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Physical Structure
Return the value of various mathematical and physical constants.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public struct Physical

The Physical type exposes the following members.

Public methodPhysical(Double, String)
Constructs a new Physical object and initializes this object to a double value.
Public methodPhysical(Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Constructs a new Physical object and initializes this object to a double value along with int values for length, mass, time, current, and temperature.
Public methodStatic memberAdd
Adds two compatible Physical objects.
Public methodStatic memberCheckCompatibility
Checks the compatibility of two Physical objects.
Public methodStatic memberConstant(String)
Returns the value of a constant, given its name.
Public methodStatic memberConstant(String, String)
Returns the value of a constant, given its name, in the specified units.
Public methodStatic memberConvert
Converts a value to a different set of units.
Public methodStatic memberDefineConstant
Defines a new constant.
Public methodStatic memberDefinePrefix
Defines a new prefix.
Public methodStatic memberDefineUnit
Defines a new unit.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(Double, Physical)
Divides a double by a Physical object.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(Physical, Physical)
Divides two Physical objects.
Public methodStatic memberDivide(Physical, Double)
Divides a Physical object by a double.
Public methodDoubleValue
Returns the value of this dimensionless object.
Public methodEquals(Object)
Returns true if x equals this value.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object).)
Public methodStatic memberEquals(Physical, Physical)
Returns true if x and y are equal.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Double, Physical)
Multiply a double and a Physical object.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Physical, Physical)
Multiply two Physical objects.
Public methodStatic memberMultiply(Physical, Double)
Multiply a Physical object and a double.
Public methodStatic memberNegate
Negate a Physical object.
Public methodStatic memberSubtract
Subtract two compatible Physical objects.
Public methodToString
Returns a String containing the value and units, if any.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString.)
Public methodUnitsString
Returns a String containing the units only.
Public operatorStatic memberAddition
Add two compatible Physical objects.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Double, Physical)
Divide a double by a Physical object.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Physical, Physical)
Divide two Physical objects.
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Physical, Double)
Divide a Physical object by a double.
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
Returns true if x and y are equal.
Public operatorStatic member(Physical to Double)
Returns the value of this dimensionless object.
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
Returns true if x and y are not equal.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Double, Physical)
Multiply a double and a Physical object
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Physical, Physical)
Multiply two Physical objects.
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Physical, Double)
Multiply a Physical object and a double.
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction
Subtract two compatible Physical objects.
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation
Negate a Physical object.

The case of the String specifying the name of the physical constant does not matter. The names 'PI', 'Pi', 'pI' and 'pi' are equivalent.

The units of the physical constants are in SI units, (meter-kilogram-second).

The names allowed are as follows:

AMUAtomic mass unit1.6605402E-27 kg[1]
ATMStandard atm pressure1.01325E+5 \rm {N / m^2}E[2]
AUAstronomical unit1.496E+11 m[ ]
AvogadroAvogadro's number6.0221367E+23 1/mole[1]
BoltzmanBoltzman's constant1.380658E-23 J/K[1]
CSpeed of light2.997924580E+8 m/sE[1]
CatalanCatalan's constant0.915965...E[3]
EBase of natural logs2.718...E[3]
ElectronChargeElectron change1.60217733E-19 C[1]
ElectronMassElectron mass9.1093897E-31 kg[1]
ElectronVoltElectron volt1.60217733E-19 J[1]
EulerEuler's constant gamma0.577...E[3]
FaradayFaraday constant9.6485309E+4 C/mole[1]
FineStructureFine structure7.29735308E-3[1]
GammaEuler's constant0.577...E[3]
GasGas constant8.314510 J/mole/K[1]
GravityGravitational constant6.67259E-11 \rm {Nm^2/{\rm {kg}}^2}[1]
HbarPlanck constant / 2 pi1.05457266E-34 J*s[1]
PerfectGasVolume Std vol ideal gas2.241383E-2 \rm {m^3/ {\rm {mole}}}[*]
PlanckPlanck's constant h6.6260755E-34 J*s[1]
ProtonMassProton mass1.6726231E-27 kg[1]
RydbergRydberg's constant1.0973731534E+7 /m[1]
SpeedLightSpeed of light2.997924580E+8 m/sE[1]
StandardGravityStandard g9.80665 \rm {m/s^2}E[2]
StandardPressureStandard atm pressure1.01325E+5 \rm {N/m^2}E[2]
StefanBoltzmannStefan-Boltzman5.67051E-8 \rm {W/K^4/m^2}[1]
WaterTripleTriple point of water2.7316E+2 KE[2]

The reference for constants are indicated by the code in the [] comment above.

[1]Cohen and Taylor (1986)
[2]Liepman (1964)
[3]Precomputed mathematical constants

The constants marked with an E before the [] are exact (to machine precision).

Units strings have the form U1*U2*...*Um/V1/.../Vn, where Ui and Vi are the names of basic units or are the names of basic units raised to a power. Examples are, 'METER*KILOGRAM/SECOND', 'M*KG/S', 'METER', or '\rm {M/KG^2}'. These strings are case insensitive.

The basic unit names allowed are as follows.

Units of time

day, hour = hr, min = minute, s = sec = second, year

Units of frequency

Hertz = Hz

Units of mass

AMU, g = gram, lb = pound, ounce = oz, slug

Units of distance

Angstrom, AU, ft = feet = foot, in = inch, m = meter = metre, micron, mile, mill, parsec, yard

Units of area


Units of volume

l = liter = litre

Units of force

dyne, N = Newton, poundal

Units of energy

BTU(thermochemical), Erg, J = Joule

Units of work

W = watt

Units of pressure

ATM = atomosphere, bar, Pascal

Units of temperature

degC = Celsius, degF = Fahrenheit, degK = Kelvin

Units of viscosity

poise, stoke

Units of charge

Abcoulomb, C = Coulomb, statcoulomb

Units of current

A = ampere, abampere, statampere

Units of voltage

Abvolt, V = volt

Units of magnetic induction

T = Tesla, Wb = Weber

Other units

1, farad, mole, Gauss, Henry, Maxwell, Ohm

The following metric prefixes may be used with the above units. Note that the one or two letter prefixes may only be used with one letter unit abbreviations.

A = atto = 1.E-18

F = femto = 1.E-15

P = pico = 1.E-12

N = nano = 1.E-9

U = micro = 1.E-6

M = milli = 1.E-3

C = centi = 1.E-2

D = deci = 1.E-1

DK = deca = 1.E+1

K = kilo = 1.E+3

myria = 1.E+4 (no single letter prefix; M means milli)

mega = 1.E+6 (no single letter prefix; M means milli)

G = giga = 1.E+9

T = tera = 1.E+12

See Also


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