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DenseLPSolve Method
Solves the problem using an active set strategy.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public void Solve()
BoundsInconsistentException is thrown if the bounds are inconsistent.
NoAcceptablePivotException is thrown if an acceptable pivot could not be found.
ProblemUnboundedException is thrown if there is no finite solution to the problem.
MultipleSolutionsException is thrown if the problem has multiple solutions producing essentially the same minimum.
SomeConstraintsDiscardedException is thrown if some constraints are too linearly dependent on other active constraints.
AllConstraintsNotSatisfiedException is thrown if some constraints are not satisfied.
CyclingOccurringException is thrown if the algorithm appears to be cycling.
Solve must be invoked prior to any of the "get" methods.
See Also