JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class BoundedVariableLeastSquares

  extended by com.imsl.math.BoundedVariableLeastSquares
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class BoundedVariableLeastSquares
extends Object
implements Serializable, Cloneable

Solve a linear least-squares problem with bounds on the variables. BoundedVariableLeastSquares solves the least-squares problem

min_x | Ax-b|^2

subject to the conditions

alpha_k le x_k le beta_k

for all k.

This algorithm is a generalization of NonNegativeLeastSquares, that solves the least-squares problem, Ax = b, subject to all x_j ge 0. NonNegativeLeastSquares is based on the subroutine NNLS which appeared in Lawson and Hanson (1974). The additional work on bounded variable least squares was published in a later reprint (Lawson and Hanson, 1995).

See Also:
NonNegativeLeastSquares, Example, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class BoundedVariableLeastSquares.TooManyIterException
          Maximum number of iterations exceeded.
Constructor Summary
BoundedVariableLeastSquares(double[][] a, double[] b, double[] lowerBound, double[] upperBound)
          Construct a new BoundedVariableLeastSquares instance to solve Ax-b subject to bounds on the variables.
Method Summary
 double[] getDualSolution()
          Returns the dual solution vector, w.
 int getIterations()
          Returns the number of iterations used to find the solution.
 double getResidualNorm()
          Returns the euclidean norm of the residual vector, |Ax-b|^2.
 double[] getSolution()
          Returns the solution to the problem.
 void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
          Sets the maximum number of iterations.
 void setTolerance(double tolerance)
          Sets the internal tolerance used to determine the relative linear dependence of a column vector for a variable moved from its initial value.
 void solve()
          Find the solution x to the problem for the current constraints.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BoundedVariableLeastSquares(double[][] a,
                                   double[] b,
                                   double[] lowerBound,
                                   double[] upperBound)
Construct a new BoundedVariableLeastSquares instance to solve Ax-b subject to bounds on the variables. Each upper bound must be greater than or equal to the corresponding lower bound.

a - the double input matrix.
b - a double array of length a.length.
lowerBound - a double array of length n containing lower bounds. Use Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY for variables which are not bounded below.
upperBound - a double array of length n containing upper bounds. Use Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY for variables which are not bounded above.
Method Detail


public double[] getDualSolution()
Returns the dual solution vector, w. If x_j is at neither its upper nor lower bound then w_j=0. If x_j is at its lower bound then w_j
 le{0}. If x_j is at its upper bound then w_jge{0}. If the upper and lower bound for the j -th variable are equal, fixing the value of x_j, then the value of w_j is arbitrary.

a double array containing the dual solution vector, w.


public int getIterations()
Returns the number of iterations used to find the solution.

an int containing the number of iterations.


public double getResidualNorm()
Returns the euclidean norm of the residual vector, |Ax-b|^2.

a double containing the euclidean norm of the residual vector.


public double[] getSolution()
Returns the solution to the problem.

a double array containing the solution.


public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations)
Sets the maximum number of iterations.

maxIterations - an int specifying the maximum number of iterations. The default is three times a[0].length.


public void setTolerance(double tolerance)
Sets the internal tolerance used to determine the relative linear dependence of a column vector for a variable moved from its initial value.

tolerance - a double value specifying the tolerance. The default value is 1.0e-7.


public void solve()
           throws BoundedVariableLeastSquares.TooManyIterException
Find the solution x to the problem for the current constraints.


JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.