
This index lists routines in MATH/LIBRARY by a tree-structured classification scheme known as GAMS Version 2.0 (Boisvert, Howe, Kahaner, and Springmann (1990). Only the GAMS classes that contain MATH/LIBRARY routines are included in the index. The page number for the documentation and the purpose of the routine appear alongside the routine name.

The first level of the full classification scheme contains the following major subject areas:

A.            Arithmetic, Error Analysis

B.            Number Theory

C.            Elementary and Special Functions

D.            Linear Algebra

E.             Interpolation

F.             Solution of Nonlinear Equations

G.            Optimization

H.            Differentiation and Integration

I.              Differential and Integral Equations

J.             Integral Transforms

K.            Approximation

L.             Statistics, Probability

M.           Simulation, Stochastic Modeling

N.            Data Handling

O.            Symbolic Computation

P.             Computational Geometry

Q.            Graphics

R.            Service Routines

S.             Software Development Tools

Z.            Other

There are seven levels in the classification scheme. Classes in the first level are identified by a capital letter as is given above. Classes in the remaining levels are identified by alternating letter-and-number combinations. A single letter (a-z) is used with the odd-numbered levels. A number (126) is used within the even-numbered levels.

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