JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class SVD

  extended by com.imsl.math.SVD

public class SVD
extends Object

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix of type double.

SVD is based on the LINPACK routine SSVDC; see Dongarra et al. (1979).

Let n be the number of rows in A and let p be the number of columns in A. For any
n x p matrix A, there exists an n x n orthogonal matrix U and a p x p orthogonal matrix V such that

U^T A V = left{  begin{array}{cl} left[ 
  begin{array}{l} Sigma \ 0 end{array} right] & mbox{if  n ge p } \
  left[ Sigma ,, 0 right] & mbox{if  n le p } end{array} right.

where Sigma = {rm diag}(sigma_1, ldots, sigma_m), and m = min(n, p). The scalars sigma_1 geq 
  sigma_2 geq ldots geq sigma_m geq 0 are called the singular values of A. The columns of U are called the left singular vectors of A. The columns of V are called the right singular vectors of A.

The estimated rank of A is the number of sigma_k that is larger than a tolerance eta. If tau is the parameter tol in the program, then

eta  = left{ begin{array}{cl} tau  hfill 
  & mbox {if  tau gt  0 } \ {left| tau  right|left| A right|_infty 
  } hfill & mbox {if  tau lt  0 } end{array} right.

The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the matrix is computed by partitioning the matrices U, V and Sigma as U = (U_1,U_2), V = (V_1,V_2) and Sigma_1 = {rm diag}(sigma_1,ldots,sigma_k) where the "1" matrices are k by k. The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse is V_1 Sigma_1^{-1} U_1^T.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class SVD.DidNotConvergeException
          The iteration did not converge
Constructor Summary
SVD(double[][] a)
          Construct the singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix with default tolerance.
SVD(double[][] a, double tol)
          Construct the singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix with a given tolerance.
Method Summary
 int getInfo()
          Returns convergence information about S, U, and V.
 int getRank()
          Returns the rank of the matrix used to construct this instance.
 double[] getS()
          Returns the singular values.
 double[][] getU()
          Returns the left singular vectors.
 double[][] getV()
          Returns the right singular vectors.
 double[][] inverse()
          Compute the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of a real matrix.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SVD(double[][] a)
    throws SVD.DidNotConvergeException
Construct the singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix with default tolerance. The tolerance used is 2.2204460492503e-14. This tolerance is used to determine rank. A singular value is considered negligible if the singular value is less than or equal to this tolerance.

a - a double matrix for which the singular value decomposition is to be computed
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when the row lengths of input matrix a are not equal (i.e. the matrix edges are "jagged")


public SVD(double[][] a,
           double tol)
    throws SVD.DidNotConvergeException
Construct the singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix with a given tolerance. If tol is positive, then a singular value is considered negligible if the singular value is less than or equal to tol. If tol is negative, then a singular value is considered negligible if the singular value is less than or equal to the absolute value of the product of tol and the infinity norm of the input matrix. In the latter case, the absolute value of tol generally contains an estimate of the level of the relative error in the data.

a - a double matrix for which the singular value decomposition is to be computed
tol - a double scalar containing the tolerance used to determine when a singular value is negligible
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when the row lengths of input matrix a are not equal (for example, the matrix edges are "jagged")
SVD.DidNotConvergeException - is thrown when the rank cannot be determined because convergence was not obtained for all singular values
Method Detail


public int getInfo()
Returns convergence information about S, U, and V.

Convergence was obtained for the info, info+1, ..., min(nra,nca) singular values and their corresponding vectors. Here, nra and nca represent the number of rows and columns of the input matrix respectively.


public int getRank()
Returns the rank of the matrix used to construct this instance.

an int scalar containing the rank of the matrix used to construct this instance. The estimated rank of the input matrix is the number of singular values which are larger than a tolerance.


public double[] getS()
Returns the singular values.

a double array containing the singular values of the matrix


public double[][] getU()
Returns the left singular vectors.

a double matrix containing the left singular vectors


public double[][] getV()
Returns the right singular vectors.

a double matrix containing the right singular vectors


public double[][] inverse()
Compute the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of a real matrix.

a double matrix containing the generalized inverse of the matrix used to construct this instance

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.