Finds a zero of a real function that changes sign in a given interval.
F — User-supplied FUNCTION to compute the value of the function of which a zero will be found. The form is F(X), where
X — The point at which
the function is evaluated. (Input)
X should not be
changed by F.
F — The computed
function value at the point X.
F must be declared EXTERNAL in the
calling program.
B — On input, the
user must supply two points, A and B, such that F(A) and F(B) are opposite in
sign. (Input/Output)
On output, both A and B are altered. B will contain the
best approximation to the zero of F.
ERRABS — First
stopping criterion. (Input)
A zero, B, is accepted if ABS(F(B)) is less than or
equal to ERRABS. ERRABS may be set to
Default: ERRABS = 1.e-4 for
single precision and 1.d-8 for double precision.
ERRREL — Second
stopping criterion is the relative error. (Input)
A zero is
accepted if the change between two successive approximations to this zero is
within ERRREL.
Default: ERRREL = 1.e-4 for
single precision and 1.d-8 for double precision.
MAXFN — On input,
MAXFN specifies an
upper bound on the number of function evaluations required for
convergence. (Input/Output)
On output, MAXFN will contain the
actual number of function evaluations used.
Default: MAXFN = 100.
Generic: CALL ZBREN (F, A, B [,…])
Specific: The specific interface names are S_ZBREN and D_ZBREN.
Double: The double precision name is DZBREN.
The algorithm used by ZBREN is a combination of linear interpolation, inverse quadratic interpolation, and bisection. Convergence is usually superlinear and is never much slower than the rate for the bisection method. See Brent (1971) for a more detailed account of this algorithm.
4 1 Failure to converge in MAXFN function evaluations.
2. On exit from ZBREN without any error message, A and B satisfy the following:
|A - B| ≤ max(|B|, 0.1) * ERRREL.
The presence of 0.1 in the stopping criterion causes leading zeros to the right of the decimal point to be counted as significant digits. Scaling may be required in order to accurately determine a zero of small magnitude.
ZBREN is guaranteed to
convergence within K function
evaluations, where
K = (ln((B - A)/D) + 1.0)2, and
This is an upper bound on the number of evaluations. Rarely does the actual number of evaluations used by ZBREN exceed
D can be computed as follows:
P = AMAX1(0.1, AMIN1(|A|,
IF((A - 0.1) * (B - 0.1) < 0.0) P = 0.1,
This example finds a zero of the function
in the interval ( - 10.0, 0.0).
99999 FORMAT (' The best approximation to the zero of F is equal to', &
F5.1, '.', /, ' The number of function evaluations', &
' required was ', I2, '.', //)
The best approximation to the zero of F is equal to -2.0.
The number of function evaluations required was 12.
Visual Numerics, Inc. PHONE: 713.784.3131 FAX:713.781.9260 |