JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class CategoricalGenLinModel

  extended by com.imsl.stat.CategoricalGenLinModel

public class CategoricalGenLinModel
extends Object

Analyzes categorical data using logistic, probit, Poisson, and other linear models.

Reweighted least squares is used to compute (extended) maximum likelihood estimates in some generalized linear models involving categorized data. One of several models, including probit, logistic, Poisson, logarithmic, and negative binomial models, may be fit for input point or interval observations. (In the usual case, only point observations are observed.)



be the linear response where x_i is a design column vector obtained from a row of x,beta is the column vector of coefficients to be estimated, and w_i is a fixed parameter that may be input in x. When some of the {gamma}_i are infinite at the supremum of the likelihood, then extended maximum likelihood estimates are computed. Extended maximum likelihood are computed as the finite (but nonunique) estimates hat{beta} that optimize the likelihood containing only the observations with finite {hat{gamma}}_i. These estimates, when combined with the set of indices of the observations such that {hat{gamma}}_i is infinite at the supremum of the likelihood, are called extended maximum estimates. When none of the optimal {hat{gamma}}_i are infinite, extended maximum likelihood estimates are identical to maximum likelihood estimates. Extended maximum likelihood estimation is discussed in more detail by Clarkson and Jennrich (1991). In CategoricalGenLinModel, observations with potentially infinite

{hat{eta}}_i = x_i^That{beta}

are detected and removed from the likelihood if infin = 0. See below.

The models available in CategoricalGenLinModel are:

Model Name ParameterizationResponse PDF
MODEL0 (Poisson)lambda=N
MODEL1 (Negative Binomial)theta=frac{e^{w+eta}}{1+e^{w+eta}}f(y)=left(begin{array}{rr}S+y-1\y-1end{array}right)theta^S(1-
MODEL2 (Logarithmic)theta=
MODEL3 (Logistic)theta=frac
          {e^{w +eta}}{1+e^{w+eta}}f(y)=left(begin{array}{rr}N\yend{array}right)theta^y(1-theta
MODEL4 (Probit)theta=Phi(w+
MODEL5 (Log-log)theta=1-e^{-

Here Phi denotes the cumulative normal distribution, N and S are known parameters specified for each observation via column ipar of x, and w is an optional fixed parameter specified for each observation via column ifix of x. (By default N is taken to be 1 for model = 0, 3, 4 and 5 and S is taken to be 1 for model = 1. By default w is taken to be 0.) Since the log-log model (model = 5) probabilities are not symmetric with respect to 0.5, quantitatively, as well as qualitatively, different models result when the definitions of "success" and "failure" are interchanged in this distribution. In this model and all other models involving theta, theta is taken to be the probability of a "success."

Note that each row vector in the data matrix can represent a single observation; or, through the use of column ifrq of the matrix x, each vector can represent several observations.

Computational Details

For interval observations, the probability of the observation is computed by summing the probability distribution function over the range of values in the observation interval. For right-interval observations, Pr(Y
  ge{y}) is computed as a sum based upon the equality Pr(Yge{y})=1-Pr(Ylt{y}). Derivatives are computed similarly. CategoricalGenLinModel allows three types of interval observations. In full interval observations, both the lower and the upper endpoints of the interval must be specified. For right-interval observations, only the lower endpoint need be given while for left-interval observations, only the upper endpoint is given.

The computations proceed as follows:

  1. The input parameters are checked for consistency and validity.
  2. Estimates of the means of the "independent" or design variables are computed. The frequency of the observation in all but binomial distribution model is taken from column ifrq of the data matrix x. In binomial distribution models, the frequency is taken as the product of n = x[i][ipar] and x[i][ifrq]. In all cases these values default to 1. Means are computed as


  3. If init = 0, initial estimates of the coefficients are obtained (based upon the observation intervals) as multiple regression estimates relating transformed observation probabilities to the observation design vector. For example, in the binomial distribution models, theta for point observations may be estimated as


    and, when model = 3, the linear relationship is given by

          approx xbetaright)

    while if model = 4,


    For bounded interval observations, the midpoint of the interval is used for x[i][irt]. Right-interval observations are not used in obtaining initial estimates when the distribution has unbounded support (since the midpoint of the interval is not defined). When computing initial estimates, standard modifications are made to prevent illegal operations such as division by zero.

    Regression estimates are obtained at this point, as well as later, by use of linear regression.

  4. Newton-Raphson iteration for the maximum likelihood estimates is implemented via iteratively reweighted least squares. Let


    denote the log of the probability of the i-th observation for coefficients beta. In the least-squares model, the weight of the i-th observation is taken as the absolute value of the second derivative of


    with respect to


    (times the frequency of the observation), and the dependent variable is taken as the first derivative Psi with respect to gamma_i, divided by the square root of the weight times the frequency. The Newton step is given by

          gamma_i)|x_ix_i^T right)^{-1} sum_{i}Psi^{'}(gamma_i)x_i

    where all derivatives are evaluated at the current estimate of gamma, and beta_{n+1}=beta_n-
          Deltabeta. This step is computed as the estimated regression coefficients in the least-squares model. Step halving is used when necessary to ensure a decrease in the criterion.
  5. Convergence is assumed when the maximum relative change in any coefficient update from one iteration to the next is less than eps or when the relative change in the log-likelihood from one iteration to the next is less than eps/100. Convergence is also assumed after maxIterations or when step halving leads to a step size of less than .0001 with no increase in the log-likelihood.
  6. For interval observations, the contribution to the log-likelihood is the log of the sum of the probabilities of each possible outcome in the interval. Because the distributions are discrete, the sum may involve many terms. The user should be aware that data with wide intervals can lead to expensive (in terms of computer time) computations.
  7. If setInfiniteEstimateMethod set to 0, then the methods of Clarkson and Jennrich (1991) are used to check for the existence of infinite estimates in


    As an example of a situation in which infinite estimates can occur, suppose that observation j is right censored with t_jgt{15} in a logistic model. If design matrix x is is such that x_{jm}=1 and x_{im}=0 for all ineq{j}, then the optimal estimate of beta_m occurs at


    leading to an infinite estimate of both beta_m and eta_j. In CategoricalGenLinModel, such estimates may be "computed."

    In all models fit by CategoricalGenLinModel , infinite estimates can only occur when the optimal estimated probability associated with the left- or right-censored observation is 1. If setInfiniteEstimateMethod set to 0, left- or right- censored observations that have estimated probability greater than 0.995 at some point during the iterations are excluded from the log-likelihood, and the iterations proceed with a log-likelihood based upon the remaining observations. This allows convergence of the algorithm when the maximum relative change in the estimated coefficients is small and also allows for the determination of observations with infinite


    At convergence, linear programming is used to ensure that the eliminated observations have infinite eta_i. If some (or all) of the removed observations should not have been removed (because their estimated eta_{i's} must be finite), then the iterations are restarted with a log-likelihood based upon the finite eta_i observations. See Clarkson and Jennrich (1991) for more details.

    When setInfiniteEstimateMethod is set to 1, no observations are eliminated during the iterations. In this case, when infinite estimates occur, some (or all) of the coefficient estimates hat{beta} will become large, and it is likely that the Hessian will become (numerically) singular prior to convergence.

    When infinite estimates for the hat{eta_i} are detected, linear regression (see Chapter 2, Regression;) is used at the convergence of the algorithm to obtain unique estimates hat{beta}. This is accomplished by regressing the optimal hat{eta_i} or the observations with finite eta against xbeta, yielding a unique hat{beta} (by setting coefficients hat{beta} that are linearly related to previous coefficients in the model to zero). All of the final statistics relating to hat{beta} are based upon these estimates.

  8. Residuals are computed according to methods discussed by Pregibon (1981). Let ell_i(gamma_i) denote the log-likelihood of the i-th observation evaluated at gamma_i. Then, the standardized residual is computed as


    where hat{gamma_i} is the value of gamma_i when evaluated at the optimal hat{
          beta} and the derivatives here (and only here) are with respect to gamma rather than with respect to beta. The denominator of this expression is used as the "standard error of the residual" while the numerator is the "raw" residual.

    Following Cook and Weisberg (1982), we take the influence of the i-th observation to be


    This quantity is a one-step approximation to the change in the estimates when the i-th observation is deleted. Here, the partial derivatives are with respect to beta.

Programming Notes

  1. Classification variables are specified via setClassificationVariableColumn. Indicator or dummy variables are created for the classification variables.
  2. To enhance precision "centering" of covariates is performed if setModelIntercept is set to 1 and (number of observations) - (number of rows in x missing one or more values) > 1. In doing so, the sample means of the design variables are subtracted from each observation prior to its inclusion in the model. On convergence the intercept, its variance and its covariance with the remaining estimates are transformed to the uncentered estimate values.
  3. Two methods for specifying a binomial distribution model are possible. In the first method, x[i][ifrq] contains the frequency of the observation while x[i][irt] is 0 or 1 depending upon whether the observation is a success or failure. In this case, N = x[i][ipar] is always 1. The model is treated as repeated Bernoulli trials, and interval observations are not possible.

A second method for specifying binomial models is to use x[i][irt] to represent the number of successes in the x[i][ipar] trials. In this case, x[i][ifrq] will usually be 1, but it may be greater than 1, in which case interval observations are possible.

Note that the solve method must be called prior to calling the "get" member functions, otherwise a null is returned.

See Also:
Example 1, Example 2

Nested Class Summary
static class CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException
          The ClassificationVariable vector has not been initialized.
static class CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableLimitException
          The Classification Variable limit set by the user through setUpperBound has been exceeded.
static class CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableValueException
          The number of distinct values for each Classification Variable must be greater than 1.
static class CategoricalGenLinModel.DeleteObservationsException
          The number of observations to be deleted (set by setObservationMax) has grown too large.
static class CategoricalGenLinModel.RankDeficientException
          The model has been determined to be rank deficient.
Field Summary
static int MODEL0
          Indicates an exponential function is used to model the distribution parameter.
static int MODEL1
          Indicates a logistic function is used to model the distribution parameter.
static int MODEL2
          Indicates a logistic function is used to model the distribution parameter.
static int MODEL3
          Indicates a logistic function is used to model the distribution parameter.
static int MODEL4
          Indicates a probit function is used to model the distribution parameter.
static int MODEL5
          Indicates a log-log function is used to model the distribution parameter.
Constructor Summary
CategoricalGenLinModel(double[][] x, int model)
          Constructs a new CategoricalGenLinModel.
Method Summary
 double[][] getCaseAnalysis()
          Returns the case analysis.
 int[] getClassificationVariableCounts()
          Returns the number of values taken by each classification variable.
 double[] getClassificationVariableValues()
          Returns the distinct values of the classification variables in ascending order.
 double[][] getCovarianceMatrix()
          Returns the estimated asymptotic covariance matrix of the coefficients.
 double[] getDesignVariableMeans()
          Returns the means of the design variables.
 int[] getExtendedLikelihoodObservations()
          Returns a vector indicating which observations are included in the extended likelihood.
 double[][] getHessian()
          Returns the Hessian computed at the initial parameter estimates.
 double[] getLastParameterUpdates()
          Returns the last parameter updates (excluding step halvings).
 int getNRowsMissing()
          Returns the number of rows of data in x that contain missing values in one or more specific columns of x.
 double getOptimizedCriterion()
          Returns the optimized criterion.
 double[][] getParameters()
          Returns the parameter estimates and associated statistics.
 double[] getProduct()
          Returns the inverse of the Hessian times the gradient vector computed at the input parameter estimates.
 void setCensorColumn(int icen)
          Sets the column number in x which contains the interval type for each observation.
 void setClassificationVariableColumn(int[] indcl)
          Initializes an index vector to contain the column numbers in x that are classification variables.
 void setConvergenceTolerance(double eps)
          Set the convergence criterion.
 void setEffects(int[] indef, int[] nvef)
          Initializes an index vector to contain the column numbers in x associated with each effect.
 void setExtendedLikelihoodObservations(int[] iadds)
          Initializes a vector indicating which observations are to be included in the extended likelihood.
 void setFixedParameterColumn(int ifix)
          Sets the column number in x that contains a fixed parameter for each observation that is added to the linear response prior to computing the model parameter.
 void setFrequencyColumn(int ifrq)
          Sets the column number in x that contains the frequency of response for each observation.
 void setInfiniteEstimateMethod(int infin)
          Sets the method to be used for handling infinite estimates.
 void setInitialEstimates(int init, double[] estimates)
          Sets the initial parameter estimates option.
 void setLowerEndpointColumn(int irt)
          Sets the column number in x that contains the lower endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and right interval observations.
 void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
          Set the maximum number of iterations allowed.
 void setModelIntercept(int intcep)
          Sets the intercept option.
 void setObservationMax(int nmax)
          Sets the maximum number of observations that can be handled in the linear programming.
 void setOptionalDistributionParameterColumn(int ipar)
          Sets the column number in x that contains an optional distribution parameter for each observation.
 void setTolerance(double tol)
          Initializes the tolerance used in determining linear dependence.
 void setUpperBound(int maxcl)
          Sets the upper bound on the sum of the number of distinct values taken on by each classification variable.
 void setUpperEndpointColumn(int ilt)
          Sets the column number in x that contains the upper endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and left interval observations.
 double[][] solve()
          Returns the parameter estimates and associated statistics for a CategoricalGenLinModel object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int MODEL0
Indicates an exponential function is used to model the distribution parameter. The distribution of the response variable is Poisson. The lower bound of the response variable is 0.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MODEL1
Indicates a logistic function is used to model the distribution parameter. The distribution of the response variable is negative Binomial. The lower bound of the response variable is 0.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MODEL2
Indicates a logistic function is used to model the distribution parameter. The distribution of the response variable is Logarithmic. The lower bound of the response variable is 1.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MODEL3
Indicates a logistic function is used to model the distribution parameter. The distribution of the response variable is Binomial. The lower bound of the response variable is 0.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MODEL4
Indicates a probit function is used to model the distribution parameter. The distribution of the response variable is Binomial. The lower bound of the response variable is 0.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MODEL5
Indicates a log-log function is used to model the distribution parameter. The distribution of the response variable is Binomial. The lower bound of the response variable is 0.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CategoricalGenLinModel(double[][] x,
                              int model)
Constructs a new CategoricalGenLinModel.

x - A double input matrix containing the data where the number of rows in the matrix is equal to the number of observations.
model - An int scalar which specifies the distribution of the response variable and the function used to model the distribution parameter. Use one of the class members from the following table. The lower bound given in the table is the minimum possible value of the response variable:

Model DistributionFunction Lower-bound
0Poisson Exponential0
1Negative Binomial Logistic0
2Logarithmic Logistic1
3Binomial Logistic0
4Binomial Probit0
5Binomial Log-log0

Let gamma be the dot product of a row in the design matrix with the parameters (plus the fixed parameter, if used). Then, the functions used to model the distribution parameter are given by:

Name Function
Exponential e^{gamma}
Logistice^{gamma}/({1 + e^{gamma}})
Probit Phi(gamma) (where Phi is the normal cdf)

Method Detail


public double[][] getCaseAnalysis()
Returns the case analysis.

A double matrix containing the case analysis or null if solve has not been called. The matrix is nobstimes{5} where nobs is the number of observations. The matrix contains:

1The residual.
2The estimated standard error of the residual.
3The estimated influence of the observation.
4The standardized residual.

Case studies are computed for all observations except where missing values prevent their computation. The prediction in column 0 depends upon the model used as follows:

0The predicted mean for the observation.
1-4The probability of a success on a single trial.


public int[] getClassificationVariableCounts()
                                      throws CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException
Returns the number of values taken by each classification variable.

An int array of length nclvar containing the number of values taken by each classification variable where nclvar is the number of classification variables or null if solve has not been called.
CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException - is thrown when the number of values taken by each classification variable has been set by the user to be less than or equal to 1


public double[] getClassificationVariableValues()
                                         throws CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException
Returns the distinct values of the classification variables in ascending order.

A double array of length sum_{k=0}^{
          mbox{nclvar}}mbox{nclval[k]} containing the distinct values of the classification variables in ascending order where nclvar is the number of classification variables and nclval[i] is the number of values taken by the i-th classification variable. A null is returned if solve has not been called prior to calling this method.
CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException - is thrown when the number of values taken by each classification variable has been set by the user to be less than or equal to 1


public double[][] getCovarianceMatrix()
Returns the estimated asymptotic covariance matrix of the coefficients.

A double matrix containing the estimated asymptotic covariance matrix of the coefficients or null if solve has not been called. The covariance matrix is nCoef by nCoef where nCoef is the number of coefficients in the model.


public double[] getDesignVariableMeans()
Returns the means of the design variables.

A double array of length nCoef containing the means of the design variables where nCoef is the number of coefficients in the model or null if solve has not been called.


public int[] getExtendedLikelihoodObservations()
Returns a vector indicating which observations are included in the extended likelihood.

An int array of length nobs indicating which observations are included in the extended likelihood where nobs is the number of observations. The values within the array are interpreted as:

Value Status of observation
0Observation i is in the likelihood.
1Observation i cannot be in the likelihood because it contains at least one missing value in x.
2Observation i is not in the likelihood. Its estimated parameter is infinite.

A null is returned if solve has not been called prior to calling this method.


public double[][] getHessian()
                      throws CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException,
Returns the Hessian computed at the initial parameter estimates.

A double matrix containing the Hessian computed at the input parameter estimates. The Hessian matrix is nCoef by nCoef where nCoef is the number of coefficients in the model. This member function will call solve to get the Hessian if the Hessian has not already been computed.
CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException - is thrown when the number of values taken by each classification variable has been set by the user to be less than or equal to 1
CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableLimitException - is thrown when the sum of the number of distinct values taken on by each classification variable exceeds the maximum allowed, maxcl
CategoricalGenLinModel.DeleteObservationsException - is thrown if the number of observations to be deleted has grown too large


public double[] getLastParameterUpdates()
Returns the last parameter updates (excluding step halvings).

A double array of length nCoef containing the last parameter updates (excluding step halvings) or null if solve has not been called.


public int getNRowsMissing()
Returns the number of rows of data in x that contain missing values in one or more specific columns of x.

An int scalar representing the number of rows of data in x that contain missing values in one or more specific columns of x or null if solve has not been called. The columns of x included in the count are the columns containing the upper or lower endpoints of full interval, left interval, or right interval observations. Also included are the columns containing the frequency responses, fixed parameters, optional distribution parameters, and interval type for each observation. Columns containing classification variables and columns associated with each effect in the model are also included.


public double getOptimizedCriterion()
Returns the optimized criterion.

A double scalar representing the optimized criterion or null if solve has not been called. The criterion to be maximized is a constant plus the log-likelihood.


public double[][] getParameters()
Returns the parameter estimates and associated statistics.

An nCoef row by 4 column double matrix containing the parameter estimates and associated statistics or null if solve has not been called. Here, nCoef is the number of coefficients in the model. The statistics returned are as follows:

0Coefficient estimate.
1Estimated standard deviation of the estimated coefficient.
2Asymptotic normal score for testing that the coefficient is zero.
3rho - value associated with the normal score in column 2.


public double[] getProduct()
                    throws CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException,
Returns the inverse of the Hessian times the gradient vector computed at the input parameter estimates.

A double array of length nCoef containing the inverse of the Hessian times the gradient vector computed at the input parameter estimates. nCoef is the number of coefficients in the model. This member function will call solve to get the product if the product has not already been computed.
CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException - is thrown when the number of values taken by each classification variable has been set by the user to be less than or equal to 1
CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableLimitException - is thrown when the sum of the number of distinct values taken on by each classification variable exceeds the maximum allowed, maxcl
CategoricalGenLinModel.DeleteObservationsException - is thrown if the number of observations to be deleted has grown too large


public void setCensorColumn(int icen)
Sets the column number in x which contains the interval type for each observation.

icen - An int scalar which indicates the column number x which contains the interval type code for each observation. The valid codes are interpreted as:

x[i][icen] Censoring
0Point observation. The response is unique and is given by x[i][irt].
1Right interval. The response is greater than or equal to x[i][irt] and less than or equal to the upper bound, if any, of the distribution.
2Left interval. The response is less than or equal to x[i][ilt] and greater than or equal to the lower bound of the distribution.
3Full interval. The response is greater than or equal to x[i][irt] but less than or equal to x[i][ilt].

If this member function is not called a censoring code of 0 is assumed.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when icen is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x


public void setClassificationVariableColumn(int[] indcl)
Initializes an index vector to contain the column numbers in x that are classification variables.

indcl - An int vector which contains the column numbers in x that are classification variables. By default this vector is not referenced.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when an element of indcl is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x


public void setConvergenceTolerance(double eps)
Set the convergence criterion.

eps - A double scalar specifying the convergence criterion. Convergence is assumed when the maximum relative change in any coefficient estimate is less than eps from one iteration to the next or when the relative change in the log-likelihood, getOptimizedCriterion, from one iteration to the next is less than eps/100. eps must be greater than 0. If this member function is not called, eps = .001 is assumed.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if eps is or equal to 0


public void setEffects(int[] indef,
                       int[] nvef)
Initializes an index vector to contain the column numbers in x associated with each effect.

indef - An int vector of length sum_{k=0}^{mbox{nef}-1}mbox{nvef[k]} where nef is the number of effects in the model. indef contains the column numbers in x that are associated with each effect. Member function setEffects(int [], nvef []) sets the number of variables associated with each effect in the model. The first nvef[0] elements of indef give the column numbers of the variables in the first effect. The next nvef[0] elements give the column numbers of the variables in the second effect, etc. By default this vector is not referenced.
nvef - An int vector of length nef where nef is the number of effects in the model. nvef contains the number of variables associated with each effect in the model. By default this vector is not referenced.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when an element of indef is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x or if an element of nvef is less than or equal to 0


public void setExtendedLikelihoodObservations(int[] iadds)
Initializes a vector indicating which observations are to be included in the extended likelihood.

iadds - An int array of length nobs indicating which observations are included in the extended likelihood where nobs is the number of observations. The values within the array are interpreted as:

Value Status of observation
0Observation i is in the likelihood.
1Observation i cannot be in the likelihood because it contains at least one missing value in x .
2Observation i is not in the likelihood. Its estimated parameter is infinite.

If this member function is not called, iadds is set to all zeroes.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when an element of iadds is not in the range [0,2]


public void setFixedParameterColumn(int ifix)
Sets the column number in x that contains a fixed parameter for each observation that is added to the linear response prior to computing the model parameter.

ifix - An int scalar which indicates the column number in x that contains a fixed parameter for each observation that is added to the linear response prior to computing the model parameter. The "fixed" parameter allows one to test hypothesis about the parameters via the log-likelihoods. By default the fixed parameter is assumed to be zero.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when ifix is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x


public void setFrequencyColumn(int ifrq)
Sets the column number in x that contains the frequency of response for each observation.

ifrq - An int scalar which indicates the column number in x that contains the frequency of response for each observation. By default a frequency of 1 for each observation is assumed.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when ifrq is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x


public void setInfiniteEstimateMethod(int infin)
Sets the method to be used for handling infinite estimates.

infin - An int scalar which indicates the method to be used for handling infinite estimates. The method value is interpreted as follows:

infin Method
0Remove a right or left-censored observation from the log-likelihood whenever the probability of the observation exceeds 0.995. At convergence, use linear programming to check that all removed observations actually have an estimated linear response that is infinite. Set iadds[i] for observation i to 2 if the linear response is infinite. If not all removed observations have infinite linear response, recompute the estimates based upon the observations with estimated linear response that is finite. This option is valid only for censoring codes 1 and 2.
1Iterate without checking for infinite estimates.

By default infin = 1.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when infin is less than 0 or greater than 1


public void setInitialEstimates(int init,
                                double[] estimates)
Sets the initial parameter estimates option.

init - An input int indicating the desired initialization method for the initial estimates of the parameters. If this method is not called, init is set to 0.

init Action
0Unweighted linear regression is used to obtain initial estimates.
1The nCoef, number of coefficients, elements of estimates contain initial estimates of the parameters. Use of this option requires that the user know nCoef beforehand.

estimates - An input double array of length nCoef containing the initial estimates of the parameters where nCoef is the number of estimated coefficients in the model. (Used if init = 1.) If this member function is not called, unweighted linear regression is used to obtain the initial estimates.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when init is not in the range [0,1]


public void setLowerEndpointColumn(int irt)
Sets the column number in x that contains the lower endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and right interval observations.

irt - An int scalar which indicates the column number in x that contains the lower endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and right interval observations. By default all observations are treated as "point" observations and x[i][irt] contains the observation point. If this member function is not called, the last column of x is assumed to contain the "point" observations.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when irt is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x


public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
Set the maximum number of iterations allowed.

maxIterations - An int specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed. maxIterations must be greater than 0. If this member function is not called, the maximum number of iterations is set to 30.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if maxIterations is less than or equal to 0


public void setModelIntercept(int intcep)
Sets the intercept option.

intcep - An int scalar which indicates whether or not the model has an intercept. Input intcep is interpreted as follows:

Value Action
0No intercept is in the model (unless otherwise provided for by the user).
1Intercept is automatically included in the model.

By default intcep = 1.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when intcep is less than 0 or greater than 1


public void setObservationMax(int nmax)
Sets the maximum number of observations that can be handled in the linear programming.

nmax - An int scalar which sets the maximum number of observations that can be handled in the linear programming. An illegal argument exception is thrown if nmax is less than 0. If this member function is not called, nmax is set to the number of observations.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when nmax is less than 0


public void setOptionalDistributionParameterColumn(int ipar)
Sets the column number in x that contains an optional distribution parameter for each observation.

ipar - An int scalar which indicates the column number in x that contains an optional distribution parameter for each observation. The distribution parameter values are interpreted as follows depending on the model chosen:

Model Meaning of x[i][ipar]
0The Poisson parameter is given by x[i][ipar]times
1The number of successes required in the negative binomial is given by x[i][ipar].
2x[i][ipar] is not used.
3-5The number of trials in the binomial distribution is given by x[i][ipar].

By default the distribution parameter is assumed to be 1.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when ipar is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x


public void setTolerance(double tol)
Initializes the tolerance used in determining linear dependence.

tol - An double value used in determining linear dependence. When linear dependence is detected, a RankDeficientException is thrown and no results are computed. Computations for a rank deficient model can be forced to continue by specifying a negative tolerance. If tol is negative, the absolute value of tol will be used to determine linear dependence, but computations will proceed with warning RankDeficientWarning. In this case the results should be carefully inspected and used with caution. If this member function is not called, tol will be set to .22204460492503130808e-14.


public void setUpperBound(int maxcl)
Sets the upper bound on the sum of the number of distinct values taken on by each classification variable.

maxcl - An int scalar specifying the upper bound on the sum of the number of distinct values taken on by each classification variable. If this member function is not called, an upper bound of 1 is used if method setClassificationVariableColumn has not been referenced. Otherwise, the default upper bound is set to nobs * nclvar where nobs is the number of observations and nclvar is the number of classification variables.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when maxcl is less than 1 and the number of classification variables is greater than 0


public void setUpperEndpointColumn(int ilt)
Sets the column number in x that contains the upper endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and left interval observations.

ilt - An int scalar which indicates the column number in x that contains the upper endpoint of the observation interval for full interval and left interval observations. By default all observations are treated as "point" observations.
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown when ilt is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of columns of x


public double[][] solve()
                 throws CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException,
Returns the parameter estimates and associated statistics for a CategoricalGenLinModel object.

An nCoef row by 4 column double matrix containing the parameter estimates and associated statistics. Here, nCoef is the number of coefficients in the model. The statistics returned are as follows:

0Coefficient estimate.
1Estimated standard deviation of the estimated coefficient.
2Asymptotic normal score for testing that the coefficient is zero.
3rho - value associated with the normal score in column 2.

CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableException - is thrown when the number of values taken by each classification variable has been set by the user to be less than or equal to 1
CategoricalGenLinModel.ClassificationVariableLimitException - is thrown when the sum of the number of distinct values taken on by each classification variable exceeds the maximum allowed, maxcl
CategoricalGenLinModel.DeleteObservationsException - is thrown if the number of observations to be deleted has grown too large

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.