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ZerosFunction Properties

The ZerosFunction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAbsoluteError
The second convergence criterion.
Public propertyAllConverged
Returns true if the iterations for all of the roots have converged.
Public propertyError
First convergence criterion.
Public propertyMaxEvaluations
The maximum number of function evaluations allowed.
Public propertyMinimumSeparation
Sets the minimum separation between accepted roots.
Public propertyMullerTolerance
Tolerance used during refinement to determine if Müllers method is started.
Public propertyNumberOfEvaluations
The actual number of function evaluations performed.
Public propertyNumberOfRoots
The requested number of roots to be found.
Public propertyNumberOfRootsFound
Returns the number of zeros found.
Public propertyXScale
Sets the the scaling in the x-coordinate.
See Also