Solves a system of nonlinear equations using a modified Powell hybrid algorithm and a finite-difference approximation to the Jacobian.
FCN — User-supplied SUBROUTINE to evaluate the system of equations to be solved. The usage is CALL FCN (X, F, N), where
X – The point at which
the functions are evaluated. (Input)
X should not be
changed by FCN.
F – The computed function values at the point X. (Output)
FCN must be declared EXTERNAL in the calling program.
N — Length of X and F. (Input)
X — A vector of
length N.
X contains the best
estimate of the root found by NEQNF.
ERRREL — Stopping
criterion. (Input)
The root is accepted if the relative error
between two successive approximations to this root is less than ERRREL.
Default: ERRREL = 1.e-4 for
single precision and 1.d-8 for double precision.
N – The number of
equations to be solved and the number of unknowns.
Default: N = size (X,1).
maximum allowable number of iterations. (Input)
The maximum
number of calls to FCN is ITMAX * (N + 1). Suggested
Default: ITMAX = 200.
XGUESS — A vector
of length N. (Input)
XGUESS contains the
initial estimate of the root.
Default: XGUESS = 0.0.
FNORM — A scalar that has the value F(1)2 + … + F(N)2 at the point X. (Output)
Generic: CALL NEQNF (FCN, X [,…])
Specific: The specific interface names are S_NEQNF and D_NEQNF.
Double: The double precision name is DNEQNF.
Routine NEQNF is based on the MINPACK subroutine HYBRD1, which uses a modification of M.J.D. Powell's hybrid algorithm. This algorithm is a variation of Newton's method, which uses a finite-difference approximation to the Jacobian and takes precautions to avoid large step sizes or increasing residuals. For further description, see More et al. (1980).
Since a finite-difference method is used to estimate the Jacobian, for single precision calculation, the Jacobian may be so incorrect that the algorithm terminates far from a root. In such cases, high precision arithmetic is recommended. Also, whenever the exact Jacobian can be easily provided, IMSL routine NEQNJ should be used instead.
1. Workspace may be explicitly provided, if desired, by use of N2QNF/DN2QNF. The reference is:
The additional arguments are as follows:
FVEC — A vector of length N. FVEC contains the functions evaluated at the point X.
FJAC — An N by N matrix. FJAC contains the orthogonal matrix Q produced by the QR factorization of the final approximate Jacobian.
R — A vector of length N * (N + 1)/2. R contains the upper triangular matrix produced by the QR factorization of the final approximate Jacobian. R is stored row-wise.
QTF — A vector of length N. QTF contains the vector TRANS(Q) * FVEC.
WK — A work vector of length 5 * N.
4 1 The number of calls to FCN has exceeded ITMAX * (N + 1). A new initial guess may be tried.
4 2 ERRREL is too small. No further improvement in the approximate solution is possible.
4 3 The iteration has not made good progress. A new initial guess may be tried.
The following 3 ´ 3 system of nonlinear equations
is solved with the initial guess (4.0, 4.0, 4.0).
CALL NEQNF (FCN, X, xguess=xguess, fnorm=fnorm)
WRITE (NOUT,99999) (X(K),K=1,N), FNORM
99999 FORMAT (' The solution to the system is', /, ' X = (', 3F5.1, &
')', /, ' with FNORM =', F5.4, //)
F(1) = X(1) + EXP(X(1)-1.0) + (X(2)+X(3))*(X(2)+X(3)) - 27.0
F(2) = EXP(X(2)-2.0)/X(1) + X(3)*X(3) - 10.0
F(3) = X(3) + SIN(X(2)-2.0) + X(2)*X(2) - 7.0
The solution to the system is
X = ( 1.0
2.0 3.0)
with FNORM =.0000
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