Class | Description |
Performs a one-way analysis of covariance.
Performs one-way analysis of covariance and tests for parallelism.
Performs a one-way analysis of variance.
ANOVAFactorialEx1 |
Performs a two-way factorial analysis of variance.
ANOVAFactorialEx2 |
Performs a two-way factorial analysis of variance with
additional printed output.
ANOVAFactorialEx3 |
Performs a three-way factorial analysis of variance.
ARAutoUnivariateEx1 |
Finds the minimum AIC autoregressive model for the Wolfer sunspot data.
ARAutoUnivariateEx2 |
Finds the minimum AIC autoregressive model for the Canadian lynx data.
ARMAEstimateMissingEx1 |
Estimates missing values for a generated
\( \text{AR}(1) \) series.
Fits an \(\text{ARMA}(2,1)\) to the Wolfer sunspot data using
the method of moments.
Fits an \(\text{ARMA}(2,1)\) to the Wolfer sunspot data
using the method of least squares.
Fits an \(\text{ARMA}(2,1)\) to the Wolfer sunspot data and
produces a forecast table.
ARMAMaxLikelihoodEx1 |
Fits an \(\text{ARMA}(2,1)\) to the Wolfer
sunspot data using the method of maximum likelihood.
ARMAOutlierIdentificationEx1 |
Performs outlier identification and simultaneously
fits an \(\text{ARIMA}(2,2,0)\) to the Canadian Lynx dataset.
ARMAOutlierIdentificationEx2 |
Performs outlier identification on an
\( \text{ARMA}(1,1)\) process contaminated by outliers.
ARMAOutlierIdentificationEx3 |
Forecasts an \(\text{ARMA}(2,1)\)
time series contaminated by outliers.
ARSeasonalFitEx1 |
Searches for the best fit seasonality for the Airline
AutoARIMAEx1 |
Searches for the best fitting non-seasonal \(
\text{ARIMA} \).
AutoARIMAEx2 |
Searches for the best fitting \(\text{ARIMA}(p,d,q)\)
AutoARIMAEx3 |
Fits an \(\text{ARIMA}(p,d,q)\) model with fixed
parameter values.
AutoCorrelationEx1 |
Computes autocorrelations of the Wolfer sunspot data.
CategoricalGenLinModelEx1 |
Fits a logit and probit categorical model to beetle mortality
CategoricalGenLinModelEx2 |
Analyzes interval type data with the Poisson model.
CdfEx1 |
Evaluates various cumulative distribution functions.
ChiSquaredTestEx1 |
Performs a chi-squared test on simulated data.
ClusterHierarchicalEx1 |
Performs hierarchical clustering on Fisher's
iris data.
ClusterKMeansEx1 |
Performs K-Means clustering on Fisher's iris data.
ClusterKMeansEx2 |
Performs K-Means++ clustering on Fisher's iris data.
ClusterKNNEx1 |
Performs K-Nearest Neighbor clustering on Fisher's iris data.
ContingencyTableEx1 |
Performs a chi-squared test for independence.
ContingencyTableEx2 |
Calculates a number of statistics associated with a contingency table.
CovariancesEx1 |
Calculates a variance-covariance matrix.
CrossCorrelationEx1 |
Computes the cross-covariances and cross-correlations for the gas furnace
DifferenceEx1 |
Computes a lagged difference formula for the airline data.
DifferenceEx2 |
Computes a lagged difference formula for the airline data excluding
the lost observations.
DiscriminantAnalysisEx1 |
Performs a discriminant analysis on Fisher's iris data.
DissimilaritiesEx1 |
Computes a dissimilarity matrix using the Euclidean distance.
Fits an EGARCH(1, 1) to a segment of S&P 500 returns.
Fits an EGARCH(1, 1) with a user defined distribution on \(z_t\).
Fits an EGARCH(1, 1) with an ARMA(1,1) on the mean.
EmpiricalQuantilesEx1 |
Computes empirical quantiles for rainfall data.
FactorAnalysisEx1 |
Computes the principal components on a 9 variable correlation matrix.
FactorAnalysisEx2 |
Compute the factors on 9 variables by the method of maximum likelihood.
FaureSequenceEx1 |
Generates points of the Faure sequence.
Estimates a \(\text{GARCH}(p,q)\) model from simulated data.
HoltWintersExponentialSmoothingEx1 |
Applies Holt-Winter's exponential smoothing to a series.
InvCdfEx1 |
Evaluates the inverse CDF for the beta and chi-squared random variables.
InverseCdfEx1 |
Computes the inverse of a user-supplied CDF at a probability value.
KalmanFilterEx1 |
Computes the filtered estimates and the one-step-ahead estimates using the
Kalman filter.
KalmanFilterEx2 |
Estimates a moving average model \(\text{MA}(1)\) using the Kalman filter.
KaplanMeierECDFEx1 |
Computes the survival curve for units under life-testing.
KaplanMeierEstimatesEx1 |
Computes the Kaplan-Meier probability estimates for censored data.
KolmogorovOneSampleEx1 |
Performs a Kolmogorov one-sample test.
KolmogorovTwoSampleEx1 |
Performs a Kolmogorov two-sample test.
LackOfFitEx1 |
Performs a lack-of-fit test between an \(\text{ARMA}(2,1)\) and Wolfer's
sunspot data.
LifeTablesEx1 |
Computes a cohort life table.
LinearRegressionEx1 |
Computes a simple linear regression model.
LinearRegressionEx2 |
Computes case statistics in a simple linear regression.
MersenneTwister64Ex1 |
Generates a pseudorandom sequence using the Mersenne64 Twister.
MersenneTwisterEx1 |
Generates a pseudorandom sequence using the Mersenne Twister.
MultiCrossCorrelationEx1 |
Computes cross-correlations for a three-channel time series.
MultipleComparisonsEx1 |
Performs the Student-Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test on a small set of
NonlinearRegressionEx1 |
Fits a nonlinear regression using finite differences for the derivatives.
NonlinearRegressionEx2 |
Fits a nonlinear regression using user supplied derivatives.
NonlinearRegressionEx3 |
Fits a nonlinear regression on scaled data.
NormalityTestEx1 |
Performs a test of normality.
NormOneSampleEx1 |
Performs a hypothesis test for the mean of a normal distribution.
NormTwoSampleEx1 |
Performs a hypothesis test for the difference in means
of two normal distributions.
NormTwoSampleEx2 |
Performs a difference in means test with incremental updates.
PartialCovariancesEx1 |
Computes the partial covariances for a set of 9 variables.
PartialCovariancesEx2 |
Computes partial covariances after adjusting for specific variables.
PdfEx1 |
Evaluates probability density functions.
PooledCovariancesEx1 |
Computes a pooled variance-covariance matrix involving 2 groups.
PooledCovariancesEx2 |
Computes pooled variance-covariance for Fisher's iris data.
ProportionalHazardsEx1 |
Performs proportional-hazards data analysis on lung cancer data.
RandomEx1 |
Generates a pseudorandom sample from a normal distribution and performs a
goodness of fit test.
RandomEx2 |
Generates a pseudorandom multivariate sequence with user defined marginal
RandomEx3 |
Generates a pseudorandom sample from a discrete distribution.
RandomEx4 |
Generates a pseudorandom sample from a discrete uniform distribution.
RandomSamplesEx1 |
Generates a pseudorandom permutation.
RandomSamplesEx2 |
Generates a set of pseudorandom indices.
RandomSamplesEx3 |
Selects a sample from a data set.
RandomSamplesEx4 |
Selects a pseudorandom sample from a million records.
RandomSamplesEx5 |
Selects a pseudorandom sample from Fisher's iris data.
RanksEx1 |
Analyzes the ranks of a data set.
RegressorsForGLMEx1 |
Generates binary regressors for classification variables.
RegressorsForGLMEx2 |
Sets up data for a two-way analysis of covariance.
SelectionRegressionEx1 |
Finds the best regressions using the \(R^2\) criterion.
SelectionRegressionEx2 |
Finds the best regressions using Mallow's \(C_p\) criterion.
SignTestEx1 |
Performs the sign test on a small data set.
SignTestEx2 |
Performs the sign test on a small data set.
SortEx1 |
Sorts an array and computes the permutation.
SortEx2 |
Sorts a matrix using columns as keys.
StepwiseRegressionEx1 |
Performs stepwise regression variable selection.
SummaryEx1 |
Computes summary statistics for a small data set.
TableMultiWayEx1 |
Computes a two-way table in the presence of missing values.
TableMultiWayEx2 |
Computes a two-way table and displays the balanced table.
TableMultiWayEx3 |
Computes a two-way table and displays the unbalanced table.
TableOneWayEx1 |
Computes a one-way table for a continuous scale variable.
TableTwoWayEx1 |
Computes a two-way table for continuous scale data.
TimeSeriesEx1 |
Sets up a time series object.
TimeSeriesEx2 |
Sets up a time series with a different time zone.
TimeSeriesOperationsEx1 |
Merges two time series using different merging rules.
TimeSeriesOperationsEx2 |
Merges two time series using different combining methods.
TimeSeriesOperationsEx3 |
Performs the backshift operation on a time series.
TimeSeriesOperationsEx4 |
Performs the stacking or vectorizing operation on a time series.
UserBasisRegressionEx1 |
Fits a regression to a function without noise with user
defined basis functions.
UserBasisRegressionEx2 |
Fits a regression to a polynomial with user defined basis functions.
VectorAutoregressionEx1 |
Fits a vector autoregression to a time series.
WelchsTTestEx1 |
Performs Welch's t-test for three example data sets.
WilcoxonRankSumEx1 |
Performs a rank sum test.
WilcoxonRankSumEx2 |
Performs a rank sum test and displays all the statistics.
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