Chapter 11: Probability Distribution Functions and Inverses > poisson_cdf


Evaluates the Poisson distribution function.


#include <imsls.h>

float imsls_f_poisson_cdf (int k, float theta)

The type double function is imsls_d_poisson_cdf.

Required Arguments

int k   (Input)
Argument for which the Poisson distribution function is to be evaluated.

float theta   (Input)
Mean of the Poisson distribution. Argument theta must be positive.

Return Value

The probability that a Poisson random variable takes a value less than or equal
to k.


Function imsls_f_poisson_cdf evaluates the distribution function of a Poisson random variable with parameter theta. The mean of the Poisson random variable, theta, must be positive. The probability function (with θ = theta) is as follows:

The individual terms are calculated from the tails of the distribution to the mode of the distribution and summed. Function imsls_f_poisson_cdf uses the recursive relationship

with f (0) = eq.

Figure 11- 1   Plot of Fp (k, θ)


Suppose X is a Poisson random variable with θ = 10. In this example, we evaluate the probability that X is less than or equal to 7.


#include <imsls.h>

#include <stdio.h>


int main()


    int    k = 7;

    float  theta = 10.0, p;


    p = imsls_f_poisson_cdf(k, theta);

    printf("Pr(x <= %d) = %6.4f\n", k, p);




Pr(x <= 7) = 0.2202

Informational Errors

IMSLS_LESS_THAN_ZERO                         Since “k” = # is less than zero, the distribution function is set to zero.

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