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NormOneSample Properties

The NormOneSample type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChiSquaredTest
Returns the test statistic associated with the chi-squared test for variances.
Public propertyChiSquaredTestDF
Returns the degrees of freedom associated with the chi-squared test for variances.
Public propertyChiSquaredTestNull
The null hypothesis value for the chi-squared test.
Public propertyChiSquaredTestP
Returns the probability of a larger chi-squared associated with the chi-squared test for variances.
Public propertyConfidenceMean
The confidence level (in percent) for a two-sided interval estimate of the mean.
Public propertyConfidenceVariance
The confidence level (in percent) for two-sided interval estimate of the variances.
Public propertyLowerCIMean
Returns the lower confidence limit for the mean.
Public propertyLowerCIVariance
Returns the lower confidence limits for the variance.
Public propertyMean
Returns the mean of the sample.
Public propertyStdDev
Returns the standard deviation of the sample.
Public propertyTTest
Returns the test statistic associated with the t test.
Public propertyTTestDF
Returns the degrees of freedom associated with the t test for the mean.
Public propertyTTestNull
Sets the Null hypothesis value for t test for the mean.
Public propertyTTestP
Returns the probability associated with the t test of a larger t in absolute value.
Public propertyUpperCIMean
Returns the upper confidence limit for the mean.
Public propertyUpperCIVariance
Returns the upper confidence limits for the variance.
See Also