JMSL Chart Programmer's Guide
Quality Control and Improvement Charts >> CuSum  Previous Page  Contents  Next Page


CuSum is the cumulative sum control chart. It plots the cumulative sum of the deviations of the expected value. If is the expected mean for a process and are the sample means then the cumulative sum is

CuSum Example

The data used is the same as for the EWMA example.

(Download Code)
import com.imsl.chart.*;
import com.imsl.chart.qc.*;

public class SampleCuSum extends JFrameChart {        
    public SampleCuSum() {
        Chart chart = getChart();
        AxisXY axis = new AxisXY(chart);
        CuSum cusum = new CuSum(axis,;
        axis.getAxisX().getAxisTitle().setTitle("Sample Number");
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        new SampleCuSum().setVisible(true);

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