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SfunGammaIncomplete Method
Evaluates the incomplete gamma function.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public static double GammaIncomplete(
	double a,
	double x


Type: SystemDouble
A double value representing the integrand exponent parameter of the incomplete gamma function. If a is less than zero a Double.NaN is returned. equal to zero.
Type: SystemDouble
A double value specifying the point at which the incomplete gamma function is to be evaluated. If x is less than zero or equal to zero, Double.NaN or 0.0 respectively is returned. nonnegative.

Return Value

Type: Double
A double value specifying the incomplete gamma function.

The lower limit of integration of the incomplete gamma function, \gamma(a,x), is defined to be

            \mbox{for }x\ge0\mbox{ and }a>0

Although \gamma(a,x) is well defined for x>-\infty, this algorithm does not calculate \gamma(a,x) for negative x. For large a and sufficiently large x, \gamma(a,x) may overflow. \gamma(a,x) is bounded by 
            \Gamma(a), and users may find this bound a useful guide in determining legal values for a.

Note that the upper limit of integration of the incomplete gamma, \Gamma(a,x), is defined to be


Therefore, by definition, the two incomplete gamma function forms satisfy the relationship

See Also