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SparseCholeskyFactorNumerically Method
Computes the numeric factorization of a sparse real symmetric positive definite matrix.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public void FactorNumerically()
NotSPDException is thrown when the input matrix is not symmetric, positive definite.
This method numerically factors the instance of the constructed matrix A, where A is of type SparseMatrix and is symmetric positive definite. The factorization is obtained in several steps:
  1. First, matrix A is permuted to reduce fill-in, leading to a sparse symmetric positive definite matrix PAP^T.
  2. Then, matrix PAP^T is symbolically and numerically factored.

Note that the symbolic factorization is not done if the symbolic factor has been supplied by the user through the SetSymbolicFactor method.

See Also