JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class NonlinearRegression

  extended by com.imsl.stat.NonlinearRegression

public class NonlinearRegression
extends Object

Fits a multivariate nonlinear regression model using least squares. The nonlinear regression model is


where the observed values of the y_i constitute the responses or values of the dependent variable, the known x_i are vectors of values of the independent (explanatory) variables, theta is the vector of p regression parameters, and the varepsilon_i are independently distributed normal errors each with mean zero and variance sigma^2. For this model, a least squares estimate of theta is also a maximum likelihood estimate of theta.

The residuals for the model are


A value of theta that minimizes


is the least-squares estimate of theta calculated by this class. NonlinearRegression accepts these residuals one at a time as input from a user-supplied function. This allows NonlinearRegression to handle cases where n is so large that data cannot reside in an array but must reside in a secondary storage device.

NonlinearRegression is based on MINPACK routines LMDIF and LMDER by More' et al. (1980). NonlinearRegression uses a modified Levenberg-Marquardt method to generate a sequence of approximations to the solution. Let hattheta_c be the current estimate of theta. A new estimate is given by

hat theta_c + s_c

where s_c is a solution to

(J(hat theta_c)^T J(hat theta_c) + mu_c I)
  s_c = J(hat theta_c)^T e(hat theta_c)

Here, J(hat theta_c) is the Jacobian evaluated at hat theta_c.

The algorithm uses a "trust region" approach with a step bound of hatdelta_c. A solution of the equations is first obtained for mu_c = 0. If ||s_c||_2lt
  delta_c, this update is accepted; otherwise, mu_c is set to a positive value and another solution is obtained. The method is discussed by Levenberg (1944), Marquardt (1963), and Dennis and Schnabel (1983, pages 129 - 147, 218 - 338).

Forward finite differences are used to estimate the Jacobian numerically unless the user supplied function computes the derivatives. In this case the Jacobian is computed analytically via the user-supplied function.

NonlinearRegression does not actually store the Jacobian but uses fast Givens transformations to construct an orthogonal reduction of the Jacobian to upper triangular form. The reduction is based on fast Givens transformations (see Golub and Van Loan 1983, pages 156-162, Gentleman 1974). This method has two main advantages: (1) the loss of accuracy resulting from forming the crossproduct matrix used in the equations for s_c is avoided, and (2) the n x p Jacobian need not be stored saving space when n > p.

A weighted least squares fit can also be performed. This is appropriate when the variance of epsilon_i in the nonlinear regression model is not constant but instead is sigma^2/w_i. Here, w_i are weights input via the user supplied function. For the weighted case, NonlinearRegression finds the estimate by minimizing a weighted sum of squares error.

Programming Notes

Nonlinear regression allows users to specify the model's functional form. This added flexibility can cause unexpected convergence problems for users who are unaware of the limitations of the algorithm. Also, in many cases, there are possible remedies that may not be immediately obvious. The following is a list of possible convergence problems and some remedies. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the problems and the remedies. Remedies for some problems may also be relevant for the other problems.

  1. A local minimum is found. Try a different starting value. Good starting values often can be obtained by fitting simpler models. For example, for a nonlinear function

    f(x;theta) = theta_1e^{theta_2x}

    good starting values can be obtained from the estimated linear regression coefficients hatbeta_0 and hatbeta_1 from a simple linear regression of ln y on ln x. The starting values for the nonlinear regression in this case would be


    If an approximate linear model is unclear, then simplify the model by reducing the number of nonlinear regression parameters. For example, some nonlinear parameters for which good starting values are known could be set to these values. This simplifies the approach to computing starting values for the remaining parameters.
  2. The estimate of theta is incorrectly returned as the same or very close to the initial estimate.
  3. The model is discontinuous as a function of theta. There may be a mistake in the user-supplied function. Note that the function f(x;theta) can be a discontinuous function of x.
  4. The R matrix returned by getR is inaccurate. If only a function is supplied try providing the NonlinearRegression.Derivative. If the derivative is supplied try providing only NonlinearRegression.Function.
  5. Overflow occurs during the computations. Make sure the user-supplied functions do not overflow at some value of theta.
  6. The estimate of theta is going to infinity. A parameterization of the problem in terms of reciprocals may help.
  7. Some components of theta are outside known bounds. This can sometimes be handled by making a function that produces artificially large residuals outside of the bounds (even though this introduces a discontinuity in the model function).

Note that the solve method must be called prior to calling the "get" member functions, otherwise a null is returned.

See Also:
Example 1, Example 2, Example 3

Nested Class Summary
static interface NonlinearRegression.Derivative
          Public interface for the user supplied function to compute the derivative for NonlinearRegression.
static interface NonlinearRegression.Function
          Public interface for the user supplied function for NonlinearRegression.
static class NonlinearRegression.NegativeFreqException
          A negative frequency was encountered.
static class NonlinearRegression.NegativeWeightException
          A negative weight was encountered.
static class NonlinearRegression.NoProgressException
          The algorithm is not making any progress, try new initial guess.
static class NonlinearRegression.TooManyIterationsException
          The number of iterations has exceeded the maximum allowed.
Constructor Summary
NonlinearRegression(int nparm)
          Constructs a new nonlinear regression object.
Method Summary
 double getCoefficient(int i)
          Returns the estimate for a coefficient.
 double[] getCoefficients()
          Returns the regression coefficients.
 double getDFError()
          Returns the degrees of freedom for error.
 int getErrorStatus()
          Gets information about the performance of NonlinearRegression.
 double[][] getR()
          Returns a copy of the R matrix.
 int getRank()
          Returns the rank of the matrix.
 double getSSE()
          Returns the sums of squares for error.
 void setAbsoluteTolerance(double absoluteTolerance)
          Sets the absolute function tolerance.
 void setDigits(int nGood)
          Sets the number of good digits in the residuals.
 void setFalseConvergenceTolerance(double falseConvergenceTolerance)
          Sets the false convergence tolerance.
 void setGradientTolerance(double gradientTolerance)
          Sets the gradient tolerance used to compute the gradient.
 void setGuess(double[] thetaGuess)
          Sets the initial guess of the parameter values
 void setInitialTrustRegion(double initialTrustRegion)
          Sets the initial trust region radius.
 void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
          Sets the maximum number of iterations allowed during optimization
 void setMaxStepsize(double maxStepsize)
          Sets the maximum allowable stepsize.
 void setRelativeTolerance(double relativeTolerance)
          Sets the relative function tolerance
 void setScale(double[] scale)
          Sets the scaling array for theta.
 void setStepTolerance(double stepTolerance)
          Sets the step tolerance used to step between two points.
 double[] solve(NonlinearRegression.Function F)
          Solves the least squares problem and returns the regression coefficients.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NonlinearRegression(int nparm)
Constructs a new nonlinear regression object.

nparm - An int which specifies the number of unknown parameters in the regression.
Method Detail


public double getCoefficient(int i)
Returns the estimate for a coefficient.

i - An int which specifies the index of a coefficient whose estimate is to be returned.
A double which contains the estimate for the i-th coefficient or null if solve has not been called.


public double[] getCoefficients()
Returns the regression coefficients.

A double array containing the regression coefficients or null if solve has not been called.


public double getDFError()
Returns the degrees of freedom for error.

A double which specifies the degrees of freedom for error or null if solve has not been called.


public int getErrorStatus()
Gets information about the performance of NonlinearRegression.

An int specifying information about convergence.

Value Description
0All convergence tests were met.
1Scaled step tolerance was satisfied. The current point may be an approximate local solution, or the algorithm is making very slow progress and is not near a solution, or StepTolerance is too big.
2Scaled actual and predicted reductions in the function are less than or equal to the relative function convergence tolerance RelativeTolerance.
3Iterates appear to be converging to a noncritical point. Incorrect gradient information, a discontinuous function, or stopping tolerances being too tight may be the cause.
4Five consecutive steps with the maximum stepsize have been taken. Either the function is unbounded below, or has a finite asymptote in some direction, or the maxStepsize is too small.

See Also:
setRelativeTolerance(double), setStepTolerance(double), setMaxStepsize(double)


public double[][] getR()
Returns a copy of the R matrix. R is the upper triangular matrix containing the R matrix from a QR decomposition of the matrix of regressors.

A two dimensional double array containing a copy of the R matrix or null if solve has not been called.


public int getRank()
Returns the rank of the matrix.

An int which specifies the rank of the matrix or null if solve has not been called.


public double getSSE()
Returns the sums of squares for error.

A double which contains the sum of squares for error or null if solve has not been called.


public void setAbsoluteTolerance(double absoluteTolerance)
Sets the absolute function tolerance.

absoluteTolerance - A double scalar value specifying the absolute function tolerance. The tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero. The default value is 4.93e-32.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if absoluteTolerance is less than 0


public void setDigits(int nGood)
Sets the number of good digits in the residuals.

nGood - An int specifying the number of good digits in the residuals. The number of digits must be greater than zero. The default value is 15.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if ngood is less than or equal to 0


public void setFalseConvergenceTolerance(double falseConvergenceTolerance)
Sets the false convergence tolerance.

falseConvergenceTolerance - A double scalar value specifying the false convergence tolerance. The tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero. The default value is 2.22e-14.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if falseConvergenceTolerance is less than 0


public void setGradientTolerance(double gradientTolerance)
Sets the gradient tolerance used to compute the gradient.

gradientTolerance - A double specifying the gradient tolerance used to compute the gradient. The tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero. The default value is 6.055e-6.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if gradientTolerance is less than 0


public void setGuess(double[] thetaGuess)
Sets the initial guess of the parameter values

thetaGuess - A double array of initial values for the parameters. The default value is an array of zeroes.


public void setInitialTrustRegion(double initialTrustRegion)
Sets the initial trust region radius.

initialTrustRegion - A double scalar value specifying the initial trust region radius. The initial trust radius must be greater than zero. If this member function is not called, a default is set based on the initial scaled Cauchy step.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if initialTrustRegion is less than or equal to 0


public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
Sets the maximum number of iterations allowed during optimization

maxIterations - An int specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed during optimization. The value must be greater than 0. The default value is 100.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if maxIterations is less than or equal to 0


public void setMaxStepsize(double maxStepsize)
Sets the maximum allowable stepsize.

maxStepsize - A nonnegative double value specifying the maximum allowable stepsize. The maximum allowable stepsize must be greater than zero. If this member function is not called, maximum stepsize is set to a default value based on a scaled theta.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if maxStepsize is less than or equal to 0


public void setRelativeTolerance(double relativeTolerance)
Sets the relative function tolerance

relativeTolerance - A double scalar value specifying the relative function tolerance. The relative function tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero. The default value is 1.0e-20.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if relativeTolerance is less than 0


public void setScale(double[] scale)
Sets the scaling array for theta.

scale - A double array containing the scaling values for the parameters (theta). The elements of the scaling array must be greater than zero. scale is used mainly in scaling the gradient and the distance between points. If good starting values of thetaGuess are known and are nonzero, then a good choice is scale[i]=1.0/thetaGuess[i]. Otherwise, if theta is known to be in the interval (-10.e5, 10.e5), set scale[i]=10.e-5. By default, the elements of the scaling array are set to 1.0.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if any of the elements of scale is less than or equal to 0


public void setStepTolerance(double stepTolerance)
Sets the step tolerance used to step between two points.

stepTolerance - A double scalar value specifying the step tolerance used to step between two points. The step tolerance must be greater than or equal to zero. The default value is 3.667e-11.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if stepTolerance is less than 0


public double[] solve(NonlinearRegression.Function F)
               throws NonlinearRegression.TooManyIterationsException,
Solves the least squares problem and returns the regression coefficients.

F - A NonlinearRegression.Function whose coefficients are to be computed.
A double array containing the regression coefficients.
NonlinearRegression.TooManyIterationsException - is thrown when the number of allowed iterations is exceeded
NonlinearRegression.NegativeFreqException - is thrown when the specified frequency is negative
NonlinearRegression.NegativeWeightException - is thrown when the weight is negative
NonlinearRegression.NoProgressException - is thrown when the algorithm is not making any progress. Try a new initial guess.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.