JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class Physical

  extended by java.lang.Number
      extended by com.imsl.math.Physical
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class Physical
extends Number
implements Serializable, Cloneable

Return the value of various mathematical and physical constants. The case of the String specifying the name of the physical constant does not matter. The names 'PI', 'Pi', 'pI' and 'pi' are equivalent. The units of the physical constants are in SI units, (meter-kilogram-second). The names allowed are as follows:

AMU Atomic mass unit 1.6605402E-27 kg [1]
ATM Standard atm pressure 1.01325E+5 rm {N / m^2} E[2]
AU Astronomical unit 1.496E+11 m [ ]
Avogadro Avogadro's number 6.0221367E+23 1/mole [1]
Boltzman Boltzman's constant 1.380658E-23 J/K [1]
C Speed of light 2.997924580E+8 m/s E[1]
Catalan Catalan's constant 0.915965... E[3]
E Base of natural logs 2.718... E[3]
ElectronCharge Electron change 1.60217733E-19 C [1]
ElectronMass Electron mass 9.1093897E-31 kg [1]
ElectronVolt Electron volt 1.60217733E-19 J [1]
Euler Euler's constant gamma 0.577... E[3]
Faraday Faraday constant 9.6485309E+4 C/mole [1]
FineStructure Fine structure 7.29735308E-3 [1]
Gamma Euler's constant 0.577... E[3]
Gas Gas constant 8.314510 J/mole/K [1]
Gravity Gravitational constant 6.67259E-11 rm {Nm^2/{rm {kg}}^2}[1]
Hbar Planck constant / 2 pi 1.05457266E-34 J*s [1]
PerfectGasVolume Std vol ideal gas 2.241383E-2 rm {m^3/ {rm {mole}}} [*]
Pi Pi 3.141... E[3]
Planck Planck's constant h 6.6260755E-34 J*s [1]
ProtonMass Proton mass 1.6726231E-27 kg [1]
Rydberg Rydberg's constant 1.0973731534E+7 /m [1]
SpeedLight Speed of light 2.997924580E+8 m/s E[1]
StandardGravity Standard g 9.80665 rm {m/s^2} E[2]
StandardPressure Standard atm pressure 1.01325E+5 rm {N/m^2} E[2]
StefanBoltzmann Stefan-Boltzman 5.67051E-8 rm {W/K^4/m^2} [1]
WaterTriple Triple point of water 2.7316E+2 K E[2]

The reference for constants are indicated by the code in the [] comment above.

[1]Cohen and Taylor (1986)
[2]Liepman (1964)
[3]Precomputed mathematical constants

The constants marked with an E before the [] are exact (to machine precision).

  1. Units strings have the form U1*U2*...*Um/V1/.../Vn, where Ui and Vi are the names of basic units or are the names of basic units raised to a power. Examples are, 'METER*KILOGRAM/SECOND', 'M*KG/S', 'METER', or 'rm {M/KG^2}'. These strings are case insensitive.
  2. The basic unit names allowed are as follows.

    Units of time
    day, hour = hr, min = minute, s = sec = second, year

    Units of frequency
    Hertz = Hz

    Units of mass
    AMU, g = gram, lb = pound, ounce = oz, slug

    Units of distance
    Angstrom, AU, ft = feet = foot, in = inch, m = meter = metre, micron, mile, mill, parsec, yard

    Units of area

    Units of volume
    l = liter = litre

    Units of force
    dyne, N = Newton, poundal

    Units of energy
    BTU(thermochemical), Erg, J = Joule

    Units of work
    W = watt

    Units of pressure
    ATM = atomosphere, bar, Pascal

    Units of temperature
    degC = Celsius, degF = Fahrenheit, degK = Kelvin

    Units of viscosity
    poise, stoke

    Units of charge
    Abcoulomb, C = Coulomb, statcoulomb

    Units of current
    A = ampere, abampere, statampere

    Units of voltage
    Abvolt, V = volt

    Units of magnetic induction
    T = Tesla, Wb = Weber

    Other units
    1, farad, mole, Gauss, Henry, Maxwell, Ohm

    The following metric prefixes may be used with the above units. Note that the one or two letter prefixes may only be used with one letter unit abbreviations.

    A = atto = 1.E-18
    F = femto = 1.E-15
    P = pico = 1.E-12
    N = nano = 1.E-9
    U = micro = 1.E-6
    M = milli = 1.E-3
    C = centi = 1.E-2
    D = deci = 1.E-1
    DK = deca = 1.E+1
    K = kilo = 1.E+3
    myria = 1.E+4 (no single letter prefix; M means milli)
    mega = 1.E+6 (no single letter prefix; M means milli)
    G = giga = 1.E+9
    T = tera = 1.E+12

See Also:
Example, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static int CURRENT
protected  int[] dim
protected static int LENGTH
protected static int MASS
protected static int TEMPERATURE
protected static int TIME
protected  double value
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a new 0-valued, dimensionless object.
Physical(double value, int length, int mass, int time, int current, int temperature)
          Constructs a new Physical object and initializes this object to a double value along with int values for length, mass, time, current, and temperature.
Physical(double value, String units)
          Constructs a new Physical object and initializes this object to a double value.
Physical(Physical copy)
          Constructs a copy of a Physical object.
Method Summary
static Physical add(Physical x, Physical y)
          Add two compatible Physical objects.
static void checkCompatibility(Physical x, Physical y)
          Checks the compatibility of two Physical objects.
static Physical constant(String name)
          Returns the value of a constant, given its name.
static double constant(String name, String units)
          Returns the value of a constant, given its name, in the specified units.
static Physical convert(Physical pOld, String unitsNew)
          Converts a value to a different set of units.
static void defineConstant(String name, Physical value)
          Defines a new constant.
static void definePrefix(String name, double value)
          Defines a new prefix.
static void defineUnit(String name, Physical value)
          Defines a new unit.
static Physical divide(double x, Physical y)
          Divide a double by a Physical object.
static Physical divide(Physical x, double y)
          Divide a Physical object by a double.
static Physical divide(Physical x, Physical y)
          Divide two Physical objects.
 double doubleValue()
          Returns the value of this dimensionless object.
 float floatValue()
          Returns the value of this dimensionless object.
 int intValue()
          Returns the value of this dimensionless object.
 long longValue()
          Returns the value of this dimensionless object.
static Physical multiply(double x, Physical y)
          Multiply a double and a Physical object
static Physical multiply(Physical x, double y)
          Multiply a Physical object and a double
static Physical multiply(Physical x, Physical y)
          Multiply two Physical objects.
static Physical negate(Physical x)
          Negate a Physical object.
static Physical subtract(Physical x, Physical y)
          Subtract two compatible Physical objects.
 String toString()
          Returns a String containing the value and units, if any.
 String unitsString()
          Returns a String containing the units only.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Number
byteValue, shortValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int CURRENT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int[] dim


protected static final int LENGTH
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int MASS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int TEMPERATURE
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final int TIME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected double value
Constructor Detail


public Physical()
Constructs a new 0-valued, dimensionless object.


public Physical(double value,
                int length,
                int mass,
                int time,
                int current,
                int temperature)
Constructs a new Physical object and initializes this object to a double value along with int values for length, mass, time, current, and temperature.

value - double value to which this object is initialized
length - int value assigned to this object's length
mass - int value assigned to this object's mass
time - int value assigned to this object's time
current - int value assigned to this object's current
temperature - int value assigned to this object's temperature


public Physical(double value,
                String units)
Constructs a new Physical object and initializes this object to a double value.

value - double value to which the copy of the object is initialized
units - String specifying the unit


public Physical(Physical copy)
Constructs a copy of a Physical object.

copy - Physical object from which a copy is made
Method Detail


public static Physical add(Physical x,
                           Physical y)
Add two compatible Physical objects.

x - Physical object which is to be added
y - Physical object which is to be added
Physical object which is the sum of x + y
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if x and y are not compatible


public static void checkCompatibility(Physical x,
                                      Physical y)
Checks the compatibility of two Physical objects.

x - a Physical object
y - a Physical object to be checked against x
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the two Physical objects are incompatible


public static Physical constant(String name)
Returns the value of a constant, given its name.

name - is a String representing the name of the constant to be returned
the Physical object containing the value of the constant, in its default units
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when the name given is undefined


public static double constant(String name,
                              String units)
Returns the value of a constant, given its name, in the specified units.

name - is a String representing the name of the constant to be returned.
units - is a String representing the units in which the constant is to be returned.
a double containing the value of the constant in the specified units
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the constant name is undefined


public static Physical convert(Physical pOld,
                               String unitsNew)
Converts a value to a different set of units.

pOld - a Physical object specifying the value to be converted
unitsNew - a String specifying the units to which pOld is to be converted
a Physical object containing the value of pOld converted to the new units
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the new and old units are incompatible


public static void defineConstant(String name,
                                  Physical value)
Defines a new constant.

name - a String specifying the name of the constant to be defined
value - a Physical object defining the value of the new constant


public static void definePrefix(String name,
                                double value)
Defines a new prefix.

name - a String specifying the name of the prefix to be defined
value - is the double value of the prefix


public static void defineUnit(String name,
                              Physical value)
Defines a new unit.

name - a String specifying the name of the unit to be defined
value - a Physical object defining the value of one unit in terms of SI units


public static Physical divide(double x,
                              Physical y)
Divide a double by a Physical object.

x - double which is the numerator
y - Physical object which is the divisor
Physical object which is the result of x/y


public static Physical divide(Physical x,
                              double y)
Divide a Physical object by a double.

x - Physical object which is the numerator
y - double object which is the divisor
Physical object which is the result of x/y


public static Physical divide(Physical x,
                              Physical y)
Divide two Physical objects.

x - Physical object which is the numerator
y - Physical object which is the divisor
Physical object which is the result of x/y


public double doubleValue()
Returns the value of this dimensionless object.

Specified by:
doubleValue in class Number
the double value of the dimensionless object
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the this object is not dimensionless


public float floatValue()
Returns the value of this dimensionless object.

Specified by:
floatValue in class Number
the float value of the dimensionless object
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the this object is not dimensionless


public int intValue()
Returns the value of this dimensionless object.

Specified by:
intValue in class Number
the int value of the dimensionless object
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the this object is not dimensionless


public long longValue()
Returns the value of this dimensionless object.

Specified by:
longValue in class Number
the long value of the dimensionless object
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the this object is not dimensionless


public static Physical multiply(double x,
                                Physical y)
Multiply a double and a Physical object

x - double which is to be multiplied
y - Physical object which is to be multiplied
Physical object which is the product of x and y


public static Physical multiply(Physical x,
                                double y)
Multiply a Physical object and a double

x - Physical object which is to be multiplied
y - double which is to be multiplied
Physical object which is the product of x and y


public static Physical multiply(Physical x,
                                Physical y)
Multiply two Physical objects.

x - Physical object which is to be multiplied
y - Physical object which is to be multiplied
Physical object which is the product of x and y


public static Physical negate(Physical x)
Negate a Physical object.

x - Physical object which is to be negated
Physical object which has been negated


public static Physical subtract(Physical x,
                                Physical y)
Subtract two compatible Physical objects.

x - Physical object
y - Physical object which is to be subtracted from x
Physical object which is the result of x - y
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if x and y are not compatible


public String toString()
Returns a String containing the value and units, if any.

toString in class Object
a String specifying the value and units, if any, of this Physical object


public String unitsString()
Returns a String containing the units only.

a String specifying the units of this Physical object

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.