Weighted least-squares fitting by B-splines to discrete One-Dimensional data is performed. Constraints on the spline or its derivatives are optional. The spline function
its derivatives, or the square root of its variance function are evaluated after the fitting.
= data(1:3,:) (Input/Output)
An assumed-shape array with size(data,1) =
3. The data are placed in the array: data(1,i) = , data(2,i) = , and data(3,i) = , . If the variances are not known
but are proportional to an unknown value, users may set data(3,i) = 1,
= knots (Input)
A derived type, ?_spline_knots, that defines the
degree of the spline and the breakpoints for the data fitting interval.
= spline_constraints (Input)
A rank-1 array of derived type
that give constraints the output spline is to satisfy.
= G (Output)
An assumed-shape rank-2 array of the same precision
as the data. This output is the covariance matrix of the
coefficients. It is optionally used to evaluate the square root of the
variance function.
= iopt(:) (Input/Output)
Derived type array with the same
precision as the input array; used for passing optional data to spline_fitting. The options are as
Packaged Options for spline_fitting | ||
Prefix = None |
Option Name |
Option Value |
Spline_fitting_tol_equal |
1 |
Spline_fitting_tol_least |
2 |
= ?_options(spline_fitting_tol_equal, ?_value)
This resets the value
for determining that equality constraint equations are rank-deficient. The
default is ?_value =
= ?_options(spline_fitting_tol_least, ?_value)
This resets the value
for determining that least-squares equations are rank-deficient. The
default is ?_value =
Specific: The specific interface names are S_SPLINE_FITTING and D_SPLINE_FITTING.
This routine has similar scope to CONFT found in IMSL (2003, pp 734-743). We provide the square root of the variance function, but we do not provide for constraints on the integral of the spline. The least-squares matrix problem for the coefficients is banded, with band-width equal to the spline order. This fact is used to obtain an efficient solution algorithm when there are no constraints. When constraints are present the routine solves a linear-least squares problem with equality and inequality constraints. The processed least-squares equations result in a banded and upper triangular matrix, following accumulation of the spline fitting equations. The algorithm used for solving the constrained least-squares system will handle rank-deficient problems. A set of reference are available in Hanson (1995) and Lawson and Hanson (1995). The CONFT routine uses QPROG (loc cit., p. 959), which requires that the least-squares equations be of full rank.
See the messages.gls file for error messages for SPLINE_FITTING. These error messages are numbered 1340-1367.
The function
is interpolated by cubic splines on the grid of points
Those natural conditions are
Our program checks the term appearing in the maximum truncation error term
at a finer grid.
USE spline_fitting_int
USE show_int
USE norm_int
implicit none
! This is Example 1 for SPLINE_FITTING, Natural Spline
! Interpolation using cubic splines. Use the function
! exp(-x**2/2) to generate samples.
integer :: i
integer, parameter :: ndata=24, nord=4, ndegree=nord-1, &
nbkpt=ndata+2*ndegree, ncoeff=nbkpt-nord, nvalues=2*ndata
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: zero=0e0, one=1e0, half=5e-1
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: delta_x=0.15, delta_xv=0.4*delta_x
real(kind(1e0)), target :: xdata(ndata), ydata(ndata), &
spline_data (3, ndata), bkpt(nbkpt), &
ycheck(nvalues), coeff(ncoeff), &
xvalues(nvalues), yvalues(nvalues), diffs
real(kind(1e0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)
type (s_spline_knots) break_points
type (s_spline_constraints) constraints(2)
xdata = (/((i-1)*delta_x, i=1,ndata)/)
ydata = exp(-half*xdata**2)
xvalues =(/(0.03+(i-1)*delta_xv,i=1,nvalues)/)
ycheck= exp(-half*xvalues**2)
! Define the knots for the interpolation problem.
bkpt(1:ndegree) = (/(i*delta_x, i=-ndegree,-1)/)
bkpt(nord:nbkpt-ndegree) = xdata
bkpt(nbkpt-ndegree+1:nbkpt) = &
(/(xdata(ndata)+i*delta_x, i=1,ndegree)/)
! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.
pointer_bkpt => bkpt
break_points=s_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)
! These are the natural conditions for interpolating cubic
! splines. The derivatives match those of the interpolating
! function at the ends.
constraints(1)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=2, point=bkpt(nord), type='==', value=-one)
constraints(2)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=2,point=bkpt(nbkpt-ndegree), type= '==', &
coeff = spline_fitting(data=spline_data, knots=break_points,&
yvalues=spline_values(0, xvalues, break_points, coeff)
if (diffs <= one) then
write(*,*) 'Example 1 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.'
end if
Example 1 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.
The function
is fit by cubic splines on the grid of equally spaced points
The term noise is uniform random numbers from the
normalized interval
, where . The spline curve is constrained to be convex down for for
0 ≤ x ≤ 1
convex upward for 1< x ≤ 4, and have the second derivative exactly
equal to the value zero at
x = 1. The first derivative is
constrained with the value zero at x = 0 and is non-negative at the
right and of the interval, x = 4. A sample table of independent
variables, second derivatives and square root of variance function values
is printed.
use spline_fitting_int
use show_int
use rand_int
use norm_int
implicit none
! This is Example 2 for SPLINE_FITTING. Use 1st and 2nd derivative
! constraints to shape the splines.
integer :: i, icurv
integer, parameter :: nbkptin=13, nord=4, ndegree=nord-1, &
nbkpt=nbkptin+2*ndegree, ndata=21, ncoeff=nbkpt-nord
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: zero=0e0, one=1e0, half=5e-1
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: range=4.0, ratio=0.02, tol=ratio*half
real(kind(1e0)), parameter ::
delta_x=range/(ndata-1), &
real(kind(1e0)), target :: xdata(ndata), ydata(ndata), ynoise(ndata),&
sddata(ndata), spline_data (3, ndata), bkpt(nbkpt), &
values(ndata), derivat1(ndata), derivat2(ndata), &
coeff(ncoeff), root_variance(ndata), diffs
real(kind(1e0)), dimension(ncoeff,ncoeff) :: sigma_squared
real(kind(1e0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)
type (s_spline_knots) break_points
type (s_spline_constraints) constraints(nbkptin+2)
xdata = (/((i-1)*delta_x, i=1,ndata)/)
ydata = exp(-half*xdata**2)
ynoise = ratio*ydata*(rand(ynoise)-half)
ydata = ydata+ynoise
sddata = ynoise
bkpt=(/((i-nord)*delta_b, i=1,nbkpt)/)
! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.
pointer_bkpt => bkpt
break_points=s_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)
! At first shape the curve to be convex down.
do i=1,icurv-1
constraints(i)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=2, point=bkpt(i+ndegree), type='<=', value=zero)
end do
! Force a curvature change.
constraints(icurv)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=2, point=bkpt(icurv+ndegree), type='==', value=zero)
! Finally, shape the curve to be convex up.
do i=icurv+1,nbkptin
constraints(i)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=2, point=bkpt(i+ndegree), type='>=', value=zero)
end do
! Make the slope zero and value non-negative at right.
constraints(nbkptin+1)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=1, point=bkpt(nord), type='==', value=zero)
constraints(nbkptin+2)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=0, point=bkpt(nbkptin+ndegree), type='>=', value=zero)
coeff = spline_fitting(data=spline_data, knots=break_points, &
constraints=constraints, covariance=sigma_squared)
! Compute value, first two derivatives and the variance.
values=spline_values(0, xdata, break_points, coeff)
root_variance=spline_values(0, xdata, break_points, coeff, &
derivat1=spline_values(1, xdata, break_points, coeff)
derivat2=spline_values(2, xdata, break_points, coeff)
call show(reshape((/xdata, derivat2, root_variance/),(/ndata,3/)),&
"The x values, 2-nd derivatives, and square root of variance.")
! See that differences are relatively small and the curve has
! the right shape and signs.
if (all(values > zero) .and. all(derivat1 < epsilon(zero))&
.and. diffs <= tol) then
write(*,*) 'Example 2 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.'
end if
Example 2 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.
The function
is an unnormalized probability distribution. This function is similar to the standard Normal distribution, with specific choices for the mean and variance, except that it is truncated. Our algorithm interpolates g(x) with a natural cubic spline, f(x). The cumulative distribution is approximated by precise evaluation of the function
Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulas, IMSL (1994,
pp. 621-626), of order two are used on each polynomial piece of
f(t) to evaluate q(x) cheaply. After
normalizing the cubic spline so that
q(1) = 1, we may then
generate random numbers according to the distribution . The values of are evaluated by solving
q(x) = u, -1 < x < 1. Here is a uniform random
sample. Newton's method, for a vector of unknowns, is used for the
solution algorithm. Recalling the relation
we believe this illustrates a method for generating a vector of random numbers according to a continuous distribution function having finite support.
use spline_fitting_int
use linear_operators
use Numerical_Libraries
implicit none
! This is Example 3 for SPLINE_FITTING. Use splines to
! generate random (almost normal) numbers. The normal distribution
! function has support (-1,+1), and is zero outside this interval.
! The variance is 0.5.
integer i, niterat
integer, parameter :: iweight=1, nfix=0, nord=4, ndata=50
integer, parameter :: nquad=(nord+1)/2, ndegree=nord-1
integer, parameter :: nbkpt=ndata+2*ndegree, ncoeff=nbkpt-nord
integer, parameter :: last=nbkpt-ndegree, n_samples=1000
integer, parameter :: limit=10
real(kind(1e0)), dimension(n_samples) :: fn, rn, x, alpha_x, beta_x
INTEGER LEFT_OF(n_samples)
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: one=1e0, half=5e-1, zero=0e0, two=2e0
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: delta_x=two/(ndata-1)
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: qalpha=zero, qbeta=zero, domain=two
real(kind(1e0)) qx(nquad), qxi(nquad), qw(nquad), qxfix(nquad)
real(kind(1e0)) alpha_, beta_, quad(0:ndata-1)
target :: xdata(ndata),
spline_data(3, ndata), bkpt(nbkpt)
real(kind(1e0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)
type (s_spline_knots) break_points
type (s_spline_constraints) constraints(2)
! Approximate the probability density function by splines.
xdata = (/(-one+(i-1)*delta_x, i=1,ndata)/)
ydata = exp(-half*xdata**2)
bkpt=(/(-one+(i-nord)*delta_x, i=1,nbkpt)/)
! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.
pointer_bkpt => bkpt
break_points=s_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)
! Define the natural derivatives constraints:
constraints(1)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=2, point=bkpt(nord), type='==', &
constraints(2)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=2, point=bkpt(last), type='==', &
! Obtain the spline coefficients.
coeff=spline_fitting(data=spline_data, knots=break_points,&
! Compute the evaluation points 'qx(*)' and weights 'qw(*)' for
! the Gauss-Legendre quadrature. This will give a precise
! quadrature for polynomials of degree <= nquad*2.
call gqrul(nquad, iweight, qalpha, qbeta, nfix, qxfix, qx, qw)
! Compute pieces of the accumulated distribution function:
do i=1, ndata-1
alpha_= (bkpt(nord+i)-bkpt(ndegree+i))*half
beta_ = (bkpt(nord+i)+bkpt(ndegree+i))*half
! Normalized abscissas are stretched to each spline interval.
! Each polynomial piece is integrated and accumulated.
qxi = alpha_*qx+beta_
= sum(qw*spline_values(0, qxi,
+ quad(i-1)
end do
! Normalize the coefficients and partial integrals so that the
! total integral has the value one.
coeff=coeff/quad(ndata-1); quad=quad/quad(ndata-1)
x=zero; niterat=0
solve_equation: do
! Find the intervals where the x values are located.
I=I+1; if(I >= LAST) EXIT
end do
! Use Newton's method to solve the nonlinear equation:
! accumulated_distribution_function - random_number = 0.
alpha_x = (x-bkpt(LEFT_OF))*half
beta_x = (x+bkpt(LEFT_OF))*half
FN=FN+QW(I)*spline_values(0, alpha_x*QX(I)+beta_x,&
break_points, coeff)*alpha_x
! This is the Newton method update step:
x=x-fn/spline_values(0, x, break_points, coeff)
! Constrain the values so they fall back into the interval.
! Newton's method may give approximates outside the interval.
where(x <= -one .or. x >= one) x=zero
if(norm(fn,1) <= sqrt(epsilon(one))*norm(x,1))&
exit solve_equation
end do solve_equation
! Check that Newton's method converges.
if (niterat <= limit) then
write (*,*) 'Example 3 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.'
end if
Example 3 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.
The curve tracing the edge of a rectangular box, traversed
in a counter-clockwise direction, is parameterized with a spline representation
for each coordinate function, (x(t), y(t)).
The functions are constrained to be periodic at the ends of the parameter
interval. Since the perimeter arcs are piece-wise linear functions, the
degree of the splines is the value one. Some breakpoints are chosen so
they correspond to corners of the box, where the derivatives of the coordinate
functions are discontinuous. The value of this representation is that for
each t the splines representing
y(t)) are points on the perimeter of the box. This “eases”
the complexity of evaluating the edge of the box. This example illustrates
a method for representing the edge of a domain in two dimensions, bounded by a
periodic curve.
use spline_fitting_int
use norm_int
implicit none
! This is Example 4 for SPLINE_FITTING. Use piecewise-linear
! splines to represent the perimeter of a rectangular box.
integer i, j
integer, parameter :: nbkpt=9, nord=2, ndegree=nord-1, &
ncoeff=nbkpt-nord, ndata=7, ngrid=100, &
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: zero=0e0, one=1e0
real(kind(1e0)), parameter :: delta_t=one, delta_b=one, delta_v=0.01
real(kind(1e0)) delta_x, delta_y
real(kind(1e0)), dimension(ndata) :: sddata=one, &
! These are redundant coordinates on the edge of the box.
xdata=(/0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0/), &
ydata=(/0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0/)
real(kind(1e0)) tdata(ndata), xspline_data(3, ndata), &
yspline_data(3, ndata), tvalues(nvalues), &
xvalues(nvalues), yvalues(nvalues), xcoeff(ncoeff), &
ycoeff(ncoeff), xcheck(nvalues), ycheck(nvalues), diffs
real(kind(1e0)), target :: bkpt(nbkpt)
real(kind(1e0)), pointer :: pointer_bkpt(:)
type (s_spline_knots) break_points
type (s_spline_constraints) constraints(1)
tdata = (/((i-1)*delta_t, i=1,ndata)/)
xspline_data(1,:)=tdata; yspline_data(1,:)=tdata
xspline_data(2,:)=xdata; yspline_data(2,:)=ydata
xspline_data(3,:)=sddata; yspline_data(3,:)=sddata
bkpt(nord:nbkpt-ndegree)=(/((i-nord)*delta_b, &
i=nord, nbkpt-ndegree)/)
! Collapse the outside knots.
! Assign the degree of the polynomial and the knots.
pointer_bkpt => bkpt
break_points=s_spline_knots(ndegree, pointer_bkpt)
! Make the two parametric curves also periodic.
constraints(1)=spline_constraints &
(derivative=0, point=bkpt(nord), type='.=.', &
xcoeff = spline_fitting(data=xspline_data, knots=break_points, &
ycoeff = spline_fitting(data=yspline_data, knots=break_points, &
! Use the splines to compute the coordinates of points along the perimeter.
! Compare them with the coordinates of the edge points.
tvalues= (/((i-1)*delta_v, i=1,nvalues)/)
xvalues=spline_values(0, tvalues, break_points, xcoeff)
yvalues=spline_values(0, tvalues, break_points, ycoeff)
do i=1, nvalues
end do
if (diffs <= sqrt(epsilon(one))) then
write(*,*) 'Example 4 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.'
end if
Example 4 for SPLINE_FITTING is correct.
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