JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class BoundedLeastSquares

  extended by com.imsl.math.BoundedLeastSquares
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class BoundedLeastSquares
extends Object
implements Serializable, Cloneable

Solves a nonlinear least-squares problem subject to bounds on the variables using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.

Class BoundedLeastSquares uses a modified Levenberg-Marquardt method and an active set strategy to solve nonlinear least-squares problems subject to simple bounds on the variables. The problem is stated as follows:

min {1 over 2}Fleft( x right)^T Fleft( x 
  right) = {1 over 2}sumlimits_{i = 1}^m {f_i } left( x 

subject to

,l le x le u

where {rm{m }} ge {rm{ n}}, {it F}: 
  {rm{R}}^n to {rm{R}}^m, and f_i(x) is the i-th component function of F(x). From a given starting point, an active set IA, which contains the indices of the variables at their bounds, is built. A variable is called a "free variable" if it is not in the active set. The routine then computes the search direction for the free variables according to the formula

d = - left( {J^T J + mu I} right)^{ - 1}
  J^T F

where mu is the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter, F = F(x), and J is the Jacobian with respect to the free variables. The search direction for the variables in IA is set to zero. The trust region approach discussed by Dennis and Schnabel (1983) is used to find the new point. Finally, the optimality conditions are checked. The conditions are:

left| {gleft( {x_i{} } right)} right| 
  le varepsilon ,l_i  lt x_i lt u_i

gleft( {x_i } right) lt 0,x_i = 

gleft( {x_i } right) gt 0,x_i = 

where varepsilon is a gradient tolerance. This process is repeated until the optimality criterion is achieved.

The active set is changed only when a free variable hits its bounds during an iteration or the optimality condition is met for the free variables but not for all variables in IA, the active set. In the latter case, a variable that violates the optimality condition will be dropped out of IA. For more details on the Levenberg-Marquardt method, see Levenberg (1944) or Marquardt (1963). For more detail on the active set strategy, see Gill and Murray (1976).

See Also:
Example 1, Example 2, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class BoundedLeastSquares.FalseConvergenceException
          False convergence - The iterates appear to be converging to a noncritical point.
static interface BoundedLeastSquares.Function
          Public interface for the user-supplied function to evaluate the function that defines the least-squares problem.
static interface BoundedLeastSquares.Jacobian
          Public interface for the user-supplied function to compute the Jacobian.
static class BoundedLeastSquares.NoProgressException
          The algorithm is not making any progress, try new initial guess.
Constructor Summary
BoundedLeastSquares(BoundedLeastSquares.Function function, int mFunctions, int nVariables, int boundType, double[] lowerBound, double[] upperBound)
          Constructor for BoundedLeastSquares.
Method Summary
 double[][] getJacobian()
          Returns the Jacobian at the approximate solution.
 double[] getResiduals()
          Returns the residuals at the approximate solution.
 double[] getSolution()
          Returns the solution.
 void setAbsoluteFcnTol(double absoluteFcnTol)
          Sets the absolute function tolerance.
 void setDiagonalScalingMatrix(double[] diagonalScalingMatrix)
          Sets the diagonal scaling matrix for the functions.
 void setGoodDigit(int goodDigit)
          Sets the number of good digits in the function.
 void setGradientTol(double gradientTol)
          Sets the scaled gradient tolerance.
 void setGuess(double[] guess)
          Sets the initial guess of the solution.
 void setInternalScale()
          Sets the internal variable scaling option.
 void setJacobian(BoundedLeastSquares.Jacobian jacobian)
          Sets the Jacobian.
 void setMaximumFunctionEvals(int evaluations)
          Sets the maximum number of function evaluations.
 void setMaximumIteration(int iterations)
          Sets the maximum number of iterations.
 void setMaximumJacobianEvals(int evaluations)
          Sets the maximum number of Jacobian evaluations.
 void setMaximumStepSize(double stepSize)
          Sets the maximum allowable step size.
 void setRelativeFcnTol(double relativeFcnTol)
          Sets the relative function tolerance.
 void setScaledStepTol(double scaledStepTol)
          Sets the scaled step tolerance.
 void setScalingVector(double[] scalingVector)
          Sets the scaling vector for the variables.
 void setTrustRegion(double trustRegion)
          Sets the size of initial trust region radius.
 void solve()
          Solves a nonlinear least-squares problem subject to bounds on the variables using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BoundedLeastSquares(BoundedLeastSquares.Function function,
                           int mFunctions,
                           int nVariables,
                           int boundType,
                           double[] lowerBound,
                           double[] upperBound)
Constructor for BoundedLeastSquares.

function - a Function object, user-supplied function to evaluate the function
mFunctions - a int scalar containing the number of functions
nVariables - a int scalar containing the number of variables
boundType - a int scalar containing the types of bounds on the variable
boundType Action
0 User will supply all the bounds.
1 All variables are nonnegative.
2 All variables are nonpositive.
3 User supplies only the bounds on first variable, all other variables will have the same bounds.
lowerBound - a double array containing the lower bounds on the variables
upperBound - a double array containing the upper bounds on the variables
IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if the dimensions of mFunctions, nVariables, boundType, lowerBound.length and upperBound.length are not consistent
Method Detail


public double[][] getJacobian()
Returns the Jacobian at the approximate solution.

a mFunctions x nVariables double matrix containing the Jacobian at the approximate solution


public double[] getResiduals()
Returns the residuals at the approximate solution.

a double array containing the residuals at the approximate solution


public double[] getSolution()
Returns the solution.

a double array containing the computed solution


public void setAbsoluteFcnTol(double absoluteFcnTol)
Sets the absolute function tolerance. If this member function is not called, a value of Math.max(1.0e-10, Math.pow(2.2204460492503131e-16, 2.0/3.0)), is used.

absoluteFcnTol - a double scalar containing the absolute function tolerance


public void setDiagonalScalingMatrix(double[] diagonalScalingMatrix)
Sets the diagonal scaling matrix for the functions. The i-th component of the array is a positive scalar specifying the reciprocal magnitude of the i-th component function of the problem. If this member function is not called, an initial scaling of 1.0 is used.

diagonalScalingMatrix - a double array containing the diagonal scaling for the functions


public void setGoodDigit(int goodDigit)
Sets the number of good digits in the function. If this member function is not called, a value of (int)(-Sfun.log10(2.2204460492503131e-16) + 0.1e0) is used.

goodDigit - a int scalar containing the number of good digits


public void setGradientTol(double gradientTol)
Sets the scaled gradient tolerance. If this member function is not called, a value of Math.pow(2.2204460492503131e-16, 1.0e0/3.0e0) is used.

gradientTol - a double scalar containing the scaled gradient tolerance


public void setGuess(double[] guess)
Sets the initial guess of the solution. If this member function is not called, an initial scaling of 1.0 is used.

guess - a double array containing an initial guess


public void setInternalScale()
Sets the internal variable scaling option. With this option, scaling for the variables is set internally.


public void setJacobian(BoundedLeastSquares.Jacobian jacobian)
Sets the Jacobian.

jacobian - a Jacobian object to compute the Jacobian.


public void setMaximumFunctionEvals(int evaluations)
Sets the maximum number of function evaluations. If this member function is not called, a value of 400 is used.

evaluations - a int scalar containing the maximum number of function evaluations


public void setMaximumIteration(int iterations)
Sets the maximum number of iterations. If this member function is not called, a value of 100 is used.

iterations - a int scalar containing the maximum number of iterations


public void setMaximumJacobianEvals(int evaluations)
Sets the maximum number of Jacobian evaluations. If this member function is not called, a value of 400 is used.

evaluations - a int scalar containing the maximum number of Jacobian evaluations


public void setMaximumStepSize(double stepSize)
Sets the maximum allowable step size.

stepSize - a double scalar containing the maximum allowable step size


public void setRelativeFcnTol(double relativeFcnTol)
Sets the relative function tolerance. If this member function is not called, a value of Math.pow(2.2204460492503131e-16, 2.0e0/3.0e0) is used.

relativeFcnTol - a double scalar containing the relative function tolerance


public void setScaledStepTol(double scaledStepTol)
Sets the scaled step tolerance. If this member function is not called, a value of Math.max(1.0e-10, Math.pow(2.2204460492503131e-16, 2.0e0/3.0e0) is used.

scaledStepTol - a double scalar containing the scaled step tolerance


public void setScalingVector(double[] scalingVector)
Sets the scaling vector for the variables. If this member function is not called, an initial scaling of 1.0 is used.

scalingVector - a double array containing the scaling vector for the variables


public void setTrustRegion(double trustRegion)
Sets the size of initial trust region radius. If this member function is not called, the value is based on the initial scaled Cauchy step.

trustRegion - a double scalar containing the initial trust region radius


public final void solve()
                 throws BoundedLeastSquares.FalseConvergenceException,
Solves a nonlinear least-squares problem subject to bounds on the variables using a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.

BoundedLeastSquares.FalseConvergenceException - is thrown when the iterates appear to be converging to a noncritical point.
BoundedLeastSquares.NoProgressException - is thrown when the algorithm is not making any progress. Try a new initial guess.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.