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ComplexSparseMatrix Constructor (Int32, Int32, Int32, Complex)
Constructs a sparse matrix from SparseArray data.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public ComplexSparseMatrix(
	int nRows,
	int nColumns,
	int[][] index,
	Complex[][] values


Type: SystemInt32
An int containing the number of rows in the sparse matrix.
Type: SystemInt32
An int containing the number of columns in the sparse matrix.
Type: SystemInt32
An int jagged array containing the column indices of all nonzero elements corresponding to the compressed representation of the sparse matrix in values. The size of index must be identical to the size of values. The i-th row contains the column indices of all nonzero elements of row i of the sparse matrix. The j-th element of row i is the column index of the value located at the same position in values.
Type: Imsl.MathComplex
A Complex jagged array containing the compressed representation of a complex sparse matrix of size nRows by nColumns. The number of rows in values must be nRows. The i-th row contains all nonzero elements of row i of the full sparse matrix.
See Also