JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class QR

  extended by com.imsl.math.QR
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class QR
extends Object
implements Serializable, Cloneable

QR Decomposition of a matrix.

Class QR computes the QR decomposition of a matrix using Householder transformations. It is based on the LINPACK routine SQRDC; see Dongarra et al. (1979).

QR determines an orthogonal matrix Q, a permutation matrix P, and an upper trapezoidal matrix R with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude, such that AP = QR. The Householder transformation for column k is of the form

I - frac{{u_k u_k^T }}{{P_k }}

for k = 1, 2, ldots, min(number of rows of A, number of columns of A), where u has zeros in the first k - 1 positions. The matrix Q is not produced directly by QR. Instead the information needed to reconstruct the Householder transformations is saved. If the matrix Q is needed explicitly, the method getQ can be called after QR. This method accumulates Q from its factored form.

Before the decomposition is computed, initial columns are moved to the beginning of the array A and the final columns to the end. Both initial and final columns are frozen in place during the computation. Only free columns are pivoted. Pivoting is done on the free columns of largest reduced norm.

See Also:
Example, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
QR(double[][] a)
          Constructs the QR decomposition of a matrix with elements of type double.
Method Summary
 int[] getPermute()
          Returns an integer vector containing information about the permutation of the elements of the matrix during pivoting.
 double[][] getQ()
          Returns the orthogonal or unitary matrix Q.
 double[][] getR()
          Returns the upper trapezoidal matrix R.
 int getRank()
          Returns the rank of the matrix used to construct this instance.
 int rank(double tolerance)
          Returns the rank of the matrix given an input tolerance.
 double[] solve(double[] b)
          Returns the solution to the least-squares problem Ax = b.
 double[] solve(double[] b, double tol)
          Returns the solution to the least-squares problem Ax = b using an input tolerance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QR(double[][] a)
Constructs the QR decomposition of a matrix with elements of type double.

a - a double matrix to be factored
IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when the row lengths of input matrix a are not equal (i.e. the matrix edges are "jagged".)
Method Detail


public int[] getPermute()
Returns an integer vector containing information about the permutation of the elements of the matrix during pivoting.

an int array containing the permutation information. The k-th element contains the index of the column of the matrix that has been interchanged into the k-th column.


public double[][] getQ()
Returns the orthogonal or unitary matrix Q.

a double matrix containing the accumulated orthogonal matrix Q from the QR decomposition


public double[][] getR()
Returns the upper trapezoidal matrix R.

the upper trapezoidal double matrix R of the QR decomposition


public int getRank()
Returns the rank of the matrix used to construct this instance.

an int specifying the rank of the matrix used to construct this instance


public int rank(double tolerance)
Returns the rank of the matrix given an input tolerance.

tolerance - a double scalar value used in determining the rank of the matrix
an int specifying the rank of the matrix


public double[] solve(double[] b)
               throws SingularMatrixException
Returns the solution to the least-squares problem Ax = b.

b - a double array to be manipulated
a double array containing the solution vector to Ax = b with components corresponding to the unused columns set to zero
SingularMatrixException - Thrown when the upper triangular matrix R resulting from the QR factorization is singular.


public double[] solve(double[] b,
                      double tol)
               throws SingularMatrixException
Returns the solution to the least-squares problem Ax = b using an input tolerance.

b - a double array to be manipulated
tol - a double scalar value used in determining the rank of A
a double array containing the solution vector to Ax = b with components corresponding to the unused columns set to zero
SingularMatrixException - Thrown when the upper triangular matrix R resulting from the QR factorization is singular.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.