JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class Messages

  extended by com.imsl.Messages

public class Messages
extends Object

Retrieve and format message strings.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static String formatMessage(String bundleName, String key)
          A message is formatted, without arguments, using a MessageFormat string retrieved from the named resource bundle using the given key.
static String formatMessage(String bundleName, String key, Object[] arg)
          A message is formatted using a MessageFormat string retrieved from the named resource bundle using the given key.
static void throwIllegalArgumentException(String packageName, String key, Object[] args)
          Throws an IllegalArgumentException with a formatted String argument.
static void throwIllegalStateException(String packageName, String key, Object[] args)
          Throws an IllegalStateException with a formatted String argument.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Messages()
Method Detail


public static String formatMessage(String bundleName,
                                   String key)
A message is formatted, without arguments, using a MessageFormat string retrieved from the named resource bundle using the given key.

bundleName - is the resource bundle name.
key - is the key of the MessageFormat string in the resource bundle.
the formatted message


public static String formatMessage(String bundleName,
                                   String key,
                                   Object[] arg)
A message is formatted using a MessageFormat string retrieved from the named resource bundle using the given key.

bundleName - is the resource bundle name.
key - is the key of the MessageFormat string in the resource bundle.
arg - is an array of arguments passed to the MessageFormat.format method.
the formatted message


public static void throwIllegalArgumentException(String packageName,
                                                 String key,
                                                 Object[] args)
Throws an IllegalArgumentException with a formatted String argument.

packageName - is the package from which the error is thrown. The resource bundle "ErrorMessages" in this package contains the error MessageFormat string.
key - is the key of the MessageFormat string in the resource bundle.
args - is an array of arguments passed to the MessageFormat.format method.


public static void throwIllegalStateException(String packageName,
                                              String key,
                                              Object[] args)
Throws an IllegalStateException with a formatted String argument.

packageName - is the package from which the error is thrown. The resource bundle "ErrorMessages" in this package contains the error MessageFormat string.
key - is the key of the MessageFormat string in the resource bundle.
args - is an array of arguments passed to the MessageFormat.format method.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.