Chapter 13: Neural Networks


Trains a multilayered feedforward neural network.


#include <imsls.h>

float *imsls_f_mlff_network_trainer (Imsls_f_NN_Network *ff_net
n_observationsint n_categorical, int n_continuous,
categorical[]float  continuous[],  float output[], ..., 0)

The type double function is imsls_d_mlff_network_trainer.

Return Value

An array of length 5 containing the summary statistics from the network training, organized as follows:

z[0] = Error sum of squares at the optimum
z[1] =
Total number of Stage I iterations
z[2] = Smallest error sum of squares after Stage I training
z[3] = Total number of Stage II iterations
z[4] =
Smallest error sum of squares after Stage II training

If training is unsuccessful, NULL is returned.

Required Arguments

Imsls_f_NN_Network *ff_net   (Input/Output)
Pointer to a structure of type Imsls_f_NN_Network containing the feedforward network.  See imsls_f_mlff_network. On return, the weights and bias values are updated.

int n_observations  (Input)
Number of network training patterns.

int n_categorical (Input)
Number of categorical attributes.  n_categoricaln_continuous must equal  n_inputs, where n_inputs is the number of input attributes in the network. n_inputs = ff_net->layers[0].n_nodes. For more details, see imsls_f_mlff_network.

int n_continuous (Input)
Number of continuous attributes.  n_categorical + n_continuous must equal n_inputs, where n_inputs is the number of input attributes in the network. n_inputs = ff_net->layers[0].n_nodes. For more details, see imsls_f_mlff_network.

int categorical[] (Input)
Array of size n_observations by n_categorical containing the input training patterns.  Each row of categorical contains a training pattern.  

float continuous[] (Input)
Array of  size n_observations by  n_continuous containing the input training patterns.  Each row of continuous contains a training pattern.

float output[]  (Input)
Array of size n_observations by n_outputs containing the output training patterns, where n_outputs is the number of output perceptrons in the network. n_outputs = ff_net->layers[ff_net->n_layers-1].n_nodes. For more details, see imsls_f_mlff_network.

Synopsis with Optional Arguments

#include <imsls.h>

float *imsls_f_mlff_network_trainer (Imsls_f_NN_Network *ff_net,
int n_observations , int n_categorical, int n_continuous,
float categorical[], int continuous[], float output[],
IMSLS_STAGE_I, int n_epochs, int epoch_size
IMSLS_MAX_STEP, float max_step,
IMSLS_MAX_ITN, int max_itn,
IMSLS_MAX_FCN, int max_fcn,
IMSLS_REL_FCN_TOL, float rfcn_tol,
IMSLS_GRAD_TOL, float grad_tol,
IMSLS_TOLERANCE, float tolerance,
IMSLS_RESIDUAL, float *residuals,
IMSLS_RESIDUAL_USER, float residuals[],
IMSLS_GRADIENT, float *gradients,
IMSLS_GRADIENT_USER, float gradients[],
IMSLS_FORECASTS, float *forecasts,
IMSLS_FORECASTS_USER, float forecasts[],
IMSLS_WEIGHTS, float *weights,
IMSLS_WEIGHTS_USER, float weights[],

Optional Arguments

IMSLS_STAGE_I, int   n_epochs, int epoch_size  (Input)
Argument  n_epochs is the number epochs used for Stage I training and argument epoch_size is the number of observations used during each epoch.   If epoch training is not needed, set epoch_size = n_observations and n_epochs=1.  
Default: n_epochs=15, epoch_size = n_observations.

Specifies no Stage II training is performed. 
Default: Stage II training is performed.

IMSLS_MAX_STEP, float max_step    (Input)
Maximum allowable step size in the optimizer. 
Default: max_step = 1000

IMSLS_MAX_ITN, int max_itn  (Input)
Maximum number of iterations in the optimizer, per epoch
Default: max_itn=1000

IMSLS_MAX_FCN, int max_fcn  (Input)
Maximum number of function evaluations in the optimizer, per epoch. 
Default: max_fcn=400

IMSLS_REL_FCN_TOL, float rfcn_tol   (Input)
Relative function tolerance in the optimizer.
Default: rfcn_tol = max (1010, ɛ23), max (1020, ɛ23) in double

IMSLS_GRAD_TOL, float grad_tol   (Input)
Scaled gradient tolerance in the optimizer.
Default: , in double where ɛ is the machine precision.

IMSLS_TOLERANCE, float tolerance   (Input)
Absolute accuracy tolerance for the sum of squared errors in the optimizer. 
Default: tolerance = 0.1

Printing is performed.
Default:  No printing is performed.

IMSLS_RESIDUAL float **residuals   (Output)
The address of a pointer to an array with  n_observations by n_outputs containing the residuals for each observation in the training data, where n_outputs is the number of output perceptrons in the network.
n_outputs = ff_net->layers[ff_net->n_layers-1].n_nodes.

IMSLS_RESIDUAL_USER float residuals[]   (Output)
Storage for array residuals is provided by user. See IMSLS_RESIDUAL.

IMSLS_GRADIENT float **gradients   (Output)
The address of a pointer gradients to an array of size
n_links + n_nodesn_inputs to store the gradients for each weight found at the optimum training stage, where n_links = ffnet->n_links, n_nodes = ff_net->n_nodes, and
n_inputs = ff_net->layers[0].nodes.

IMSLS_GRADIENT_USER float gradients[]   (Output)
Storage for array gradients is provided by user. See IMSLS_GRADIENT.   

IMSLS_FORECASTS float **forecasts   (Output)
The address of a pointer forecasts to an array of size n_observations by n_outputs, where n_outputs is the number of output perceptrons in the network.
n_outputs = ff_net->layers[ff_net->n_layers-1].n_nodes. The values of the ith row are the forecasts for the outputs for the ith training pattern.

IMSLS_FORECASTS_USER float forecasts[]   (Output)
Storage for array forecasts is provided by user. See IMSLS_FORECASTS.

IMSLS_RETURN_USER, float z[]   (Output)
User-supplied array of length 5.  Upon completion, z contains the return array of training statistics.


Function imsls_f_mlff_network_trainer trains a multilayered feedforward neural network returning the forecasts for the training data, their residuals, the optimum weights and the gradients associated with those weights.  Linkages among perceptrons allow for skipped layers, including linkages between inputs and perceptrons. The linkages and activation function for each perceptron, including output perceptrons, can be individually configured. For more details, see optional arguments IMSLS_LINK_ALL, IMSLS_LINK_LAYER, and IMSLS_LINK_NODE in  imsls_f_mlff­_network.

Training Data

Neural network training patterns consist of the following three types of data:

1.     categorical input attributes

2.     continuous input attributes

3.     continuous output classes

The first data type contains the encoding of any nominal input attributes.  If binary encoding is used, this encoding consists of creating columns of zeros and ones for each class value associated with every nominal attribute.  If only one attribute is used for input, then the number of columns is equal to the number of classes for that attribute.  If more columns appear in the data, then each nominal attribute is associated with several columns, one for each of its classes.

Each column consists of zeros, if that classification is not associated with this case, otherwise, one if that classification is associated. Consider an example with one nominal variable and two classes: male and female (male, male, female, male, female).  With binary encoding, the following matrix is sent to the training engine to represent this data:



Continuous input and output data are passed to the training engine using two double precision arrays: continuous and outputs.  The number of rows in each of these matrices is n_observations.  The number of columns in continuous and outputs, corresponds to the number of input and output variables, respectively.

Network Configuration

The network configuration consists of the following:

      the number of inputs and outputs,

      the number of hidden layers,

      a description of the number of perceptrons in each layer,

      and a description of the linkages among the perceptrons. 

This description is passed into imsls_f_mlff_network_trainer using the structure Imsls_f_NN_Network.  See imsls_f_mlff_network.

Training Efficiency

The training efficiency determines the time it takes to train the network. This is controlled by several factors.  One of the most important factors is the initial weights used by the optimization algorithm.  These are taken from the initial values provided in the structure Imsls_f_NN_Network, ff_net->links[i].weight.  Equally important are the scaling and filtering applied to the training data.

In most cases, all variables, particularly output variables, should be scaled to fall within a narrow range, such as [0, 1].  If variables are unscaled and have widely varied ranges, then numerical overflow conditions can terminate network training before an optimum solution is calculated. 


Output from imsls_f_mlff_network_trainer consists of scaled values for the network outputs, a corresponding forecast array for these outputs, a weights array for the trained network, and the training statistics.  The Imsls_f_NN_Network structure is updated with the weights and bias values and can be used as input to imsls_f_mlff_network_forecast. For more details about the weights and bias values, see Table 3.


Example 1

This example trains a two-layer network using 100 training patterns from one nominal and one continuous input attribute.  The nominal attribute has three classifications which are encoded using binary encoding.  This results in three binary network input columns.  The continuous input attribute is scaled to fall in the interval [0,1].

The network training targets were generated using the relationship:

Y = 10*X1 + 20*X2 + 30*X3 + 2.0*X4,

where X1, X2, X3 are the three binary columns, corresponding to the categories 1-3 of the nominal attribute, and X4 is the scaled continuous attribute.

The structure of the network consists of four input nodes and two layers, with three perceptrons in the hidden layer and one in the output layer.  The following figure illustrates this structure:

Figure 13- 11: A 2-layer, Feedforward Network with 4 Inputs and 1 Output

There are a total of 15 weights and 4 bias weights in this network.  The activation functions are all linear. 

Since the target output is a linear function of the input attributes, linear activation functions guarantee that the network forecasts will exactly match their targets.  Of course, the same result could have been obtained using multiple regression.  Printing is turned on to show progress during the training session.


#include "imsls.h"

#include <stdio.h>


void main()


    /* A 2D matrix of values for the categorical training

    attribute.  In this example,  the single categorical

    attribute has 3 categories that are encoded using binary

    encoding for input into the network. 


    {1,0,0} = category 1

    {0,1,0} = category 2

    {0,0,1} = category 3


    int categorical[300] =

















    /* A matrix of values for the continuous training attribute */

    float continuous[100] = {






















    /* A 2D matrix containing the training outputs for this network.

    In this case there is an exact linear relationship between these

    outputs and the inputs: output = 10*X1 +20*X2 + 30*X3 +2*X4,

    where X1-X3 are the categorical variables and X4 is the continuous

    attribute variable.   Output is unscaled.


    float output[100]; 

    Imsls_f_NN_Network *ffnet;

    float *stats;

    int n_obs= 100, n_cat=3, n_cont=1;

    int i;

    float *residuals, *forecasts, *weights;

    float bias, coef1, coef2, coef3, coef4;



    /* Scale continuous attribute into the interval [0, 1]

    and generate outputs */

    for(i=0; i < 100; i++)


        continuous[i] = continuous[i]/10.0;

        output[i] = (10 * categorical[i*3]) + (20 * categorical[i*3+1]) +

            (30 * categorical[i*3+2]) + (20 * continuous[i]);



    /* Create network */

    ffnet = imsls_f_mlff_network_init(4,1);

    imsls_f_mlff_network(ffnet, IMSLS_CREATE_HIDDEN_LAYER, 3,

        IMSLS_ACTIVATION_FCN, 1, &hidActFcn,

        IMSLS_LINK_ALL,  0);


    /*  Set initial weights */

    for (i=0; i<ffnet->n_links; i++)


        /* hidden layer 1 */

        if (ffnet->nodes[ffnet->links[i].to_node].layer_id == 1)

            ffnet->links[i].weight = .25;

        /* output layer */

        if (ffnet->nodes[ffnet->links[i].to_node].layer_id == 2)

            ffnet->links[i].weight = .33;



    /* Initialize seed for consisten results */


    stats = imsls_f_mlff_network_trainer(ffnet, n_obs, n_cat, n_cont,

        categorical,continuous, output,

        IMSLS_STAGE_I, 10, 100,

        IMSLS_MAX_FCN, 1000,

        IMSLS_REL_FCN_TOL, 1.0e-20,

        IMSLS_GRAD_TOL, 1.0e-20,

        IMSLS_MAX_STEP, 5.0,

        IMSLS_TOLERANCE, 1.0e-5,


        IMSLS_RESIDUAL, &residuals,

        IMSLS_FORECASTS, &forecasts,



    printf("Predictions for Last Ten Observations: \n");


    for(i=90; i < 100; i++){

        printf("observation[%d] %f Prediction %f Residual %f \n", i,         output[i],

            forecasts[i], residuals[i]);


    /* hidden layer nodes bias value * link weight */

    bias   = ffnet->nodes[ffnet->n_nodes-4].bias * ffnet->links[12].weight +

        ffnet->nodes[ffnet->n_nodes-3].bias * ffnet->links[13].weight +

        ffnet->nodes[ffnet->n_nodes-2].bias * ffnet->links[14].weight;

    bias  += ffnet->nodes[ffnet->n_nodes-1].bias;  /* the bias of the output node */

    coef1  = ffnet->links[0].weight * ffnet->links[12].weight;

    coef1 += ffnet->links[4].weight * ffnet->links[13].weight;

    coef1 += ffnet->links[8].weight * ffnet->links[14].weight;

    coef2  = ffnet->links[1].weight * ffnet->links[12].weight;

    coef2 += ffnet->links[5].weight * ffnet->links[13].weight;

    coef2 += ffnet->links[9].weight * ffnet->links[14].weight;

    coef3  = ffnet->links[2].weight * ffnet->links[12].weight;

    coef3 += ffnet->links[6].weight * ffnet->links[13].weight;

    coef3 += ffnet->links[10].weight * ffnet->links[14].weight;

    coef4  = ffnet->links[3].weight * ffnet->links[12].weight;

    coef4 += ffnet->links[7].weight * ffnet->links[13].weight;

    coef4 += ffnet->links[11].weight * ffnet->links[14].weight;

    coef1 += bias;

    coef2 += bias;

    coef3 += bias;


    printf("Bias: %f \n", bias);   

    printf("X1: %f \n", coef1); 

    printf("X2: %f \n", coef2); 

    printf("X3: %f \n", coef3); 

    printf("X4: %f \n", coef4);








  Stage II Opt.   = 1

  n_epochs        = 10

  epoch_size      = 100

  max_itn         = 1000

  max_fcn         = 1000

  max_step        = 5.000000

  rfcn_tol        = 1e-20

  grad_tol        = 1e-20

  tolerance       = 0.000010



Stage I: Epoch 1 - Epoch Error SS = 3.57886e-10 (Iterations=34)

Stage I Training Converged at Epoch = 1






weight[0] = 0.262463    weight[1] = 1.30687     weight[2] = 1.32345     weight[3] = 0.929833

weight[4] = -1.40295    weight[5] = 1.46973     weight[6] = 4.50657     weight[7] = 6.25732

weight[8] = 2.05971     weight[9] = 2.55983     weight[10] = 3.40746    weight[11] = 3.52705

weight[12] = 0.371129   weight[13] = 3.43777    weight[14] = -0.526312  weight[15] = 1.41332

weight[16] = 4.33401    weight[17] = 6.28003    weight[18] = 3.69105



STAGE I ERROR SS = 0.000000




g[0] =       0.000001         weight[0] =    0.262463

g[1] =       -0.000023        weight[1] =    1.306865

g[2] =       0.000027         weight[2] =    1.323447

g[3] =       0.000007         weight[3] =    0.929833

g[4] =       0.000010         weight[4] =    -1.402949

g[5] =       -0.000216        weight[5] =    1.469729

g[6] =       0.000249         weight[6] =    4.506571

g[7] =       0.000063         weight[7] =    6.257323

g[8] =       -0.000002        weight[8] =    2.059708

g[9] =       0.000033         weight[9] =    2.559830

g[10] =      -0.000038        weight[10] =   3.407457

g[11] =      -0.000010        weight[11] =   3.527051

g[12] =      0.000049         weight[12] =   0.371129

g[13] =      0.000399         weight[13] =   3.437771

g[14] =      0.000235         weight[14] =   -0.526312

g[15] =      0.000005         weight[15] =   1.413319

g[16] =      0.000043         weight[16] =   4.334013

g[17] =      -0.000007        weight[17] =   6.280032

g[18] =      0.000012         weight[18] =   3.691053


Training Completed 


Predictions for Last Ten Observations:

observation[90] 49.297478 Prediction 49.297482 Residual 0.000004

observation[91] 32.435097 Prediction 32.435097 Residual 0.000000

observation[92] 37.817757 Prediction 37.817760 Residual 0.000004

observation[93] 38.506630 Prediction 38.506630 Residual 0.000000

observation[94] 48.623795 Prediction 48.623802 Residual 0.000008

observation[95] 37.623909 Prediction 37.623913 Residual 0.000004

observation[96] 41.569431 Prediction 41.569435 Residual 0.000004

observation[97] 36.828972 Prediction 36.828976 Residual 0.000004

observation[98] 48.690826 Prediction 48.690826 Residual 0.000000

observation[99] 32.048107 Prediction 32.048107 Residual 0.000000

Bias: 15.809660

X1: 9.999999

X2: 19.999996

X3: 30.000000

X4: 20.000002 

Visual Numerics, Inc.
Visual Numerics - Developers of IMSL and PV-WAVE
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