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ANCOVAGetMeans Method
Returns a matrix containing the unadjusted means for the covariates and the response variate and the means for the response variate adjusted for the covariates.

Namespace: Imsl.Stat
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public double[][] GetMeans()

Return Value

Type: Double
A double matrix of size ngroup + 1 by ncov + 3 containing the unadjusted means for the covariates and the response variate and the means for the response variate adjusted for the covariates. Each row for i = 0, 1, ..., ngroup - 1 corresponds to a group. Row ngroup contains overall statistics. The means are organized in columns as follows:

0Number of non-missing cases
1 thru ncovCovariate means.
ncov + 1Response mean.
ncov + 2Response mean adjusted assuming parallelism.

See Also