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FeynmanKacIBoundaries Interface
Public interface for user supplied boundary coefficients and terminal condition the PDE must satisfy.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public interface IBoundaries

The FeynmanKacIBoundaries type exposes the following members.

Public methodLeftBoundaries
Returns the coefficient values of the left boundary conditions. There are numLeftBounds conditions specified at the left end, x_{\min}. The left boundary conditions are

            a_i(x,t)f+b_i(x,t)f_x+c_i(x,t)f_{xx} = d_i(x,t),\, x=x_{\min},\, 1 \le i \le \text{numLeftBounds}.
Public methodRightBoundaries
Returns the coefficient values of the right boundary conditions. There are numRightBounds conditions specified at the right end, x_{\max}. The right boundary conditions are

            a_i(x,t)f+b_i(x,t)f_x+c_i(x,t)f_{xx} = d_i(x,t),\, x=x_{\max},\, 1 \le i \le \text{numRightBounds}.
Public methodTerminal
Returns the terminal condition value.
See Also