JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Package com.imsl.datamining.neural

Interface Summary
Activation Interface implemented by perceptron activation functions.
QuasiNewtonTrainer.Error Error function to be minimized by trainer.
Trainer Interface implemented by classes used to train a network.

Class Summary
BinaryClassification Classifies patterns into two classes.
EpochTrainer Two-stage training using randomly selected training patterns in stage I.
FeedForwardNetwork A representation of a feed forward neural network.
HiddenLayer Hidden layer in a neural network.
InputLayer Input layer in a neural network.
InputNode A Node in the InputLayer.
Layer The base class for Layers in a neural network.
LeastSquaresTrainer Trains a FeedForwardNetwork using a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for minimizing a sum of squares error.
Link A link in a neural network.
MultiClassification Classifies patterns into three or more classes.
Network Neural network base class.
Node A Node in a neural network.
OutputLayer Output layer in a neural network.
OutputPerceptron A Perceptron in the OutputLayer.
Perceptron A Perceptron node in a neural network.
QuasiNewtonTrainer Trains a network using the quasi-Newton method, MinUnconMultiVar.
ScaleFilter Scales or unscales continuous data prior to its use in neural network training, testing, or forecasting.
TimeSeriesClassFilter Converts time series data contained within nominal categories to a lagged format for processing by a neural network.
TimeSeriesFilter Converts time series data to a lagged format used as input to a neural network.
UnsupervisedNominalFilter Converts nominal data into a series of binary encoded columns for input to a neural network.
UnsupervisedOrdinalFilter Encodes ordinal data into percentages for input to a neural network.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.