JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Interface MinConNLP.Function

All Known Subinterfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static interface MinConNLP.Function

Public interface for the user supplied function to the MinConNLP object.

Method Summary
 double f(double[] x, int iact, boolean[] ierr)
          Compute the value of the function at the given point.

Method Detail


double f(double[] x,
         int iact,
         boolean[] ierr)
Compute the value of the function at the given point.

x - an input double array, the point at which the objective function or constraint is to be evaluated
iact - an input int value indicating whether evaluation of the objective function is requested or evaluation of a constraint is requested. If iact is zero, then an objective function evaluation is requested. If iact is nonzero then the value of iact indicates the index of the constraint to evaluate. (1 indicates the first constraint, 2 indicates the second, etc.)
ierr - an input/output boolean array of length 1. On input ierr[0] is set to false. If an error or other undesirable condition occurs during evaluation, then ierr[0] should be set to true. Setting ierr[0] to true will result in the step size being reduced and the step being tried again. (If ierr[0] is set to true for xguess, then an error is issued.)
a double. If iact is zero, then the value of the objective function at x is returned. If iact is nonzero, then the computed constraint value at the point x is returned.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.