is returned.

Synopsis with Optional Arguments

#include <imsls.h>

float *imsls_f_mat_mul_rect (char *string,
IMSLS_A_MATRIX, int nrowa, int ncola, float a[],
IMSLS_A_COL_DIM, int a_col_dim,
IMSLS_B_MATRIX, int nrowb, int ncolb, float b[],
IMSLS_B_COL_DIM, int b_col_dim,
IMSLS_X_VECTOR, int nx, float *x,
IMSLS_Y_VECTOR, int ny, float *y,
IMSLS_RETURN_USER, float ans[],
IMSLS_RETURN_COL_DIM, int return_col_dim,

Optional Arguments

IMSLS_A_MATRIX, int nrowa, int ncola, float a[]   (Input)
The nrowa × ncola matrix A.

IMSLS_A_COL_DIM, int a_col_dim   (Input)
Column dimension of A.
Default: a_col_dim = ncola

IMSLS_B_MATRIX, int nrowb, int ncolb, float b[]   (Input)
The nrowb × ncolb matrix A.

IMSLS_B_COL_DIM, int b_col_dim   (Input)
Column dimension of B.
Default: b_col_dim = ncolb

IMSLS_X_VECTOR, int nx, float *x   (Input)
Vector x of size nx.

IMSLS_Y_VECTOR, int ny, float *y   (Input)
Vector y of size ny.

IMSLS_RETURN_USER, float ans[]   (Output)
User-allocated array containing the result.

IMSLS_RETURN_COL_DIM, int return_col_dim   (Input)
Column dimension of the answer.
Default: return_col_dim = the number of columns in the answer


This function computes a matrix-vector product, a matrix-matrix product, a bilinear form of a matrix, or a triple product according to the specification given by string. For example, if A*x” is given, Ax is computed. In string, the matrices A and B and the vectors x and y can be used. Any of these four names can be used with trans, indicating transpose. The vectors x and y are treated as n × 1 matrices.

If string contains only one item, such as “x” or “trans(A)”, then a copy of the array, or its transpose, is returned. If string contains one multiplication, such as “A*x” or “B*A”, then the indicated product is returned. Some other legal values for string are “trans(y)*A”, A*trans(B)”, “x*trans(y)”, or “trans(x)*y”.

The matrices and/or vectors referred to in string must be given as optional arguments. If string is “B*x”, then IMSLS_B_MATRIX and IMSLS_X_VECTOR must be given.


Let A, B, x, and y equal the following matrices:

The arrays AT, Ax, xTAT, AB, BTAT, xTy, xyT and xTAy are computed and printed.

#include <imsls.h>


int main()


    float       A[] = {1, 2, 9,

                       5, 4, 7};

    float       B[] = {3, 2,

                       7, 4,

                       9, 1};

    float       x[] = {7, 2, 1};

    float       y[] = {3, 4, 2};

    float       *ans;


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("trans(A)",

        IMSLS_A_MATRIX, 2, 3, A,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("trans(A)", 3, 2, ans, 0);


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("A*x",

        IMSLS_A_MATRIX, 2, 3, A,

        IMSLS_X_VECTOR, 3, x,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("A*x", 1, 2, ans, 0);


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("trans(x)*trans(A)",

        IMSLS_A_MATRIX, 2, 3, A,

        IMSLS_X_VECTOR, 3, x,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("trans(x)*trans(A)", 1, 2, ans, 0);


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("A*B",

        IMSLS_A_MATRIX, 2, 3, A,

        IMSLS_B_MATRIX, 3, 2, B,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("A*B", 2, 2, ans, 0);


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("trans(B)*trans(A)",

        IMSLS_A_MATRIX, 2, 3, A,

        IMSLS_B_MATRIX, 3, 2, B,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("trans(B)*trans(A)", 2, 2, ans, 0);


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("trans(x)*y",

        IMSLS_X_VECTOR, 3, x,

        IMSLS_Y_VECTOR, 3, y,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("trans(x)*y", 1, 1, ans, 0);


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("x*trans(y)",

        IMSLS_X_VECTOR, 3, x,

        IMSLS_Y_VECTOR, 3, y,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("x*trans(y)", 3, 3, ans, 0);


    ans = imsls_f_mat_mul_rect("trans(x)*A*y",

        IMSLS_A_MATRIX, 2, 3, A,

                                /* use only the first 2 components of x */

        IMSLS_X_VECTOR, 2, x,

        IMSLS_Y_VECTOR, 3, y,


    imsls_f_write_matrix("trans(x)*A*y", 1, 1, ans, 0);




            1           2

1           1           5

2           2           4

3           9           7



         1           2

        20          50



         1           2

        20          50



            1           2

1          98          19

2         106          33



            1           2

1          98         106

2          19          33






            1           2           3

1          21          28          14

2           6           8           4

3           3           4           2




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