Component | Description | |
character, allocatable :: filename | Name of the MPS file. | |
character (len=8) name | Name of the problem. | |
integer nrows | Number of rows in the constraint matrix. | |
integer ncolumns | Number of columns in the constraint matrix. This is also the number of variables. | |
integer nonzeros | Number of non-zeros in the constraint matrix. | |
integer nhessian | Number of non-zeros in the Hessian matrix. If zero, then there is no Hessian matrix. | |
integer ninteger | Number of variables required to be integer. This includes binary variables. | |
integer nbinary | Number of variables required to be binary (0 or 1). | |
real (kind(1e0)), allocatable :: objective(:) | A real array of length ncolumns containing the objective vector. | |
type (s_SparseMatrixElement), allocatable :: constraint(:) | A derived type array of length nonzeros and of type s_SparseMatrixElement containing the sparse matrix representation of the constraint matrix. See below for details. | |
type(s_SparseMatrixElement), allocatable :: hessian(:) | A derived type array of length nhessian and of type s_SparseMatrixElement containing the sparse matrix representation of the Hessian matrix. If nhessian is zero, then this field is not allocated. | |
real (kind(1e0)), allocatable ::lower_range(:) | A real array of length nrows containing the lower constraint bounds. If a constraint is unbounded below, the corresponding entry in lower_range is set to negative_infinity, defined below. | |
real (kind(1e0)), allocatable ::upper_range(:) | A real array of length nrows containing the upper constraint bounds. If a constraint is unbounded above, the corresponding entry in upper_range is set to positive_infinity, defined below. | |
real (kind(1e0)), allocatable :: lower_bound(:) | A real array of length ncolumns containing the lower variable bounds. If a variable is unbounded below, the corresponding entry in lower_bound is set to negative_infinity, defined below. | |
real (kind(1e0)), allocatable :: upper_bound(:) | A real array of length ncolumns containing the upper variable bounds. If a variable is unbounded above, the corresponding entry in upper_bound is set to positive_infinity, defined below. | |
integer, allocatable :: variable_type(:) | An integer array of length ncolumns containing the type of each variable. Variable types are: | |
0 | Continous | |
1 | Integer | |
2 | Binary (0 or 1) | |
3 | Semicontinuous | |
character (len=8) name_objective | Name of the set in ROWS used for the objective row. | |
character (len=8) name_rhs | Name of the RHS set used. | |
character (len=8) name_ranges | Name of the RANGES set used or the empty string if no RANGES section in the file. | |
character (len=8) name_bounds | Name of the BOUNDS set used or the empty string if no BOUNDS section in the file. | |
character (len=8), allocatable :: name_row(:) | Array of length nrows containing the row names. The name of the i-th constraint row is name_row(i). | |
character (len=8), allocatable :: name_column(:) | Array of length ncolumns containing the column names. The name of the i-th column and variable is name_column(i). | |
real (kind (1e0)) positive_infinity | Value used for a constraint or bound upper limit when the constraint or bound is unbounded above. This can be set using an optional argument. Default is 1.0e+30. | |
real (kind (1e0)) negative_infinity | Value used for a constraint or bound lower limit when the constraint or bound is unbounded below. This can be set using an optional argument. Default is -1.0e+30. |