Weighted least-squares fitting by tensor product B-splines to discrete two-dimensional data is performed.  Constraints on the spline or its partial derivatives are optional.  The spline function


its derivatives, or the square root of its variance function are evaluated after the fitting.

Required Arguments

data = data(1:4,:)  (Input/Output)
An assumed-shape array with size(data,1) = 4.  The data are placed in the array:

     data(1,i) = ,

     data(2,i) = ,

     data(3,i) = ,

     data(4,i) = , .

If the variances are not known, but are proportional to an unknown value, use

            data(4,i) = 1, .

knotsx = knotsx  (Input)
A derived type, ?_spline_knots, that defines the degree of the spline and the breakpoints for the data fitting domain, in the first dimension.

knotsy = knotsy  (Input)
A derived type, ?_spline_knots, that defines the degree of the spline and the breakpoints for the data fitting domain, in the second dimension.

Optional Arguments

constraints = surface_constraints  (Input)
A rank-1 array of derived type ?_surface_constraints that defines constraints the tensor product spline is to satisfy.

covariance = G  (Output)
An assumed-shape rank-2 array of the same precision as the data.  This output is the covariance matrix of the coefficients.  It is optionally used to evaluate the square root of the variance function.

iopt = iopt(:)  (Input/Output)
Derived type array with the same precision as the input array; used for passing optional data to surface_fitting.  The options are as follows:

Packaged Options for SURFACE_FITTING

Prefix = None

Option Name

Option Value






















iopt(IO) = ?_options&

            (surface_fitting_smallnes, ?_value)
This resets the square root of the regularizing parameter multiplying the squared integral of the unknown function.  The argument ?_value is replaced by the default value. The default is ?_value = 0.

iopt(IO) = ?_options&

            (surface_fitting_flatness, ?_value)
This resets the square root of the regularizing parameter multiplying the squared integral of the partial derivatives of the unknown function.  The argument  ?_value
is replaced by the default value. The default is
?_value = sqrt(epsilon(?_value))*size, where


iopt(IO) = ?_options&

            (surface_fitting_tol_equal, ?_value)
This resets the value for determining that equality constraint equations are rank-deficient.  The default is ?_value = 10-4.

iopt(IO) = ?_options&

            (surface_fitting_tol_least, ?_value)
This resets the value for determining that least-squares equations are rank-deficient.  The default is ?_value = 10-4.

iopt(IO) = ?_options&

            (surface_fitting_residuals, dummy)
This option returns the residuals = surface - data, in data(4,:).  That row of the array is overwritten by the residuals.  The data is returned in the order of cell processing order, or left-to-right in and then increasing in y.  The allocation of a temporary for data(1:4,:) is avoided, which may be desirable for problems with large amounts of data.  The default is to not evaluate the residuals and to leave data(1:4,:) as input.

iopt(IO) = ?_options&

            (surface_fitting_print, dummy)
This option prints the knots or breakpoints for x and y, and the count of data points in cell processing order.  The default is to not print these arrays.

iopt(IO) = ?_options&

            (surface_fitting_thinness, ?_value)
This resets the square root of the regularizing parameter multiplying the squared integral of the second partial derivatives of the unknown function.  The argument  ?_value is replaced by the default value. The default is ?_value = 10-3 × size,, where


FORTRAN 90 Interface


Specific:         The specific interface names are S_SURFACE_FITTING and D_SURFACE_FITTING.


The coefficients are obtained by solving a least-squares system of linear algebraic equations, subject to linear equality and inequality constraints.  The system is the result of the weighted data equations and regularization.  If there are no constraints, the solution is computed using a banded least-squares solver.  Details are found in Hanson (1995).

Fatal and Terminal Error Messages

See the messages.gls file for error messages for SURFACE_FITTING. These error messages are numbered 1151-1152, 1161-1162, 1370-1393.

Example 1: Tensor Product Spline Fitting of Data

The function

is least-squares fit by a tensor product of cubic splines on the square

There are ndata  random pairs of values for the independent variables.  Each datum is given unit uncertainty.  The grid of knots in both x and y dimensions are equally spaced, in the interior cells, and identical to each other.  After the coefficients are computed a check is made that the surface approximately agrees with g(x,y) at a tensor product grid of equally spaced values.


      USE surface_fitting_int

      USE rand_int

      USE norm_int


      implicit none


! This is Example 1 for SURFACE_FITTING, tensor product

! B-splines approximation.  Use the function

! exp(-x**2-y**2) on the square (0, 2) x (0, 2) for samples.

! The spline order is "nord" and the number of cells is

! "(ngrid-1)**2".  There are "ndata" data values in the square.


      integer :: i

      integer, parameter :: ngrid=9, nord=4, ndegree=nord-1, &

        nbkpt=ngrid+2*ndegree, ndata = 2000, nvalues=100

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: zero=0d0, one=1d0, two=2d0

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: TOLERANCE=1d-3

      real(kind(1d0)), target :: spline_data (4, ndata), bkpt(nbkpt), &

             coeff(ngrid+ndegree-1,ngrid+ndegree-1), delta, sizev, &

             x(nvalues), y(nvalues), values(nvalues, nvalues)


      real(kind(1d0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)

      type (d_spline_knots) knotsx, knotsy


! Generate random (x,y) pairs and evaluate the

! example exponential function at these values.    





! Define the knots for the tensor product data fitting problem.

         delta = two/(ngrid-1)

         bkpt(1:ndegree) = zero

         bkpt(nbkpt-ndegree+1:nbkpt) =  two



! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.

      pointer_bkpt => bkpt

      knotsx=d_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)



! Fit the data and obtain the coefficients.

      coeff = surface_fitting(spline_data, knotsx, knotsy)


! Evaluate the residual = spline - function

! at a grid of points inside the square.


      x=(/(i*delta,i=1,nvalues)/); y=x



      values=surface_values((/0,0/), x, y, knotsx, knotsy, coeff)-&



! Compute the R.M.S. error:

      sizev=norm(pack(values, (values == values)))/nvalues


      if (sizev <= TOLERANCE) then

        write(*,*) 'Example 1 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct.'

      end if




Example 1 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct.

Additional Examples

Example 2: Parametric Representation of a Sphere

From Struik (1961), the parametric representation of points (x,y,z) on the surface of a sphere of radius a > 0 is expressed in terms of spherical coordinates,

The parameters are radians of latitude (u)and longitude (v).  The example program fits the same  random pairs of latitude and longitude in each coordinate.  We have covered the sphere twice by allowing

for latitude.  We solve three data fitting problems, one for each coordinate function.  Periodic constraints on the value of the spline are used for both u and v.  We could reduce the computational effort by fitting a spline function in one variable for the z coordinate.  To illustrate the representation of more general surfaces than spheres, we did not do this.  When the surface is evaluated we compute latitude, moving from the South Pole to the North Pole,

Our surface will approximately satisfy the equality

These residuals are checked at a rectangular mesh of latitude and longitude pairs.  To illustrate the use of some options, we have reset the three regularization parameters to the value zero, the least-squares system tolerance to a smaller value than the default, and obtained the residuals for each parametric coordinate function at the data points.


      USE surface_fitting_int

      USE rand_int

      USE norm_int

      USE Numerical_Libraries


      implicit none


! This is Example 2 for SURFACE_FITTING, tensor product

! B-splines approximation.  Fit x, y, z parametric functions

! for points on the surface of a sphere of radius “A”.

! Random values of latitude and longitude are used to generate

! data.  The functions are evaluated at a rectangular grid

! in latitude and longitude and checked to lie on the surface

! of the sphere.


      integer :: i, j

      integer, parameter :: ngrid=6, nord=6, ndegree=nord-1, &

        nbkpt=ngrid+2*ndegree, ndata =1000, nvalues=50, NOPT=5

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: zero=0d0, one=1d0, two=2d0

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: TOLERANCE=1d-2

      real(kind(1d0)), target :: spline_data (4, ndata, 3), bkpt(nbkpt), &

             coeff(ngrid+ndegree-1,ngrid+ndegree-1, 3), delta, sizev, &

             pi, A, x(nvalues), y(nvalues), values(nvalues, nvalues), &



      real(kind(1d0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)

      type (d_spline_knots) knotsx, knotsy

      type (d_options) OPTIONS(NOPT)


! Get the constant "pi" and a random radius, > 1.

      pi = DCONST("pi"); A=one+rand(A)


! Generate random (latitude, longitude) pairs and evaluate the

! surface parameters at these points.





! Evaluate x, y, z parametric points.





! The values are equally uncertain.



! Define the knots for the tensor product data fitting problem.

      delta = two*pi/(ngrid-1)

      bkpt(1:ndegree) = -pi

      bkpt(nbkpt-ndegree+1:nbkpt) =  pi



! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.

      pointer_bkpt => bkpt

      knotsx=d_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)


! Fit a data surface for each coordinate.

! Set default regularization parameters to zero and compute 

! residuals of the individual points. These are returned

! in DATA(4,:).

      do j=1,3







      coeff(:,:,j) = surface_fitting(data, knotsx, knotsy,&


      end do


! Evaluate the function at a grid of points inside the rectangle of 

! latitude and longitude covering the sphere just once.  Add the 

! sum of squares. They should equal "A**2" but will not due to

! truncation and rounding errors.


      x=(/(-pi/two+i*delta,i=1,nvalues)/); y=two*x


      do j=1,3


        surface_values((/0,0/), x, y, knotsx, knotsy, coeff(:,:,j))**2

      end do


! Compute the R.M.S. error:


      sizev=norm(pack(values, (values == values)))/nvalues


      if (sizev <= TOLERANCE) then

        write(*,*) "Example 2 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct."

      end if




Example 2 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct.

Example 3: Constraining Some Points using a Spline Surface

This example illustrates the use of discrete constraints to shape the surface. The data fitting problem of Example 1 is modified by requiring that the surface interpolate the value one at
x = y = 0.  The shape is constrained so first partial derivatives in both x and y are zero at x = y = 0.  These constraints mimic some properties of the function g(x,y).  The size of the residuals at a grid of points and the residuals of the constraints are checked.


      USE surface_fitting_int

      USE rand_int

      USE norm_int


      implicit none


! This is Example 3 for SURFACE_FITTING, tensor product

! B-splines approximation, f(x,y).  Use the function

! exp(-x**2-y**2) on the square (0, 2) x (0, 2) for samples.

! The spline order is "nord" and the number of cells is

! "(ngrid-1)**2".  There are "ndata" data values in the square.

! Constraints are put on the surface at (0,0).  Namely

! f(0,0) = 1, f_x(0,0) = 0, f_y(0,0) = 0.


      integer :: i

      integer, parameter :: ngrid=9, nord=4, ndegree=nord-1, &

        nbkpt=ngrid+2*ndegree, ndata = 2000, nvalues=100, NC = 3

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: zero=0d0, one=1d0, two=2d0

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: TOLERANCE=1d-3

      real(kind(1d0)), target :: spline_data (4, ndata), bkpt(nbkpt), &

             coeff(ngrid+ndegree-1,ngrid+ndegree-1), delta, sizev, &

             x(nvalues), y(nvalues), values(nvalues, nvalues), &

             f_00, f_x00, f_y00


      real(kind(1d0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)

      type (d_spline_knots) knotsx, knotsy

      type (d_surface_constraints) C(NC)



! Generate random (x,y) pairs and evaluate the

! example exponential function at these values.    





! Define the knots for the tensor product data fitting problem.

         delta = two/(ngrid-1)

         bkpt(1:ndegree) = zero

         bkpt(nbkpt-ndegree+1:nbkpt) =  two



! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.

      pointer_bkpt => bkpt

      knotsx=d_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)



! Define the constraints for the fitted surface.







! Fit the data and obtain the coefficients.


      coeff = surface_fitting(spline_data, knotsx, knotsy,&



! Evaluate the residual = spline - function

! at a grid of points inside the square.


      x=(/(i*delta,i=1,nvalues)/); y=x



      values=surface_values((/0,0/), x, y, knotsx, knotsy, coeff)-&


      f_00 = surface_values((/0,0/), zero, zero,  knotsx, knotsy, coeff)

      f_x00= surface_values((/1,0/), zero, zero,  knotsx, knotsy, coeff)

      f_y00= surface_values((/0,1/), zero, zero,  knotsx, knotsy, coeff)


! Compute the R.M.S. error:

      sizev=norm(pack(values, (values == values)))/nvalues

      PASS = sizev <= TOLERANCE 

      PASS = abs (f_00 - one) <= sqrt(epsilon(one)) .and. PASS

      PASS = f_x00 <= sqrt(epsilon(one)) .and. PASS

      PASS = f_y00 <= sqrt(epsilon(one)) .and. PASS


      if (PASS) then

        write(*,*) 'Example 3 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct.'

      end if




Example 3 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct.

Example 4: Constraining a Spline Surface to be non-Negative

The review of interpolating methods by Franke (1982) uses a test data set originally due to James Ferguson.  We use this data set of 25 points, with unit uncertainty for each dependent variable.  Our algorithm does not interpolate the data values but approximately fits them in the least-squares sense.  We reset the regularization parameter values of flatness and thinness, Hanson (1995).  Then the surface is fit to the data and evaluated at a grid of points.  Although the surface appears smooth and fits the data, the values are negative near one corner.  Our scenario for the application assumes that the surface be non-negative at all points of the rectangle containing the independent variable data pairs.  Our algorithm for constraining the surface is simple but effective in this case.  The data fitting is repeated one more time but with positive constraints at the grid of points where it was previously negative.


      USE surface_fitting_int

      USE rand_int

      USE surface_fitting_int

      USE rand_int

      USE norm_int


      implicit none


! This is Example 4 for SURFACE_FITTING, tensor product

! B-splines approximation, f(x,y).  Use the data set from

! Franke, due to Ferguson.  Without constraints the function

! becomes negative in a corner.  Constrain the surface

! at a grid of values so it is non-negative.


      integer :: i, j, q

      integer, parameter :: ngrid=9, nord=4, ndegree=nord-1, &

        nbkpt=ngrid+2*ndegree, ndata = 25, nvalues=50

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: zero=0d0, one=1d0

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: TOLERANCE=1d-3

      real(kind(1d0)), target :: spline_data (4, ndata), bkptx(nbkpt), &

             bkpty(nbkpt),coeff(ngrid+ndegree-1,ngrid+ndegree-1), &

             x(nvalues), y(nvalues), values(nvalues, nvalues), &


      real(kind(1d0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)

      type (d_spline_knots) knotsx, knotsy

      type (d_surface_constraints), allocatable :: C(:)


      real(kind(1e0)) :: data (3*ndata) = & ! This is Ferguson's data:

(/2.0   ,  15.0  ,    2.5 ,      2.49 ,     7.647,    3.2,&

  2.981 ,   0.291,    3.4 ,      3.471,    -7.062,    3.5,&

  3.961 , -14.418,    3.5 ,      7.45 ,    12.003,    2.5,&

  7.35  ,   6.012,    3.5 ,      7.251,     0.018,    3.0,&

  7.151 ,  -5.973,    2.0 ,      7.051,   -11.967,    2.5,&

  10.901,   9.015,    2.0 ,     10.751,     4.536,    1.925,&

  10.602,   0.06 ,    1.85,     10.453,    -4.419,    1.576,&

  10.304,  -8.895,    1.7 ,     14.055,    10.509,    1.5,&

  14.194,   6.783,    1.3 ,     14.331,     3.054,    1.7,&

  14.469,  -0.672,    2.1 ,     14.607,    -4.398,    1.75,&

  15.0  ,  12.0  ,    0.5 ,     15.729,     8.067,    0.5,&

  16.457,   4.134,    0.7 ,     17.185,     0.198,    1.1,&

  17.914,  -3.735,    1.7/)


      spline_data(1:3,:)=reshape(data,(/3,ndata/)); spline_data(4,:)=one


! Define the knots for the tensor product data fitting problem.

! Use the data limits to  the knot sequences.

         bkptx(1:ndegree) = minval(spline_data(1,:))

         bkptx(nbkpt-ndegree+1:nbkpt) =  maxval(spline_data(1,:))




! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots for x.

      pointer_bkpt => bkptx

      knotsx=d_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)

         bkpty(1:ndegree) = minval(spline_data(2,:))

         bkpty(nbkpt-ndegree+1:nbkpt) =  maxval(spline_data(2,:))




! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots for y.

      pointer_bkpt => bkpty

      knotsy=d_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)


! Fit the data and obtain the coefficients.

      coeff = surface_fitting(spline_data, knotsx, knotsy)







! Evaluate the function at a rectangular grid.

! Use non-positive values to  a constraint.

      values=surface_values((/0,0/), x, y, knotsx, knotsy, coeff)


! Count the number of values <= zero.  Then constrain the spline

! so that it is >= TOLERANCE at those points where it was <= zero.

      q=count(values <= zero)

      allocate (C(q))

      DO I=1,nvalues

         DO J=1,nvalues

           IF(values(I,J) <= zero) THEN

             C(q)=surface_constraints(point=(/x(i),y(j)/), type='>=',&



           END IF

         END DO

      END DO


! Fit the data with constraints and obtain the coefficients.

      coeff = surface_fitting(spline_data, knotsx, knotsy,&




! Evaluate the surface at a grid and check, once again, for 

! non-positive values.  All values should now be positive.

      values=surface_values((/0,0/), x, y, knotsx, knotsy, coeff)

if (count(values <= zero) == 0) then

        write(*,*) 'Example 4 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct.'

      end if





Example 4 for SURFACE_FITTING is correct.

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