JMSLTM Numerical Library 5.0.1

Class Sfun

  extended by com.imsl.math.Sfun

public class Sfun
extends Object

Collection of special functions.

See Also:

Field Summary
static double EPSILON_LARGE
          The largest relative spacing for doubles.
static double EPSILON_SMALL
          The smallest relative spacing for doubles.
Method Summary
static double beta(double a, double b)
          Returns the value of the Beta function.
static double betaIncomplete(double x, double p, double q)
          Returns the incomplete Beta function ratio.
static double cot(double x)
          Returns the cotangent of a double.
static double erf(double x)
          Returns the error function of a double.
static double erfc(double x)
          Returns the complementary error function of a double.
static double erfcInverse(double x)
          Returns the inverse of the complementary error function.
static double erfInverse(double x)
          Returns the inverse of the error function.
static double fact(int n)
          Returns the factorial of an integer.
static double gamma(double x)
          Returns the Gamma function of a double.
static double log10(double x)
          Returns the common (base 10) logarithm of a double.
static double logBeta(double a, double b)
          Returns the logarithm of the Beta function.
static double logGamma(double x)
          Returns the logarithm of the Gamma function of the absolute value of a double.
static double poch(double a, double x)
          Returns a generalization of Pochhammer's symbol.
static double r9lgmc(double x)
          Returns the log gamma correction term for argument values greater than or equal to 10.0.
static double sign(double x, double y)
          Returns the value of x with the sign of y.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double EPSILON_LARGE
The largest relative spacing for doubles.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final double EPSILON_SMALL
The smallest relative spacing for doubles.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static double beta(double a,
                          double b)
Returns the value of the Beta function. The beta function is defined to be

beta (a,b) = {{Gamma (a)Gamma (b)} over 
  {Gamma (a + b)}} = int_0^1 {t^{a - 1} } (1 - t)^{b - 1} dt

See gamma for the definition of Gamma 
  left( x right).

The method beta requires that both arguments be positive.

a - a double value
b - a double value
a double value specifying the Beta function
See Also:


public static double betaIncomplete(double x,
                                    double p,
                                    double q)
Returns the incomplete Beta function ratio. The incomplete beta function is defined to be

I_x (p,,,q) = {{beta _x (p,,,q)} 
  over {beta (p,,,q)}} = {1 over {beta (p,,,q)}}int_0^x 
  {t^{p - 1} } (1 - t)^{q - 1} dt,,{rm{for}},,0 le x 
  le 1,,p > 0,,q > 0

See beta for the definition of beta left( {p,,q} right).

The parameters p and q must both be greater than zero. The argument x must lie in the range 0 to 1. The incomplete beta function can underflow for sufficiently small x and large p; however, this underflow is not reported as an error. Instead, the value zero is returned as the function value.

The method betaIncomplete is based on the work of Bosten and Battiste (1974).

x - a double value specifying the upper limit of integration It must be in the interval [0,1] inclusive.
p - a double value specifying the first Beta parameter. It must be positive.
q - a double value specifying the second Beta parameter. It must be positive.
a double value specifying the incomplete Beta function ratio
See Also:


public static double cot(double x)
Returns the cotangent of a double.

x - a double value
a double value specifying the cotangent of x. If x is NaN, the result is NaN.


public static double erf(double x)
Returns the error function of a double.

The error function method, erf(x), is defined to be

{rm{erf}}left( x right) 
  = {2 over {sqrt pi  }}int_0^x {e^{ - t^2 } } dt

All values of x are legal.

Plot of erf(x)

x - a double value
a double value specifying the error function of x
See Also:


public static double erfc(double x)
Returns the complementary error function of a double.

The complementary error function method, erfc (x), is defined to be

{rm{erfc}}left( x right) = {2 over 
  {sqrt pi  }}int_x^infty  {e^{ - t^2 } } dt

The argument x must not be so large that the result underflows. Approximately, x should be less than

{left[ -ln left( {sqrt {pi}}s 
  right) right]}^{1/2}

where s = Double.MIN_VALUE is the smallest representable positive floating-point number.

Plot of erfc(x)

x - a double value
a double value specifying the complementary error function of x
See Also:


public static double erfcInverse(double x)
Returns the inverse of the complementary error function.

The erfcinverse(x) method computes the inverse of the complementary error function erfc x, defined in erfc.

erfcinverse(x) is defined for 0 lt x 
  lt 2. If x_{max } lt x lt 2, then the answer will be less accurate than half precision. Very approximately,

x_{it max} approx 2 - sqrt {varepsilon / (4pi)}

where varepsilon = machine precision (approximately 1.11e-16).

Plot of erfcInverse

x - a double value, 0 le x le 2.
a double value specifying the inverse of the error function of x.
See Also:


public static double erfInverse(double x)
Returns the inverse of the error function.

erfInverse(X) method computes the inverse of the error function erf x, defined in erf.

The method erfInverse(X) is defined for x_{it max} lt left| x right| lt 1, then the answer will be less accurate than half precision. Very approximately,

x_{max }  approx 1 - sqrt {varepsilon 
  /left( {4pi } right)}

where varepsilon is the machine precision (approximately 1.11e-16).

Plot of erfinverse(x)

x - a double value
a double value specifying the inverse of the error function of x
See Also:


public static double fact(int n)
Returns the factorial of an integer.

n - an int value
a double value specifying the factorial of n, n!. If x is negative, the result is NaN.


public static double gamma(double x)
Returns the Gamma function of a double.

The gamma function, Gamma (x), is defined to be

Gamma left( x right) = int_0^infty 
  {t^{x - 1} } e^{ - t} dt ,,,, for , x gt 0

For x lt 0, the above definition is extended by analytic continuation.

The gamma function is not defined for integers less than or equal to zero. Also, the argument x must be greater than -170.56 so that Gamma (x) does not underflow, and x must be less than 171.64 so that Gamma (x) does not overflow. The underflow limit occurs first for arguments that are close to large negative half integers. Even though other arguments away from these half integers may yield machine-representable values of Gamma (x), such arguments are considered illegal. Users who need such values should use the log gamma. Finally, the argument should not be so close to a negative integer that the result is less accurate than half precision.

Plot of gamma(x)

x - a double value
a double value specifying the Gamma function of x. If x is a negative integer, the result is NaN.
See Also:


public static double log10(double x)
Returns the common (base 10) logarithm of a double.

x - a double value
a double value specifying the common logarithm of x


public static double logBeta(double a,
                             double b)
Returns the logarithm of the Beta function.

Method logBeta computes {rm ln} , beta 
  left( {a,b} right) = {rm ln} , beta left( {b,a} right). See beta for the definition of beta left( {a,b} 

logBeta is defined for a > 0 and b > 0. It returns accurate results even when a or b is very small. It can overflow for very large arguments; this error condition is not detected except by the computer hardware.

a - a double value
b - a double value
a double value specifying the natural logarithm of the Beta function
See Also:


public static double logGamma(double x)
Returns the logarithm of the Gamma function of the absolute value of a double.

Method logGamma computes {rm ln} left| {Gamma (x)} 
  right|. See gamma for the definition of Gamma(x).

The gamma function is not defined for integers less than or equal to zero. Also, left| x right| must not be so large that the result overflows. Neither should x be so close to a negative integer that the accuracy is worse than half precision.

Plot of logGamma(x)

x - a double value
a double value specifying the natural logarithm of the Gamma function of |x|. If x is a negative integer, the result is NaN.
See Also:


public static double poch(double a,
                          double x)
Returns a generalization of Pochhammer's symbol.

Method poch evaluates Pochhammer's symbol (a)_n = (a)(a  - 1)ldots (a - n + 1) for n a nonnegative integer. Pochhammer's generalized symbol is defined to be

left( a right)_x  = frac{{Gamma left( {a + x} 
  right)}}{{Gamma left( a right)}}

See gamma for the definition of Gamma (x).

Note that a straightforward evaluation of Pochhammer's generalized symbol with either gamma or log gamma functions can be especially unreliable when a is large or x is small.

Substantial loss can occur if a + x or a are close to a negative integer unless left| x right| is sufficiently small. To insure that the result does not overflow or underflow, one can keep the arguments a and a + x well within the range dictated by the gamma function method gamma or one can keep left| x right| small whenever a is large. poch also works for a variety of arguments outside these rough limits, but any more general limits that are also useful are difficult to specify.

a - a double value specifying the first argument
x - a double value specifying the second, differential argument
a double value specifying the generalized Pochhammer symbol, gamma(a+x)/gamma(a)
See Also:


public static double r9lgmc(double x)
Returns the log gamma correction term for argument values greater than or equal to 10.0.

x - a double value
a double value specifying the log gamma correction term.


public static double sign(double x,
                          double y)
Returns the value of x with the sign of y.

x - a double value
y - a double value
a double value specifying the absolute value of x and the sign of y

JMSLTM Numerical Library 5.0.1

Copyright © 1970-2008 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 8 2008.