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NumericalDerivativesSetDifferencingMethods Method
Sets the methods used to compute the derivatives.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public void SetDifferencingMethods(
	NumericalDerivativesDifferencingMethod[] options


Type: Imsl.MathNumericalDerivativesDifferencingMethod
A DifferencingMethod array of length n, containing the methods used to compute the derivatives. options[i] is the method to be used for the i-th variable. options[i] can be one of the values in the table which follows.
OneSidedIndicates one sided differences.
CentralIndicates central differences.
AccumulateIndicates the accumulation of the result from whatever type of differences have been specified previously into initial values of the Jacobian.
SkipIndicates a variable to be skipped.

Default: OneSided differences are used for each variable.

See Also