Time and Date¶
CPU time used ctime
Date to days since epoch dateToDays
Days since epoch to date daysToDate
Error Handling¶
Gets error type errorType
Gets the text of error message errorMessage
Initializes error handling system initializeErrorHandler
Stops the current algorithm and returns to the
calling program setUserFcnReturnFlag
OpenMP options ompOptions
Natural and mathematical constants constant
Integer machine constants iMachine
Float machine constants machine
Linear Algebra Support¶
Vector-Vector, Matrix-Vector, and Matrix-Matrix-Multiplication
Real Matrix matMulRect
Complex matrix matMulRectComplex
Real band matrix matMulRectBand
Complex band matrix matMulRectBandComplex
Real coordinate matrix matMulRectCoordinate
Complex coordinate matrix matMulRectCoordinateComplex
Vector-Vector, Matrix-Vector, and Matrix-Matrix-Addition
Real band matrix matAddBand
Complex band matrix matAddBandComplex
Real coordinate matrix matAddCoordinate
Complex coordinate matrix matAddCoordinateComplex
Matrix Norm
Real matrix matrixNorm
Real band matrix matrixNormBand
Real coordinate matrix matrixNormCoordinate
Test Matrices of Class
Real matrix generateTestBand
Complex matrix generateTestBandComplex
Real matrix generateTestCoordinate
Complex generateTestCoordinateComplex