
IMSL C# Numerical Libraries provides the functionality to implement a variety of zoom policies instead of implementing a single specific zoom policy. The following example shows how to build a zoom policy that draws a rubber-band box in a scatter plot and zooms both the x-axis and y-axis to correspond to the region selected. Zoom out is also implemented.

This code can be used as the basis of an implementation of other zoom policies. For example, with a function plot one might want to only change the x-axis in response to a zoom and leave the y-axis alone. In other situations it may be desirable to zoom in or out a fixed amount around the location of a mouse click.


In the constructor:

      A scatter plot is created,

      Zoom items are added to the main menu,

      A MouseEventHandler is added to the panel. A FrameChart contains a number of components, including a Panel in which the chart is drawn. It is important that the MouseEventHandler be added to the component in which the chart is drawn, so that the MouseEventArgs coordinates are the same as the device coordinates of the chart.

A mouse press event starts the zoom. In response to the event a
MouseEventHandler is added to the panel to listen for mouse drag events. The location of this initial event is also recorded.

A mouse drag event resizes the area of the zoom. In response, the old rubber-band box is erased and a new box is drawn. The new box has the initial mouse press loca­tion as one corner and this drag event location as the opposite corner. The location of this event is stored in (xLast,yLast).

A mouse release event completes the zoom. In response,

      The MouseEventHandler for MouseMove is removed from the panel,

      The existing Window attributes for the x-axis and y-axis are saved on a stack. They may be used later to zoom out.

      The new Window is computed. The Window is the range, in user coordinates, along an axis. The method Axis.MapUserToDevice is used to map the device (pixel) coordinates to the user coordinate space. The new windows are constrained to be inside of the existing window.

      Autoscaling is turned off, so that the new Window values will be used without further modification.

      The chart is redrawn with the new windows.

The menu items, added by the constructor to the main menu, can be used to zoom out. The added menu items add an EventHandler with the menuItem_Click delegate as the method called when these menu items are selected. The menuItem_Click method implements “Out” by popping previous Window attribute values off a stack. It implements “Restore’ by re-enabling autoscaling.

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using System;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Drawing;

using Imsl.Chart2D;


public class SampleZoom : FrameChart


    private Panel panel;

    private AxisXY axis;

    private int xFirst, yFirst;

    private int xLast, yLast;

    private System.Collections.Stack stack;

       private MouseEventHandler mouseMoveHandler;


    public SampleZoom()


        panel = this.Panel;

        Chart chart = this.Chart;

        axis = new AxisXY(chart);

        int n = 1000;

        double[] x = new double[n];

        double[] y = new double[n];

        Random ran = new Random();

        for (int k = 0;  k < n;  k++) {

            x[k] = 10.0 * ran.NextDouble();

            y[k] = 10.0 * ran.NextDouble();


        Data data = new Data(axis, x, y);

        data.DataType = Data.DATA_TYPE_MARKER;


        // add menu "Zoom" menu

        MenuItem menuZoom = new MenuItem();

        menuZoom.Text = "&Zoom";

        menuZoom.Shortcut = Shortcut.CtrlZ;

        AddMenuItem(menuZoom, "Out", Shortcut.CtrlO);

        AddMenuItem(menuZoom, "Restore", Shortcut.CtrlR);



        // save x-axis and y-axis Window attributes on this stack.

        // they are used to zoom out one level.

        stack = new System.Collections.Stack();


        // listen for mouse press events

        panel.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(Panel_MouseDown);

        panel.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(Panel_MouseUp);


              mouseMoveHandler = new MouseEventHandler(panel_MouseMove);



    // Add a menu item

    private void AddMenuItem(MenuItem menuZoom, string title,

        Shortcut sc)


        MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(title);

        menuItem.Text = title;

        menuItem.Shortcut = sc;


        menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(menuItem_Click);



    // A mouse press starts the zoom

    // Record location of this point and listen for drag (motion) events.

    void Panel_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


        xFirst = xLast = e.X;

        yFirst = yLast = e.Y;

        panel.MouseMove += mouseMoveHandler;



    // Releasing the mouse button ends the zoom

    // Stop listening for move events and update the Window attributes

    void Panel_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


        panel.MouseMove -= mouseMoveHandler;


        // ignore degenerate zooms

        if (xFirst == xLast || yFirst == yLast)






        // get window and convert to user coordinates

        double[] windowX = (double[])axis.AxisX.GetWindow();

        double[] windowY = (double[])axis.AxisY.GetWindow();


        // save the windows on the stack (for zoom out option)




        // get user coordinate of left-upper corner of the box

        // limit it to stay inside current window

        double[] boxLU = new double[2];

        int x = Math.Min(xFirst, xLast);

        int y = Math.Min(yFirst, yLast);

        axis.MapDeviceToUser(x, y, boxLU);


        // get user coordinate of right-lower corner of the box

        // limit it to stay inside current window

        double[] boxRL = new double[2];

        x = Math.Max(xFirst, xLast);

        y = Math.Max(yFirst, yLast);

        axis.MapDeviceToUser(x, y, boxRL);


        // set axis window to range of rubber-band box

        // and disable autoscale to force use of window settings

        axis.AutoscaleInput = ChartNode.AUTOSCALE_OFF;

        double xa = Math.Max(windowX[0], boxLU[0]);

        double xb = Math.Min(windowX[1], boxRL[0]);

        double ya = Math.Max(windowY[0], boxRL[1]);

        double yb = Math.Min(windowY[1], boxLU[1]);

        axis.AxisX.SetWindow(xa, xb);

        axis.AxisY.SetWindow(ya, yb);


        // force redraw of the chart




    // Moving the mouse after a click continues the zoom.

    // Erase the old rubber band box and draw a new one

    // Also keep track of the location of this event

    void panel_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


        // erase previous rectangle

        Graphics g = panel.CreateGraphics();

        DrawBox(g, Color.White);


        // draw new rectangle

        xLast = e.X;

        yLast = e.Y;

        DrawBox(g, Color.Red);



    // Draw a box with (xFirst, yFirst) and (xLast, yLast) as its corners

    private void DrawBox(Graphics g, Color color)


        int x = Math.Min(xFirst, xLast);

        int y = Math.Min(yFirst, yLast);

        int w = Math.Abs(xLast - xFirst);

        int h = Math.Abs(yLast - yFirst);

        g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(color), x, y, w, h);



    void menuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        string cmd = ((MenuItem)sender).Text;

        if (cmd.Equals("Out"))




                // zoom out by restoring window settings from the stack




            catch (System.InvalidOperationException)


                // no more levels to zoom out

                // restore original setting by turning on autoscale

                axis.AutoscaleInput = ChartNode.AUTOSCALE_DATA;



        else if (cmd.Equals("Restore"))


            // restore original setting by turning on autoscale an

            // empty stack

            axis.AutoscaleInput = ChartNode.AUTOSCALE_DATA;



        // force redraw of the chart




    public static void Main(string[] argv)


        System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new SampleZoom());




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