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MPSReader Properties

The MPSReader type exposes the following members.

Public propertyName
Returns the name of the MPS problem.
Public propertyNameBounds
The name of the BOUNDS set.
Public propertyNameObjective
The name of the free row containing the objective.
Public propertyNameRanges
The name of the RANGES set.
Public propertyNameRHS
The name of the RHS set used.
Public propertyNumberOfBinaryConstraints
The number of binary constraints.
Public propertyNumberOfColumns
The number of columns in the constraint matrix.
Public propertyNumberOfIntegerConstraints
The number of integer constraints.
Public propertyNumberOfNonZeros
The number of nonzeros in the constraint matrix.
Public propertyNumberOfRows
The number of rows in the constraint matrix.
Public propertyObjective
The objective as a Row.
Public propertyObjectiveCoefficients
The coefficents of the objective row.
See Also