
Computes the transpose of a matrix, a matrix-vector product, or a matrix-matrix product for all matrices stored in sparse coordinate form.


matMulRectCoordinateComplex (string)

Required Arguments

char string (Input)
String indicating matrix multiplication to be performed.

Return Value

The result of the multiplication. If the result is a vector, the return type is complex. If the result of the multiplication is a sparse matrix, the return type is sparse_elem.

Optional Arguments

aMatrix, int nrowa, int ncola, int nza, sparse_elem a (Input)

The sparse matrix

\[A = \mathbb{C}^{\mathrm{nrowa} \times \mathrm{ncola}}\]

with nza nonzero elements.

bMatrix, int nrowb, int ncolb, int nzb, sparse_elem b (Input)

The sparse matrix

\[B \in \mathbb{C}^{\mathrm{nrowb} \times \mathrm{ncolb}}\]

with nzb nonzero elements.

xVector, complex x, (Input)
The vector x of length nx.
returnMatrixSize (Output)
If the function matMulRectCoordinateComplex returns a vector of type sparse_elem, use this option to retrieve the length of the return vector, i.e. the number of nonzero elements in the sparse matrix generated by the requested computations.
sparseOutput (Output)
If the result of the computation is a vector, return the answer in the user supplied space sparseOutput. It’s size depends on the computation.


The function matMulRectCoordinateComplex computes a matrix-matrix product or a matrix-vector product, where the matrices are specified in coordinate representation. The operation performed is specified by string. For example, if “A*x” is given, Ax is computed. In string, the matrices A and B and the vector x can be used. Any of these names can be used with trans or ctrans, indicating transpose and conjugate transpose, respectively. The vector x is treated as a dense n × 1 matrix.

If string contains only one item, such as “x” or “trans(A)”, then a copy of the array, or its transpose is returned. Some multiplications, such as “A*ctrans(A)” or “trans(x)*B”, will produce a sparse matrix in coordinate format as a result. Other products such as “B*x” will produce a complex type, containing the resulting vector.

The matrix and/or vector referred to in string must be given as optional arguments. Therefore, if string is “A*x”, aMatrix and xVector must be given.


Example 1


\[\begin{split}A = \begin{bmatrix} 10+7i & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 3+2i & -3 & -1+2i & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 4+2i & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ -2-4i & 0 & 0 & 1+6i & -1+3i & 0 \\ -5+4i & 0 & 0 & -5 & 12+2i & -7+7i \\ -1+12i & -2+8i & 0 & 0 & 0 & 3+7i \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]


\[x^T = (1 + i, 2 +2i, 3 + 3i, 4 + 4i, 5 +5i, 6 + 6i)\]

This example computes the product Ax.

from numpy import *
from pyimsl.math.matMulRectCoordinateComplex import matMulRectCoordinateComplex
from pyimsl.math.writeMatrixComplex import writeMatrixComplex

a = [[0, 0, (10.0 + 7.0j)],
     [1, 1, (3.0 + 2.0j)],
     [1, 2, (-3.0 + 0.0j)],
     [1, 3, (-1.0 + 2.0j)],
     [2, 2, (4.0 + 2.0j)],
     [3, 0, (-2.0 + -4.0j)],
     [3, 3, (1.0 + 6.0j)],
     [3, 4, (-1.0 + 3.0j)],
     [4, 0, (-5.0 + 4.0j)],
     [4, 3, (-5.0 + 0.0j)],
     [4, 4, (12.0 + 2.0j)],
     [4, 5, (-7.0 + 7.0j)],
     [5, 0, (-1.0 + 12.0j)],
     [5, 1, (-2.0 + 8.0j)],
     [5, 5, (3.0 + 7.0j)]]
n = 6
b = array([1.0 + 1.0j, 2.0 + 2.0j, 3.0 + 3.0j,
           4.0 + 4.0j, 5.0 + 5.0j, 6.0 + 6.0j])

# Set x = A*b
x = matMulRectCoordinateComplex("A*x",
                                aMatrix={'nrowa': n, 'ncola': n, 'a': a},

writeMatrixComplex("Product Ab", x)


                     Product Ab
                        1                          2
(          3,         17)  (        -19,          5)
                        3                          4
(          6,         18)  (        -38,         32)
                        5                          6
(        -63,         49)  (        -57,         83)

Example 2

Using the same matrix A and vector x given in the last example, the products Ax, \(A^Tx\), \(A^Hx\) and \(AA^H\) are computed.

from __future__ import print_function
from numpy import *
from pyimsl.math.matMulRectCoordinateComplex import matMulRectCoordinateComplex
from pyimsl.math.writeMatrixComplex import writeMatrixComplex

a = [[0, 0, (10.0 + 7.0j)],
     [1, 1, (3.0 + 2.0j)],
     [1, 2, (-3.0 + 0.0j)],
     [1, 3, (-1.0 + 2.0j)],
     [2, 2, (4.0 + 2.0j)],
     [3, 0, (-2.0 + -4.0j)],
     [3, 3, (1.0 + 6.0j)],
     [3, 4, (-1.0 + 3.0j)],
     [4, 0, (-5.0 + 4.0j)],
     [4, 3, (-5.0 + 0.0j)],
     [4, 4, (12.0 + 2.0j)],
     [4, 5, (-7.0 + 7.0j)],
     [5, 0, (-1.0 + 12.0j)],
     [5, 1, (-2.0 + 8.0j)],
     [5, 5, (3.0 + 7.0j)]]
n = 6
x = array([1.0 + 1.0j, 2.0 + 2.0j, 3.0 + 3.0j,
           4.0 + 4.0j, 5.0 + 5.0j, 6.0 + 6.0j])

# Set x = A*b
b = matMulRectCoordinateComplex("A*x",
                                aMatrix={'nrowa': n, 'ncola': n, 'a': a},
writeMatrixComplex("Product Ax", b)

# Set b = trans(A)*x
b = matMulRectCoordinateComplex("trans(A)*x",
                                aMatrix={'nrowa': n, 'ncola': n, 'a': a},
writeMatrixComplex("\n\ntrans(A)x", b)

# Set b = ctrans(A)*x
b = matMulRectCoordinateComplex("ctrans(A)*x",
                                aMatrix={'nrowa': n, 'ncola': n, 'a': a},
writeMatrixComplex("\n\nctrans(A)x", b)

# Set z = A*ctrans(A)
nz_z = []
z = matMulRectCoordinateComplex("A*ctrans(A)",
                                aMatrix={'nrowa': n, 'ncola': n, 'a': a},

print("\n\t\t\t    z = A*ctrans(A)\n")

for i in range(0, nz_z[0]):
    print("\t\t\tz(%1d,%1d) = (%6.1f, %6.1f)" %
          (z[i][0], z[i][1], z[i][2].real, z[i][2].imag))


			    z = A*ctrans(A)

			z(0,0) = ( 149.0,    0.0)
			z(0,3) = ( -48.0,   26.0)
			z(0,4) = ( -22.0,  -75.0)
			z(0,5) = (  74.0, -127.0)
			z(1,1) = (  27.0,    0.0)
			z(1,2) = ( -12.0,    6.0)
			z(1,3) = (  11.0,    8.0)
			z(1,4) = (   5.0,  -10.0)
			z(1,5) = (  10.0,  -28.0)
			z(2,1) = ( -12.0,   -6.0)
			z(2,2) = (  20.0,    0.0)
			z(3,0) = ( -48.0,  -26.0)
			z(3,1) = (  11.0,   -8.0)
			z(3,3) = (  67.0,    0.0)
			z(3,4) = ( -17.0,   36.0)
			z(3,5) = ( -46.0,   28.0)
			z(4,0) = ( -22.0,   75.0)
			z(4,1) = (   5.0,   10.0)
			z(4,3) = ( -17.0,  -36.0)
			z(4,4) = ( 312.0,    0.0)
			z(4,5) = (  81.0,  126.0)
			z(5,0) = (  74.0,  127.0)
			z(5,1) = (  10.0,   28.0)
			z(5,3) = ( -46.0,  -28.0)
			z(5,4) = (  81.0, -126.0)
			z(5,5) = ( 271.0,    0.0)
                     Product Ax
                        1                          2
(          3,         17)  (        -19,          5)
                        3                          4
(          6,         18)  (        -38,         32)
                        5                          6
(        -63,         49)  (        -57,         83)
                        1                          2
(       -112,         54)  (        -58,         46)
                        3                          4
(          0,         12)  (        -51,          5)
                        5                          6
(         34,         78)  (        -94,         60)
                        1                          2
(         54,       -112)  (         46,        -58)
                        3                          4
(         12,          0)  (          5,        -51)
                        5                          6
(         78,         34)  (         60,        -94)