Computes the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint (i.e. real symmetric or complex Hermitian) matrix, A. Optionally, the eigenvectors can be computed. This gives the decomposition A = VDVT , where V is an n × n orthogonal matrix and D is a real diagonal matrix.

Required Arguments

A —    Array of size n × n containing the matrix. (Input [/Output])

D —    Array of size n containing the eigenvalues. The values are in order of decreasing absolute value. (Output)

Optional Arguments

NROWS = n   (Input)
Uses array A(1:n, 1:n) for the input matrix.
Default: n = size(A, 1)

v = v(:,:)   (Output)
Array of the same type and kind as A(1:n, 1:n). It contains the n × n orthogonal matrix V.

iopt = iopt(:)   (Input)
Derived type array with the same precision as the input matrix; used for passing optional data to the routine. The options are as follows:

Packaged Options for LIN_EIG_SELF

Option Prefix = ?

Option Name

Option Value

s_, d_, c_, z_



s_, d_, c_, z_



s_, d_, c_, z_



s_, d_, c_, z_



s_, d_, c_, z_



s_, d_, c_, z_



s_, d_, c_, z_



iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_eig_self_set_small, Small)
If a denominator term is smaller in magnitude than the value Small, it is replaced by Small.
Default: the smallest number that can be reciprocated safely

iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_eig_self_overwrite_input, ?_dummy)
Do not save the input array A(:, :).

iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_eig_self_scan_for_NaN, ?_dummy)
Examines each input array entry to find the first value such that

            isNaN(a(i,j)) == .true.

            See the isNaN() function, Chapter 10.
Default: The array is not scanned for NaNs.

iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_eig_use_QR, ?_dummy)
Uses a rational QR algorithm to compute eigenvalues. Accumulate the eigenvectors using this algorithm.
Default: the eigenvectors computed using inverse iteration

iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_eig_skip_Orth, ?_dummy)
If the eigenvalues are computed using inverse iteration, skips the final orthogonalization of the vectors. This will result in a more efficient computation but the eigenvectors, while a complete set, may be far from orthogonal.
Default: the eigenvectors are normally orthogonalized if obtained using inverse iteration.

iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_eig_use_Gauss_elim, ?_dummy)
If the eigenvalues are computed using inverse iteration, uses standard elimination with partial pivoting to solve the inverse iteration problems.
Default: the eigenvectors computed using cyclic reduction

iopt(IO) = ?_options(?_lin_eig_self_set_perf_ratio, perf_ratio)
Uses residuals for approximate normalized eigenvectors if they have a performance index no larger than perf_ratio. Otherwise an alternate approach is taken and the eigenvectors are computed again: Standard elimination is used instead of cyclic reduction, or the standard QR algorithm is used as a backup procedure to inverse iteration. Larger values of perf_ratio are less likely to cause these exceptions.
Default: perf_ratio = 4

FORTRAN 90 Interface

Generic:          CALL LIN_EIG_SELF (A, D [,…])

Specific:         The specific interface names are S_LIN_EIG_SELF, D_LIN_EIG_SELF, C_LIN_EIG_SELF, and Z_LIN_EIG_SELF.


Routine LIN_EIG_SELF is an implementation of the QR algorithm for self-adjoint matrices. An orthogonal similarity reduction of the input matrix to self-adjoint tridiagonal form is performed. Then, the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition of a real tridiagonal matrix is calculated. The ex­pansion of the matrix as AV = VD results from a product of these matrix factors. See Golub and Van Loan (1989, Chapter 8) for details.

Fatal, Terminal, and Warning Error Messages

See the messages.gls file for error messages for LIN_EIG_SELF. These error messages are numbered 81-90; 101-110; 121-129; 141-149.

.p>.F90CH2.DOC!EX1_LIN_EIG_SELF;Example 1: Computing Eigenvalues

The eigenvalues of a self-adjoint matrix are computed. The matrix A = C+CT is used, where C is ran­dom. The magnitudes of eigenvalues of A agree with the singular values of A. Also, see operator_ex25, supplied with the product examples.


      use lin_eig_self_int

      use lin_sol_svd_int

      use rand_gen_int


      implicit none


! This is Example 1 for LIN_EIG_SELF.


      integer, parameter :: n=64

      real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1e0

      real(kind(1e0)) :: A(n,n), b(n,0), D(n), S(n), x(n,0), y(n*n)


! Generate a random matrix and from it 

! a self-adjoint matrix.

      call rand_gen(y)

      A = reshape(y,(/n,n/))

      A = A + transpose(A)


! Compute the eigenvalues of the matrix.

      call lin_eig_self(A, D)


! For comparison, compute the singular values.

      call lin_sol_svd(A, b, x, nrhs=0, s=S)


! Check the results:  Magnitude of eigenvalues should equal

! the singular values.


      if (sum(abs(abs(D) - S)) <= &

           sqrt(epsilon(one))*S(1)) then

         write (*,*) 'Example 1 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.'

      end if




Example 1 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.

Additional Examples

.p>.F90CH2.DOC!EX2_LIN_EIG_SELF;Example 2: Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Expansion of a Square Matrix

A self-adjoint matrix is generated and the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are computed. Thus,
A = VDVT, where V is orthogonal and D is a real diagonal matrix. The matrix V is obtained using an optional argument. Also, see operator_ex26, Chapter 10.


      use lin_eig_self_int

      use rand_gen_int


      implicit none

! This is Example 2 for LIN_EIG_SELF.


      integer, parameter :: n=8

      real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1e0

      real(kind(1e0)) :: a(n,n), d(n), v_s(n,n), y(n*n)


! Generate a random self-adjoint matrix.

      call rand_gen(y)

      a = reshape(y,(/n,n/))

      a = a + transpose(a)

! Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

      call lin_eig_self(a, d, v=v_s)

! Check the results for small residuals.

      if (sum(abs(matmul(a,v_s)-v_s*spread(d,1,n)))/d(1) <= &

             sqrt(epsilon(one))) then

         write (*,*) 'Example 2 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.'

      end if




Example 2 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.

.p>.F90CH2.DOC!EX3_LIN_EIG_SELF;.p>.F90CH2.DOC!EX3_LIN_EIG_SELF;Example 3: Computing a few Eigenvectors with Inverse Iteration

A self-adjoint n × n matrix is generated and the eigenvalues, , are computed. The eigenvectors associated with the first k of these are computed using the self-adjoint solver, lin_sol_self, and inverse iteration. With random right-hand sides, these systems are as follows:

The solutions are then orthogonalized as in Hanson et al. (1991) to comprise a partial decomposition
AV = VD where V is an n × k matrix resulting from the orthogonalized  and D is the k × k diagonal matrix of the distinguished eigenvalues. It is necessary to suppress the error message when the matrix is singular. Since these singularities are desirable, it is appropriate to ignore the exceptions and not print the message text. Also, see operator_ex27, supplied with the product examples.


      use lin_eig_self_int

      use lin_sol_self_int

      use rand_gen_int

      use error_option_packet


      implicit none


! This is Example 3 for LIN_EIG_SELF.


      integer i, j

      integer, parameter :: n=64, k=8

      real(kind(1d0)), parameter :: one=1d0, zero=0d0

      real(kind(1d0)) big, err

      real(kind(1d0)) :: a(n,n), b(n,1), d(n), res(n,k), temp(n,n), &

              v(n,k), y(n*n)

      type(d_options) :: iopti(2)=d_options(0,zero)


! Generate a random self-adjoint matrix.

      call rand_gen(y)

      a = reshape(y,(/n,n/))

      a = a + transpose(a)


! Compute just the eigenvalues.

      call lin_eig_self(a, d)


      do i=1, k


! Define a temporary array to hold the matrices A - eigenvalue*I.

         temp = a

         do j=1, n

            temp(j,j) = temp(j,j) - d(i)

         end do


! Use packaged option to reset the value of a small diagonal.

         iopti(1) = d_options(d_lin_sol_self_set_small,&



! Use packaged option to skip singularity messages.

         iopti(2) = d_options(d_lin_sol_self_no_sing_mess,&


         call rand_gen(b(1:n,1))

         call lin_sol_self(temp, b, v(1:,i:i),&


      end do


! Orthogonalize the eigenvectors.

      do i=1, k

         big = maxval(abs(v(1:,i)))

         v(1:,i) = v(1:,i)/big

         v(1:,i) = v(1:,i)/sqrt(sum(v(1:,i)**2))

         if (i == k) cycle

         v(1:,i+1:k) = v(1:,i+1:k) + &

               spread(-matmul(v(1:,i),v(1:,i+1:k)),1,n)* &


      end do

      do i=k-1, 1, -1

         v(1:,i+1:k) = v(1:,i+1:k) + &

               spread(-matmul(v(1:,i),v(1:,i+1:k)),1,n)* &


      end do


! Check the results for both orthogonality of vectors and small 

! residuals.

      res(1:k,1:k) = matmul(transpose(v),v)

      do i=1,k


      end do

      err = sum(abs(res))/k**2

      res = matmul(a,v) - v*spread(d(1:k),1,n)

      if (err <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then

         if (sum(abs(res))/abs(d(1)) <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then

            write (*,*) 'Example 3 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.'

         end if

      end if




Example 3 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.

.p>.F90CH2.DOC!EX4_LIN_EIG_SELF;Example 4: Analysis and Reduction of a Generalized Eigensystem

A generalized eigenvalue problem is Ax = lBx, where A and B are n × n self-adjoint matrices. The matrix B is positive definite. This problem is reduced to an ordinary self-adjoint eigenvalue problem Cy = ly by changing the variables of the generalized problem to an equivalent form. The eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition B = VSVT is first computed, labeling an eigenvalue too small if it is less than epsilon(1.d0). The ordinary self-adjoint eigenvalue problem is Cy = ly provided that the rank of B, based on this definition of Small, has the value n. In that case,


The relationship between x and y is summarized as X = VDY, computed after the ordinary eigenvalue problem is solved for the eigenvectors Y of C. The matrix X is normalized so that each column has Euclidean length of value one. This solution method is nonstandard for any but the most
ill-conditioned matrices B. The standard approach is to compute an ordinary self-adjoint problem following computation of the Cholesky decomposition

where R is upper triangular. The computation of C can also be completed efficiently by exploiting its self-adjoint property. See Golub and Van Loan (1989, Chapter 8) for more information. Also, see operator_ex28, Chapter 10.


      use lin_eig_self_int

      use rand_gen_int

      implicit none


! This is Example 4 for LIN_EIG_SELF.


      integer i

      integer, parameter :: n=64

      real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1d0

      real(kind(1e0)) b_sum

      real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n,n) :: A, B, C, D(n), lambda(n), &

               S(n), vb_d, X, ytemp(n*n), res



! Generate random self-adjoint matrices.

      call rand_gen(ytemp)

      A = reshape(ytemp,(/n,n/))

      A = A + transpose(A)


      call rand_gen(ytemp)

      B = reshape(ytemp,(/n,n/))

      B = B + transpose(B)


      b_sum = sqrt(sum(abs(B**2))/n)


! Add a scalar matrix so B is positive definite.

      do i=1, n

         B(i,i) = B(i,i) + b_sum

      end do


! Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for B.


      call lin_eig_self(B, S, v=vb_d)


! For full rank problems, convert to an ordinary self-adjoint 

! problem.  (All of these examples are full rank.)

      if (S(n) > epsilon(one)) then


         D = one/sqrt(S)


         C = spread(D,2,n)*matmul(transpose(vb_d), &



! Get the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for C.

         call lin_eig_self(C, lambda, v=X)


! Compute the generalized eigenvectors.

         X = matmul(vb_d,spread(D,2,n)*X)


! Normalize the eigenvectors for the generalized problem.

         X = X * spread(one/sqrt(sum(X**2,dim=2)),1,n)


         res =  matmul(A,X) - &



! Check the results.

         if (sum(abs(res))/(sum(abs(A))+sum(abs(B))) <= &

            sqrt(epsilon(one))) then

            write (*,*) 'Example 4 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.'

         end if

end if




Example 4 for LIN_EIG_SELF is correct.

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