Generates a rank-1 array of random numbers. The output array entries are positive and less than 1 in value.
X — Rank-1 array containing the random numbers. (Output)
= irnd (Output)
Rank-1 integer array. These integers are
the internal results of the Generalized Feedback Shift Register
(GFSR) algorithm. The values are scaled to yield the floating-point array X. The output array
entries are between 1 and 23 1− 1 in value.
= istate_in (Input)
Rank-1 integer array of size 3p
+ 2, where p = 521, that defines the ensuing state of the GFSR generator.
It is used to reset the internal tables to a previously defined state. It is the
result of a previous use of the “istate_out=”
optional argument.
= istate_out
Rank-1 integer array of size 3p + 2 that
describes the current state of the GFSR generator. It is normally used to later
reset the internal tables to the state defined following a return from the GFSR
generator. It is the result of a use of the generator without a user
initialization, or it is the result of a previous use of the optional argument
followed by updates to the internal tables from newly generated values. Example
2 illustrates use of istate_in and istate_out for setting and then
resetting rand_gen
so that the sequence of integers,
irnd, is repeatable.
= iopt(:) (Input[/Output])
Derived type array with the
same precision as the array x; used for passing
optional data to rand_gen. The options are as
iopt(IO) =
?_options(?_rand_gen_generator_seed, ?_dummy)
Sets the initial values
for the GFSR. The present value of the seed, obtained by default from the
real-time clock as described below, swaps places with
iopt(IO + 1)%idummy. If the seed is set
before any current usage of rand_gen, the
exchanged value will be zero.
iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_rand_gen_LCM_modulus, ?_dummy)
iopt(IO+1) = ?_options(modulus,
Sets the initial values for the GFSR. The present value of
the LCM, with default value k = 16807, swaps places with iopt(IO+1)%idummy.
iopt(IO) =
?_options(?_rand_gen_use_Fushimi_start, ?_dummy)
Starts the GFSR
sequence as suggested by Fushimi (1990).
The default starting sequence is with the LCM recurrence described
Generic: CALL RAND_GEN (X [,…])
Specific: The specific interface names are S_RAND_GEN and D_RAND_GEN.
This GFSR algorithm is based on the recurrence
where a ⊕ b is the exclusive OR operation on two integers a and b. This operation is performed until size(x) numbers have been generated. The subscripts in the recurrence formula are computed modulo 3p. These numbers are converted to floating point by effectively multiplying the positive integer quantity
by a scale factor slightly smaller than 1./(huge(1)). The values p = 521 and q = 32 yield a sequence with a period approximately
The default initial values for the sequence of integers {xt} are created by a congruential generator starting with an odd integer seed
obtained by the Fortran 90 real-time clock routine:
An error condition is noted if the value of CLRATE=0. This indicates that the processor does not have a functioning real-time clock. In this exceptional case a starting seed must be provided by the user with the optional argument “iopt=” and option number ?_rand_generator_seed. The value v is the current clock for this day, in milliseconds. This value is obtained using the date routine:
and converting values(5:8) to milliseconds.
The LCM generator initializes the sequence {xt} using the following recurrence:
The default value of k = 16807. Using the optional argument “iopt=” and the packaged option number ?_rand_gen_LCM_modulus, k can be given an alternate value. The option number ?_rand_gen_generator_seed can be used to set the initial value of m instead of using the asynchronous value given by the system clock. This is illustrated in Example 2. If the default choice of m results in an unsatisfactory starting sequence or it is necessary to duplicate the sequence, then it is recommended that users set the initial seed value to one of their own choosing. Resetting the seed complicates the usage of the routine.
This software is based on Fushimi (1990), who gives a more elaborate starting sequence for the {xt} . The starting sequence suggested by Fushimi can be used with the option number ?_rand_gen_use_Fushimi_start. Fushimi's starting process is more expensive than the default method, and it is equivalent to starting in another place of the sequence with period 2p.
See the messages.gls file for error messages for RAND_GEN. These error messages are numbered 521−528; 541−548.
An array of random numbers is obtained. The sample mean and
variance are computed. These
values are compared with the same
quantities computed using a stable method for the running means and variances, sequentially moving through the data. Details
about the running mean and variance are found in Henrici (1982, pp. 21−23).
! This is Example 1 for RAND_GEN.
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1e0, zero=0e0
real(kind(1e0)) x(n), mean_1(0:n), mean_2(0:n), s_1(0:n), s_2(0:n)
! Calculate each partial mean.
! Calculate each partial variance.
! Alternately calculate each running mean and variance,
! handling the random numbers once.
s_2(i) = (i-1)*s_2(i-1)/i+(mean_2(i)-x(i))**2/(i-1)
! Check that the two sets of means and variances agree.
if (maxval(abs(mean_1(1:)-mean_2(1:))/mean_1(1:)) <= &
if (maxval(abs(s_1(2:)-s_2(2:))/s_1(2:)) <= &
write (*,*) 'Example 1 for RAND_GEN is correct.'
Example 1 for RAND_GEN is correct.
! This is Example 2 for RAND_GEN.
integer, parameter :: n=34, p=521
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1.0e0, zero=0.0e0
integer irndi(n), i_out(3*p+2), hidden_message(n)
type(s_options) :: iopti(2)=s_options(0,zero)
character*34 message, returned_message
! This is the message to be hidden.
! Start the generator with a known seed.
iopti(1) = s_options(s_rand_gen_generator_seed,zero)
iopti(2) = s_options(123,zero)
! Save the state of the generator.
call rand_gen(x, istate_out=i_out)
! Hide text using collating sequence subtracted from integers.
hidden_message(i) = irndi(i) - ichar(message(i:i))
! Reset generator to previous state and generate the previous
call rand_gen(x, irnd=irndi, istate_in=i_out)
! Subtract hidden text from integers and convert to character.
returned_message(i:i) = char(irndi(i) - hidden_message(i))
if (returned_message == message) then
write (*,*) 'Example 2 for RAND_GEN is correct.'
Example 2 for RAND_GEN is correct.
We generate random integers but with the frequency as in a histogram with nbins slots. The generator is initially used a large number of times to demonstrate that it is making choices with the same shape as the histogram. This is not required to generate samples. The program next generates a summary set of integers according to the histogram. These are not repeatable and are representative of the histogram in the sense of looking at 20 integers during generation of a large number of samples.
! This is Example 3 for RAND_GEN.
integer i, i_bin, i_map, i_left, i_right
integer, parameter :: n_work=1000
integer, parameter :: n_bins=10
integer, parameter :: scale=1000
integer, parameter :: total_counts=100
integer, parameter :: n_samples=total_counts*scale
integer, dimension(n_bins) :: histogram= &
(/4, 6, 8, 14, 20, 17, 12, 9, 7, 3 /)
integer, dimension(n_work) :: working=0
integer, dimension(n_bins) :: distribution=0
integer break_points(0:n_bins)
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: tolerance=0.005
integer, parameter :: n_samples_20=20
integer rand_num_20(n_samples_20)
real(kind(1e0)) rn_20(n_samples_20)
! Compute the normalized cumulative distribution.
! Obtain uniform random numbers.
! Set up the secondary mapping array.
! Map the random numbers into the 'distribution' array.
! This is made approximately proportional to the histogram.
distribution(working(i_map))= &
! Check the agreement between the distribution of the
! generated random numbers and the original histogram.
write (*, '(A)', advance='no') 'Original: '
write (*, '(10I6)') histogram*scale
write (*, '(A)', advance='no') 'Generated:'
write (*, '(10I6)') distribution
if (maxval(abs(histogram(1:)*scale-distribution(1:))) &
write(*, '(A/)') 'Example 3 for RAND_GEN is correct.'
! Generate 20 integers in 1, 10 according to the distribution
! Map from the uniform distribution to the induced distribution.
'Twenty integers generated according to the histogram:')
Example 3 for RAND_GEN is correct.
We generate random numbers based on the continuous distribution function
we generate the samples by obtaining uniform samples u, 0 < u < 1 and solve the equation
These are evaluated in vector form, that is all entries at one time, using Newton's method:
An iteration counter forces the loop to terminate, but this is not often required although it is an important detail.
! This is Example 4 for RAND_GEN.
integer, parameter :: n_bins=36
integer, parameter :: offset=18
integer, parameter :: n_samples=10000
integer, parameter :: n_samples_30=30
integer, parameter :: COUNT=15
real(kind(1e0)) probabilities(n_bins)
real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n_bins) :: counts=0.0
real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n_samples) :: rn, x, f, fprime, dx
real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n_samples_30) :: rn_30, &
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1e0, zero=0e0, half=0.5e0
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: tolerance=0.01
! Initialize values of 'two_pi' and 'omega'.
! Compute the probabilities for each bin according to
! the probability density (cos(x)+1)/(2*pi), -pi<x<pi.
probabilities(i)=(sin(omega*(i-offset)) &
! Obtain uniform random numbers in (0,1).
! Use Newton's method to solve the nonlinear equation:
! accumulated_distribution_function - random_number = 0.
if (maxval(abs(dx)) <= sqrt(epsilon(one)) &
.or. k > COUNT) exit solve_equation
! Map the random numbers 'x' array into the 'counts' array.
! Check that the generated random numbers are indeed
! based on the original distribution.
if (maxval(abs(counts(1:)-probabilities(1:))) &
write (*,'(a/)') 'Example 4 for RAND_GEN is correct.'
! Generate 30 random numbers in (-pi,pi) according to
! the probability density (cos(x)+1)/(2*pi), -pi<x<pi.
if (maxval(abs(dx_30)) <= sqrt(epsilon(one))&
.or. k > COUNT) exit solve_equation_30
write(*,'(A)') 'Thirty random numbers generated ', &
'according to the probability density ',&
'pdf(x)=(cos(x)+1)/(2*pi), -pi<x<pi:'
Example 4 for RAND_GEN is correct.
Visual Numerics, Inc. PHONE: 713.784.3131 FAX:713.781.9260 |