Computes the generalized eigenvalues of an n ×
n matrix pencil, Av = lBv. Optionally, the
generalized eigenvectors are computed. If either of A or
B is nonsingular, there are diagonal
matrices α and β, and a complex
matrix V, all computed such that AV β = BVα.
A — Array of size n × n containing the matrix A. (Input [/Output])
B — Array of size n × n containing the matrix B. (Input [/Output])
ALPHA — Array of size n containing diagonal matrix factors of the generalized eigenvalues. These complex values are in order of decreasing absolute value. (Output)
BETAV — Array of size n containing diagonal matrix factors of the generalized eigenvalues. These real values are in order of decreasing value. (Output)
Uses arrays A(1:n, 1:n) and B(1:n, 1:n) for the input
matrix pencil.
Default: n = size(A, 1)
v = V(:,:)
Returns the complex array of generalized eigenvectors for the matrix
iopt =
iopt(:) (Input)
Derived type array with the same precision
as the input matrix. Used for passing optional data to the routine. The options
are as follows:
Packaged Options for lin_geig_gen | ||
Option Prefix = ? |
Option Name |
Option Value |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_set_small |
1 |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_overwrite_input |
2 |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_scan_for_NaN |
3 |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_self_adj_pos |
4 |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_self |
5 |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_for_lin_eig_self |
6 |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_lsq |
7 |
s_, d_, c_, z_ |
lin_geig_gen_for_lin_eig_gen |
8 |
iopt(IO) =
?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_set_small, Small)
This tolerance,
multiplied by the sum of absolute value of the matrix B, is used to
define a small diagonal term in the routines lin_sol_lsq and lin_sol_self. That
value can be replaced using the option flags lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_lsq,
and lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_self.
Small = epsilon(.), the relative accuracy of arithmetic
iopt(IO) =
?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_overwrite_input, ?_dummy)
Does not save the
input arrays A(:, :) and B(:, :).
Default: The
array is saved.
iopt(IO) =
?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_scan_for_NaN, ?_dummy)
Examines each input
array entry to find the first value such that
isNaN(a(i,j)) .or. isNaN(b(i,j)) == .true.
See the isNaN() function, Chapter 10.
Default: The arrays are not scanned for
iopt(IO) =
?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_self_adj_pos, ?_dummy)
If both matrices
A and B are self-adjoint and additionally B is
positive-definite, then the Cholesky algorithm is used to reduce the matrix
pencil to an ordinary self-adjoint eigenvalue problem.
iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_self, ?_dummy)
iopt(IO+1) =
?_options((k=size of options for lin_sol_self), ?_dummy)
The options
for lin_sol_self
follow as data in iopt().
iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_for_lin_eig_self, ?_dummy)
iopt(IO+1) =
?_options((k=size of options for lin_eig_self), ?_dummy)
The options
for lin_eig_self follow as data in
iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_lsq, ?_dummy)
iopt(IO+1) =
?_options((k=size of options for lin_sol_lsq), ?_dummy)
The options
for lin_sol_lsq follow as data in
iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_geig_gen_for_lin_eig_gen, ?_dummy)
iopt(IO+1) =
?_options((k=size of options for lin_eig_gen), ?_dummy)
The options
for lin_eig_gen follow as data
in iopt().
Specific: The specific interface names are S_LIN_GEIG_GEN, D_LIN_GEIG_GEN, C_LIN_GEIG_GEN, and Z_LIN_GEIG_GEN.
Routine LIN_GEIG_GEN implements a standard algorithm that reduces a generalized eigenvalue or matrix pencil problem to an ordinary eigenvalue problem. An orthogonal decomposition is computed
The orthogonal matrix H is the product of n - 1 row permutations, each followed by a Householder transformation. Column permutations, P, are chosen at each step to maximize the Euclidian length of the pivot column. The matrix R is upper triangular. Using the default tolerance τ = ε||B||, where ε is machine relative precision, each diagonal entry of R exceeds τ in value. Otherwise, R is singular. In that case A and B are interchanged and the orthogonal decomposition is computed one more time. If both matrices are singular the problem is declared singular and is not solved. The interchange of A and B is accounted for in the output diagonal matrices α and β. The ordinary eigenvalue problem is Cx = lx, where
If the matrices A and B are self-adjoint and if, in addition, B is positive-definite, then a more efficient reduction than the default algorithm can be optionally used to solve the problem: A Cholesky decomposition is obtained, RTR R = PBPT. The matrix R is upper triangular and P is a permutation matrix. This is equivalent to the ordinary self-adjoint eigenvalue problem Cx = lx, where RPv = x and
The self-adjoint eigenvalue problem is then solved.
See the messages.gls file for error messages for LIN_GEIG_GEN. These error messages are numbered 921-936; 941-956; 961-976; 981-996.
The generalized eigenvalues of a random real matrix pencil are computed. These values are checked by obtaining the generalized eigenvectors and then showing that the residuals
are small. Note that when the matrix B is nonsingular β = I, the identity matrix. When B is singular and A is nonsingular, some diagonal entries of β are essentially zero. This corresponds to “infinite eigenvalues” of the matrix pencil. This random matrix pencil example has all finite eigenvalues. Also, see operator_ex33, Chapter 10.
use lin_geig_gen_int
use rand_gen_int
implicit none
! This is Example 1 for LIN_GEIG_GEN.
integer, parameter :: n=32
real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: one=1d0
real(kind(1d0)) A(n,n), B(n,n), betav(n), beta_t(n), err, y(n*n)
complex(kind(1d0)) alpha(n), alpha_t(n), V(n,n)
! Generate random matrices for both A and B.
call rand_gen(y)
A = reshape(y,(/n,n/))
call rand_gen(y)
B = reshape(y,(/n,n/))
! Compute the generalized eigenvalues.
call lin_geig_gen(A, B, alpha, betav)
! Compute the full decomposition once again, A*V = B*V*values.
call lin_geig_gen(A, B, alpha_t, beta_t, &
! Use values from the first decomposition, vectors from the
! second decomposition, and check for small residuals.
err = sum(abs(matmul(A,V) - &
matmul(B,V)*spread(alpha/betav,DIM=1,NCOPIES=n))) / &
if (err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then
write (*,*) 'Example 1 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.'
end if
Example 1 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.
This example illustrates the use of optional flags for the
special case where A and B are complex
self-adjoint matrices, and
B is positive-definite. For purposes of maximum efficiency an option is
passed to routine lin_sol_self so
that pivoting is not used in the computation of the Cholesky decomposition of
matrix B. This example does not require that secondary option. Also, see
supplied with the product examples.
use lin_geig_gen_int
use lin_sol_self_int
use rand_gen_int
implicit none
! This is Example 2 for LIN_GEIG_GEN.
integer i
integer, parameter :: n=32
real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: one=1.0d0, zero=0.0d0
real(kind(1d0)) betav(n), temp_c(n,n), temp_d(n,n), err
type(d_options) :: iopti(4)=d_options(0,zero)
complex(kind(1d0)), dimension(n,n) :: A, B, C, D, V, alpha(n)
! Generate random matrices for both A and B.
do i=1, n
call rand_gen(temp_c(1:n,i))
call rand_gen(temp_d(1:n,i))
end do
c = temp_c; d = temp_c
do i=1, n
call rand_gen(temp_c(1:n,i))
call rand_gen(temp_d(1:n,i))
end do
c = cmplx(real(c),temp_c,kind(one))
d = cmplx(real(d),temp_d,kind(one))
a = conjg(transpose(c)) + c
b = matmul(conjg(transpose(d)),d)
! Set option so that the generalized eigenvalue solver uses an
! efficient method for well-posed, self-adjoint problems.
iopti(1) = d_options(z_lin_geig_gen_self_adj_pos,zero)
iopti(2) = d_options(z_lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_self,zero)
! Number of secondary optional data items and the options:
iopti(3) = d_options(1,zero)
iopti(4) = d_options(z_lin_sol_self_no_pivoting,zero)
call lin_geig_gen(a, b, alpha, betav, v=v, &
! Check that residuals are small. Use the real part of alpha
! since the values are known to be real.
err = sum(abs(matmul(a,v) - matmul(b,v)* &
spread(real(alpha,kind(one))/betav,dim=1,ncopies=n))) / &
if (err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then
write (*,*) 'Example 2 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.'
end if
Example 2 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.
In the classification of Differential Algebraic Equations
(DAE), a system with linear constant
coefficients is given by
A+ Bx =
f. Here A and B are n × n matrices, and
f is an n-vector that is not part of this example. The DAE system
is defined as solvable if and only if the quantity det
(μA + B) does not vanish identically as a function of the
dummy parameter μ. A sufficient condition for solvability is that the
generalized eigenvalue problem Av = lBv is nonsingular. By
constructing A and B so that both are singular, the routine
flags nonsolvability in the DAE by returning NaN for the generalized
eigenvalues. Also, see
supplied with the product examples.
use lin_geig_gen_int
use rand_gen_int
use error_option_packet
use isnan_int
implicit none
! This is Example 3 for LIN_GEIG_GEN.
integer, parameter :: n=6
real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: one=1.0d0, zero=0.0d0
real(kind(1d0)) a(n,n), b(n,n), betav(n), y(n*n)
type(d_options) iopti(1)
type(d_error) epack(1)
complex(kind(1d0)) alpha(n)
! Generate random matrices for both A and B.
call rand_gen(y)
a = reshape(y,(/n,n/))
call rand_gen(y)
b = reshape(y,(/n,n/))
! Make columns of A and B zero, so both are singular.
a(1:n,n) = 0; b(1:n,n) = 0
! Set internal tolerance for a small diagonal term.
iopti(1) = d_options(d_lin_geig_gen_set_small,sqrt(epsilon(one)))
! Compute the generalized eigenvalues.
call lin_geig_gen(a, b, alpha, betav, &
! See if singular DAE system is detected.
! (The size of epack() is too small for the message, so
! output is blocked with NaNs.)
if (isnan(alpha)) then
write (*,*) 'Example 3 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.'
end if
Example 3 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.
Data values in both matrices A and B are assumed to have relative errors that can be as large as where ε is the relative machine precision. This example illustrates the use of an optional flag that resets the tolerance used in routine lin_sol_lsq for determining a singularity of either matrix. The tolerance is reset to the new value and the generalized eigenvalue problem is solved. We anticipate that B might be singular and detect this fact. Also, see operator_ex36, Chapter 10.
use lin_geig_gen_int
use lin_sol_lsq_int
use rand_gen_int
use isNaN_int
implicit none
! This is Example 4 for LIN_GEIG_GEN.
integer, parameter :: n=32
real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: one=1d0, zero=0d0
real(kind(1d0)) a(n,n), b(n,n), betav(n), y(n*n), err
type(d_options) iopti(4)
type(d_error) epack(1)
complex(kind(1d0)) alpha(n), v(n,n)
! Generate random matrices for both A and B.
call rand_gen(y)
a = reshape(y,(/n,n/))
call rand_gen(y)
b = reshape(y,(/n,n/))
! Set the option, a larger tolerance than default for lin_sol_lsq.
iopti(1) = d_options(d_lin_geig_gen_for_lin_sol_lsq,zero)
! Number of secondary optional data items
iopti(2) = d_options(2,zero)
iopti(3) = d_options(d_lin_sol_lsq_set_small,sqrt(epsilon(one))*&
iopti(4) = d_options(d_lin_sol_lsq_no_sing_mess,zero)
! Compute the generalized eigenvalues.
call lin_geig_gen(A, B, alpha, betav, v=v, &
iopt=iopti, epack=epack)
if(.not. isNaN(alpha)) then
! Check the residuals.
err = sum(abs(matmul(A,V)*spread(betav,dim=1,ncopies=n) - &
matmul(B,V)*spread(alpha,dim=1,ncopies=n))) / &
if (err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then
write (*,*) 'Example 4 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.'
end if
end if
Example 4 for LIN_GEIG_GEN is correct.
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