JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class DrawMap

  extended by com.imsl.chart.Draw
      extended by com.imsl.chart.DrawMap

public class DrawMap
extends Draw

Creates an HTML client-side imagemap from a chart tree. Entries in the imagemap correspond to nodes that define the HREF attribute.

See Also:
Chart Programmer's Guide: Servlets

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.imsl.chart.Draw
currentType, ERROR_BAR, FILL, fillColor, fillOutlineColor, fillOutlineType, fillPaint, fillType, graphics, haveErrorBarProperties, haveFillProperties, haveImageProperties, haveLineProperties, haveMarkerProperties, haveTextProperties, IMAGE, imageObserver, LAST, LINE, lineColor, lineDashPattern, lineWidth, MARKER, MARKER_SCALE, markerColor, markerDashPattern, markerSize, markerThickness, markerType, node, NONE, outline, path, RADIAN, scaleFont, TEXT, textAngle, textColor, textFont
Constructor Summary
DrawMap(Graphics graphics, Dimension bounds)
          Contructs a DrawMap object.
Method Summary
protected  void circle(int x, int y, int r)
          Sets a circle as the target.
 void drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle)
          Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
 void drawErrorBar(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int flag)
          Draw an error bar.
 void drawImage(Image image, int x, int y)
          Draw Image
 void drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
          Draw a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1).
 void drawMarker(int x, int y)
          Draw a marker.
protected  Dimension drawText(Text text, int x, int y, boolean dimensionOnly)
          Draws a text object.
 void endErrorBar()
          Stop drawing an error bar.
 void endFill()
          Stop drawing a filled region.
 void endImage()
          Stop drawing an image.
 void endLine()
          Finish drawing lines.
 void endMarker()
          Finish drawing markers.
 void endText()
          Stop drawing text.
 void fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int arcAngle)
          Fills a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
 void fillPolygon(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int npoints)
          Fill a polygon.
 void fillPolygon(Polygon polygon)
          Fill a polygon defined by a Polygon object.
 void fillRectangle(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Fill a rectangle.
protected  String getALT()
          Returns the current ALT string.
protected  String getHREF()
          Returns the current HREF string.
 String getMap()
          Returns the body of the HTML imagemap.
 int getTolerance()
          Get the minimum distance that an event can be from a point or a line and still be considered a hit.
protected  void poly(int[] x, int[] y)
          Sets a polygon as the target.
protected  void rect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Sets a rectangle as the target.
 void setNode(ChartNode node)
          Set the current ChartNode.
 void setTolerance(int tolerance)
          Set the minimum distance that an event can be from a point or a line and still be considered a hit.
 void startErrorBar()
          Start drawing an error bar.
 void startFill()
          Start drawing a filled region.
 void startImage()
          Start drawing an image.
 void startLine()
          Start drawing lines.
 void startMarker()
          Start drawing markers.
 void startText()
          Start drawing text.
 void translate(int x, int y)
          Translates the origin to the point (x,y)
Methods inherited from class com.imsl.chart.Draw
check, drawClippedImage, drawRotatedText, drawText, drawText, getClipBounds, getDeviceMarkerSize, getScaleFont, getSize, setClip, setScaleFont, start, stop
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DrawMap(Graphics graphics,
               Dimension bounds)
Contructs a DrawMap object.

graphics - is the graphics context in which to draw.
bounds - is the size of the chart to be drawn.
Method Detail


protected void circle(int x,
                      int y,
                      int r)
Sets a circle as the target.

x - is the x-coordinate of the center of the circle
y - is the y-coordinate of the center of the circle
r - is the radius of the circle


public void drawArc(int x,
                    int y,
                    int width,
                    int height,
                    int startAngle,
                    int arcAngle)
Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle. The center of the arc is center of this rectangle.

drawArc in class Draw
x - An int which specifies the x of the rectangle.
y - An int which specifies the y of the rectangle origin.
width - An int which specifies the width of the rectangle.
height - An int which specifies the height of the rectangle.
startAngle - An int which specifies the start angle in degrees. startAngle = 0 is equivalent to the 3-o'clock position.
arcAngle - An int which specifies the arcAngle. drawArc draws the arc from startAngle to startAngle+arcAngle. A positive arcAngle indicates a counter-clockwise rotation. A negative arcAngle implies a clockwise rotation.


public void drawErrorBar(int x0,
                         int y0,
                         int x1,
                         int y1,
                         int flag)
Draw an error bar.

drawErrorBar in class Draw
x0 - an int which specifies the x-coordinate of the beginning reference point
y0 - an int which specifies the y-coordinate of the beginning reference point
x1 - an int which specifies the x-coordinate of the ending reference point
y1 - an int which specifies the y-coordinate of the ending reference point
flag - an int that indicates which caps to draw (0=none, 1=bottom, 2=top, 3=both).


public void drawImage(Image image,
                      int x,
                      int y)
Draw Image

drawImage in class Draw
image - the Image object to be drawn
x - an int which specifies the x-coordinate of the reference point
y - an int which specifies the y-coordinate of the reference point


public void drawLine(int x0,
                     int y0,
                     int x1,
                     int y1)
Draw a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1).

drawLine in class Draw
x0 - an int which specifies the x0 of the line origin, (x0,y0)
y0 - an int which specifies the y0 of the line origin, (x0,y0)
x1 - an int which specifies the x1 of the line destination, (x1,y1)
y1 - an int which specifies the y1 of the line destination, (x1,y1)


public void drawMarker(int x,
                       int y)
Draw a marker.

drawMarker in class Draw
x - an int which specifies the x of the marker destination, (x,y)
y - an int which specifies the y of the marker destination, (x,y)


protected Dimension drawText(Text text,
                             int x,
                             int y,
                             boolean dimensionOnly)
Description copied from class: Draw
Draws a text object. The angle of the string is given by textAngle. Consider the horizontally and vertically aligned bounding box around the string. The box below corresponds to textAngle == 45.

        |    o|
        |   l |
        *  l  *
        | e   |
        |H    |

The reference point corresponds to one of the 8 starred points on the bounding box, as indicated by the "alignment" attribute" in the text object.

drawText in class Draw
text - a Text object to be drawn.
x - an int which specifies the x-coordinate of the reference point.
y - an int which specifies the y-coordinate of the reference point.
dimensionOnly - a boolean which is true if only the bounding box is to be computed and no text actually drawn.
the dimension of the bounding box.


public void endErrorBar()
Description copied from class: Draw
Stop drawing an error bar.

endErrorBar in class Draw


public void endFill()
Description copied from class: Draw
Stop drawing a filled region.

endFill in class Draw


public void endImage()
Description copied from class: Draw
Stop drawing an image.

endImage in class Draw


public void endLine()
Description copied from class: Draw
Finish drawing lines.

endLine in class Draw


public void endMarker()
Description copied from class: Draw
Finish drawing markers.

endMarker in class Draw


public void endText()
Description copied from class: Draw
Stop drawing text.

endText in class Draw


public void fillArc(int x,
                    int y,
                    int width,
                    int height,
                    int startAngle,
                    int arcAngle)
Fills a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle. The center of the arc is center of this rectangle.

fillArc in class Draw
x - An int which specifies the x of the rectangle.
y - An int which specifies the y of the rectangle origin.
width - An int which specifies the width of the rectangle.
height - An int which specifies the height of the rectangle.
startAngle - An int which specifies the start angle in degrees. startAngle = 0 is equivalent to the 3-o'clock position.
arcAngle - An int which specifies the arcAngle. drawArc draws the arc from startAngle to startAngle+arcAngle. A positive arcAngle indicates a counter-clockwise rotation. A negative arcAngle implies a clockwise rotation.


public void fillPolygon(int[] xpoints,
                        int[] ypoints,
                        int npoints)
Fill a polygon.

fillPolygon in class Draw
xpoints - an int array which contains the abscissae of the points which define the polygon
ypoints - an int array which contains the ordinates of the points which define the polygon
npoints - an int which specifies the number of points


public void fillPolygon(Polygon polygon)
Fill a polygon defined by a Polygon object.

fillPolygon in class Draw
polygon - a Polygon object which specifies the polygon to be filled


public void fillRectangle(int x,
                          int y,
                          int width,
                          int height)
Fill a rectangle.

fillRectangle in class Draw
x - an int which specifies the abscissa of the origin of the rectangle
y - an int which specifies the ordinate of the origin of the rectangle
width - an int which specifies the width of the rectangle
height - an int which specifies the height of the rectangle


protected String getALT()
Returns the current ALT string.


protected String getHREF()
Returns the current HREF string.


public String getMap()
Returns the body of the HTML imagemap.

the body of the HTML client-side imagemap. The actual <map> and </map> tags are not included, so that the client code can more easily add attributes to the <map> tag.


public int getTolerance()
Get the minimum distance that an event can be from a point or a line and still be considered a hit.

an int which specifies the minimum distance that an event can be from a point or a line and still be considered a hit


protected void poly(int[] x,
                    int[] y)
Sets a polygon as the target.

x - is an array containing the x-coordinates of the polygon.
y - is an array containing the y-coordinates of the polygon.


protected void rect(int x,
                    int y,
                    int w,
                    int h)
Sets a rectangle as the target.

x - is the x-coordinate of the left edge of the rectangle
y - is the y-coordinate of the top edge of the rectangle
w - is the width of the rectangle
h - is the height of the rectangle


public void setNode(ChartNode node)
Set the current ChartNode. This is used to get drawing attributes from the tree.

setNode in class Draw
node - a ChartNode object


public void setTolerance(int tolerance)
Set the minimum distance that an event can be from a point or a line and still be considered a hit.

tolerance - an int which specifies the minimum distance that an event can be from a point or a line and still be considered a hit


public void startErrorBar()
Description copied from class: Draw
Start drawing an error bar.

startErrorBar in class Draw


public void startFill()
Description copied from class: Draw
Start drawing a filled region.

startFill in class Draw


public void startImage()
Description copied from class: Draw
Start drawing an image.

startImage in class Draw


public void startLine()
Start drawing lines.

startLine in class Draw


public void startMarker()
Start drawing markers.

startMarker in class Draw


public void startText()
Description copied from class: Draw
Start drawing text.

startText in class Draw


public void translate(int x,
                      int y)
Translates the origin to the point (x,y)

translate in class Draw
x - an int which specifies the x of the new origin
y - an int which specifies the y of the new origin

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.