JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Class FeynmanKac

  extended by com.imsl.math.FeynmanKac
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class FeynmanKac
extends Object
implements Serializable, Cloneable

Solves the generalized Feynman-Kac PDE.

Class FeynmanKac solves the generalized Feynman-Kac PDE on a rectangular grid with boundary conditions using a finite element Galerkin method. The generalized Feynman-Kac differential equation has the form

f_t +mu(x,t) f_x +frac{sigma^2(x,t)}{2}f_{xx}-kappa(x,t)f=phi(f,x,t),

where the initial data satisfies f(x,T)=p(x). The derivatives are f_t=frac{partial{f}}{partial{t}}, etc. Method computeCoefficients uses a finite element Galerkin method over the rectangle

[x_{min},x_{max}] times [bar{T},T]

in (x,t) to compute the approximate solution. The interval [x_{min},x_{max}] is decomposed with a grid

(x_{min}=)x_1 lt x_2 lt ldots lt x_m(=x_{max}),.

On each subinterval the solution is represented by

f(x,t) = f_ib_0(z)+f_{i+1}b_0(1-z)+h_i f_i' b_1(z)-h_i f_{i+1}' b_1(1-z)+

The values


are time-dependent coefficients associated with each interval. The basis functions b_0,b_1,b_2 are given for

x in [x_i, x_{i+1}], , h_i=x_{i+1}-x_i, , z=(x-x_i)/h_i, z in [0,1],





By adding the piece-wise definitions the unknown solution function may be arranged as the series

f(x,t) = sum_{i=1}^{3m}y_ibeta_i(x), ; x in [x_{min},x_{max}],

where the time-dependent coefficients are defined by re-labeling:

y_{3i-2} = f_i,, y_{3i-1} = f_i',, y_{3i} = f_i'',, i=1,ldots,m.

The Galerkin principle is then applied. Using the provided initial and boundary conditions leads to an Index 1 differential-algebraic equation for the coefficients y_i, , i=1,ldots,3m.

This system is integrated using the variable order, variable step algorithm DDASLX noted in Hanson, R. and Krogh, F. (2008), Solving Constrained Differential-Algebraic Systems Using Projections. Solution values and their time derivatives at a grid preceding time T, expressed in units of time remaining, are given back by methods getSplineCoefficients and getSplineCoefficientsPrime, respectively. For further details of deriving and solving the system see Hanson, R. (2008), Integrating Feynman-Kac Equations Using Hermite Quintic Finite Elements. To evaluate f or its partials f_x, f_{xx}, f_{xxx}, f_t, f_{tx}, f_{txx}, f_{txxx} at any time point in the grid, use method getSplineValue.

One useful application of the FeynmanKac class is financial analytics. This is illustrated in Example 2, which solves a diffusion model for call options which, in the special case alpha = 2 reduces to the Black-Scholes (BS) model. Another useful application for the FeynmanKac class is the calculation of the Greeks, i.e. various derivatives of Feynman-Kac solutions applicable to, e.g., the pricing of options and related financial derivatives. In Example 5, the FeynmanKac class is used to calculate eleven of the Greeks for the same diffusion model introduced in Example 2 in the special BS case. These Greeks are also calculated using the BS closed form Greek equations (see The Feynman-Kac and BS solutions are output and compared. Example 5 illustrates that the FeynmanKac class can be used to explore the Greeks for a much wider class of financial models than can BS.

See Also:
Example 1, Example 2, Example 3, Example 4, Example 5, Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static interface FeynmanKac.Boundaries
          Public interface for user supplied boundary coefficients and terminal condition the PDE must satisfy.
static class FeynmanKac.BoundaryInconsistentException
          The boundary conditions are inconsistent.
static class FeynmanKac.ConstraintsInconsistentException
          The constraints are inconsistent.
static class FeynmanKac.CorrectorConvergenceException
          Corrector failed to converge.
static class FeynmanKac.ErrorTestException
          Error test failure detected.
static interface FeynmanKac.ForcingTerm
          Public interface for non-zero forcing term in the Feynman-Kac equation.
static class FeynmanKac.InitialConstraintsException
          The constraints at the initial point are inconsistent.
static interface FeynmanKac.InitialData
          Public interface for adjustment of initial data or as an opportunity for output during the integration steps.
static class FeynmanKac.IterationMatrixSingularException
          Iteration matrix is singular.
static interface FeynmanKac.PdeCoefficients
          Public interface for user supplied PDE coefficients in the Feynman-Kac PDE.
static class FeynmanKac.TcurrentTstopInconsistentException
          The end value for the integration in time, tout, is not consistent with the current time value, t.
static class FeynmanKac.TEqualsToutException
          The current integration point in time and the end point are equal.
static class FeynmanKac.TimeIntervalTooSmallException
          Distance between starting time point and end point for the integration is too small.
static class FeynmanKac.ToleranceTooSmallException
          Tolerance is too small.
static class FeynmanKac.TooManyIterationsException
          Too many iterations required by the DAE solver.
Field Summary
          Used by method setStepControlMethod to indicate that the step control algorithm of the original Petzold code is used in the integration.
          Used by method setStepControlMethod to indicate that the step control method by Soederlind is used in the integration.
Constructor Summary
FeynmanKac(FeynmanKac.PdeCoefficients pdeCoeffs)
          Constructs a PDE solver to solve the Feynman-Kac PDE.
Method Summary
 void computeCoefficients(int numLeftBounds, int numRightBounds, FeynmanKac.Boundaries pdeBounds, double[] xGrid, double[] tGrid)
          Determines the coefficients of the Hermite quintic splines that represent an approximate solution for the Feynman-Kac PDE.
 double[] getAbsoluteErrorTolerances()
          Returns absolute error tolerances.
 int getGaussLegendreDegree()
          Returns the number of quadrature points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula.
 double getInitialStepsize()
          Returns the starting step size for the integration.
 int getMaximumBDFOrder()
          Returns the maximum order of the BDF formulas.
 double getMaximumStepsize()
          Returns the maximum internal step size used by the integrator.
 int getMaxSteps()
          Returns the maximum number of internal steps allowed.
 double[] getRelativeErrorTolerances()
          Returns relative error tolerances.
 double[][] getSplineCoefficients()
          Returns the coefficients of the Hermite quintic splines that represent an approximate solution of the Feynman-Kac PDE.
 double[][] getSplineCoefficientsPrime()
          Returns the first derivatives of the Hermite quintic spline coefficients that represent an approximate solution of the Feynman-Kac PDE.
 double[] getSplineValue(double[] evaluationPoints, double[] coefficients, int ideriv)
          Evaluates for time value 0 or a time value in tGrid the derivative of the Hermite quintic spline interpolant at evaluation points within the range of xGrid.
 int getStepControlMethod()
          Returns the step control method used in the integration of the Feynman-Kac PDE.
 double getTimeBarrier()
          Returns the barrier set for integration in the time direction.
 void setAbsoluteErrorTolerances(double atol)
          Sets the absolute error tolerances.
 void setAbsoluteErrorTolerances(double[] atol)
          Sets the absolute error tolerances.
 void setForcingTerm(FeynmanKac.ForcingTerm forceTerm)
          Sets the user-supplied method that computes approximations to the forcing term phi(x) and its derivative partial phi/partial y used in the FeynmanKac PDE.
 void setGaussLegendreDegree(int degree)
          Sets the number of quadrature points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula.
 void setInitialData(FeynmanKac.InitialData initData)
          Sets the user-supplied method for adjustment of initial data or as an opportunity for output during the integration steps.
 void setInitialStepsize(double initStepsize)
          Sets the starting stepsize for the integration.
 void setMaximumBDFOrder(int maxBDFOrder)
          Sets the maximum order of the BDF formulas.
 void setMaximumStepsize(double maximumStepsize)
          Sets the maximum internal step size used by the integrator.
 void setMaxSteps(int maxSteps)
          Sets the maximum number of internal steps allowed.
 void setRelativeErrorTolerances(double rtol)
          Sets the relative error tolerances.
 void setRelativeErrorTolerances(double[] rtol)
          Sets the relative error tolerances.
 void setStepControlMethod(int stepControlMethod)
          Sets the step control method used in the integration of the Feynman-Kac PDE.
 void setTimeBarrier(double timeBarrier)
          Sets a barrier for the integration in the time direction.
 void setTimeDependence(boolean[] timeFlag)
          Sets the time dependence of the coefficients, boundary conditions and function phi in the Feynman Kac equation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int METHOD_OF_PETZOLD
Used by method setStepControlMethod to indicate that the step control algorithm of the original Petzold code is used in the integration.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int METHOD_OF_SOEDERLIND
Used by method setStepControlMethod to indicate that the step control method by Soederlind is used in the integration.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public FeynmanKac(FeynmanKac.PdeCoefficients pdeCoeffs)
Constructs a PDE solver to solve the Feynman-Kac PDE.

pdeCoeffs - Implementation of interface PdeCoefficients that computes the values of the Feynman-Kac coefficients at a given point (t,x).
Method Detail


public void computeCoefficients(int numLeftBounds,
                                int numRightBounds,
                                FeynmanKac.Boundaries pdeBounds,
                                double[] xGrid,
                                double[] tGrid)
                         throws FeynmanKac.ToleranceTooSmallException,
Determines the coefficients of the Hermite quintic splines that represent an approximate solution for the Feynman-Kac PDE.

numLeftBounds - an int, the number of left boundary conditions. It is required that
1 le numLeftBounds le3.
numRightBounds - an int, the number of right boundary conditions. It is required that
1 le numRightBounds le3.
pdeBounds - Implementation of interface Boundaries that computes the boundary coefficients and terminal condition for given (t,x).
xGrid - a double array containing the breakpoints for the Hermite quintic splines used in the x discretization. The length of xGrid must be at least 2, xGrid.length >= 2, and the elements in xGrid must be in strictly increasing order.
tGrid - a double array containing the set of time points (in time-remaining units) where an approximate solution is returned. The elements in array tGrid must be positive and in strictly increasing order.
FeynmanKac.ToleranceTooSmallException - is thrown if the absolute or relative error tolerances used in the integrator are too small.
FeynmanKac.TooManyIterationsException - is thrown if the integrator needs too many iteration steps.
FeynmanKac.ErrorTestException - is thrown if the error test used in the integrator failed repeatedly.
FeynmanKac.CorrectorConvergenceException - is thrown if the corrector failed to converge repeatedly.
FeynmanKac.IterationMatrixSingularException - thrown if one of the iteration matrices used in the integrator is singular.
FeynmanKac.TimeIntervalTooSmallException - is thrown if the distance between an intermediate starting and end point for the integration is too small.
FeynmanKac.TcurrentTstopInconsistentException - is thrown if during the integration the current integration time and given stepsize is inconsistent with the endpoint of the integration.
FeynmanKac.TEqualsToutException - is thrown if during the integration process the actual integration time and the end time of the integration are identical.
FeynmanKac.InitialConstraintsException - is thrown if at the initial integration point some of the constraints are inconsistent.
FeynmanKac.ConstraintsInconsistentException - is thrown if during the integration process the constraints for the actual time point and given stepsize are inconsistent.
SingularMatrixException - is thrown if one of the matrices used outside the integrator is singular.
FeynmanKac.BoundaryInconsistentException - is thrown if the boundary conditions are inconsistent.


public double[] getAbsoluteErrorTolerances()
Returns absolute error tolerances.

a double array of length 3*xGrid.length containing absolute error tolerances for the solutions.


public int getGaussLegendreDegree()
Returns the number of quadrature points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula.

an int, the degree of the polynomial used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature.


public double getInitialStepsize()
Returns the starting step size for the integration.

a double, the starting step size used in the integrator.


public int getMaximumBDFOrder()
Returns the maximum order of the BDF formulas.

an int, the maximum order of the backward differentiation formulas used in the integrator.


public double getMaximumStepsize()
Returns the maximum internal step size used by the integrator.

a double, the maximum internal step size.


public int getMaxSteps()
Returns the maximum number of internal steps allowed.

an int specifying the maximum number of internal steps allowed between each output point of the integration.


public double[] getRelativeErrorTolerances()
Returns relative error tolerances.

a double array of length 3*xGrid.length containing relative error tolerances for the solutions.


public double[][] getSplineCoefficients()
Returns the coefficients of the Hermite quintic splines that represent an approximate solution of the Feynman-Kac PDE.

a double array of dimension (tGrid.length+1) by (3*xGrid.length) containing the coefficients of the Hermite quintic spline representation of the approximate solution for the Feynman-Kac PDE at time points 0, tGrid[0],...,tGrid[tGrid.length-1]. Setting ntGrid = tGrid.length and nxGrid = xGrid.length the approximate solution is given by

f(x,t) = sum_{j=0}^{3*text{nxGrid}-1}y_{ij}beta_j(x) ; mbox{for} ;
                 t=text{tGrid}[i-1], i=1,ldots,text{ntGrid}.

The representation for the initial data at t=0 is

p(x) = sum_{j=0}^{3*text{nxGrid}-1} y_{0j}beta_j(x),.

The (ntGrid+1) by (3*nxGrid) matrix


is stored row-wise in the returned array.


public double[][] getSplineCoefficientsPrime()
Returns the first derivatives of the Hermite quintic spline coefficients that represent an approximate solution of the Feynman-Kac PDE.

a double array of dimension (tGrid.length+1) by (3*xGrid.length) containing the first derivatives (in time) of the coefficients of the Hermite quintic spline representation of the approximate solution for the Feynman-Kac PDE at time points 0, tGrid[0],...,tGrid[tGrid.length-1]. The approximate solution itself is given by

f_t(x,bar{t}) = sum_{j=0}^{3*text{nxGrid}-1}y_{ij}' beta_j(x) quad
                mbox{for} ; bar{t} = text{tGrid}[i-1], i=1,ldots,text{ntGrid},


f_t(x,bar{t})=sum_{j=0}^{3*text{nxGrid}-1}y_{0j}^primebeta_j(x) quad
                mbox{for} ; bar{t} = 0 , .

The (ntGrid+1) by (3*nxGrid) matrix


is stored row-wise in the returned array.


public double[] getSplineValue(double[] evaluationPoints,
                               double[] coefficients,
                               int ideriv)
Evaluates for time value 0 or a time value in tGrid the derivative of the Hermite quintic spline interpolant at evaluation points within the range of xGrid.

evaluationPoints - a double array containing the points in x-direction at which the Hermite quintic spline representing the approximate solution to the Feynman-Kac PDE or one of its derivatives is to be evaluated. It is required that all elements in array evaluationPoints are greater than or equal to xGrid[0] and less than or equal to xGrid[xGrid.length-1].
coefficients - a double array of length 3*xGrid.length containing the coefficients of the Hermite quintic spline representing the approximate solution f or f_t to the Feynman-Kac PDE. These coefficients are the rows of the arrays splineCoeffs and splineCoeffsPrime returned by methods getSplineCoefficients and getSplineCoefficientsPrime. If the user wants to compute approximate solutions f or f_x,f_{xx},f_{xxx} to the Feynman-Kac PDE at time point 0, one must assign row splineCoeffs[0] to array coefficients. If the user wants to compute these approximate solutions for time points t=tGrid[i], i=0,...,tGrid.length-1, one must assign row splineCoeffs[i+1] to array coefficients. The same reasoning applies to the computation of approximate solutions f_t and f_{tx},f_{txx},f_{txxx} and assignment of rows of array getSplineCoefficientsPrime to array coefficients.
ideriv - an int specifying the derivative to be computed. It must be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
a double array containing the derivative of order ideriv of the Hermite quintic spline representing the approximate solution f or f_t to the Feynman Kac PDE at evaluationPoints. If ideriv=0, then the spline values are returned. If ideriv=1, then the first derivative is returned, etc.


public int getStepControlMethod()
Returns the step control method used in the integration of the Feynman-Kac PDE.

an int scalar specifying which step control method to be used.
Return Value Description
METHOD_OF_SOEDERLIND Method of Soederlind
METHOD_OF_PETZOLD Method from the original Petzold code DASSL


public double getTimeBarrier()
Returns the barrier set for integration in the time direction.

a double, the time point beyond which the integrator should not integrate.


public void setAbsoluteErrorTolerances(double atol)
Sets the absolute error tolerances.

atol - a double scalar specifying the absolute error tolerances for the row-wise solutions returned by method getSplineCoefficients. The tolerance value atol is applied to all 3*xGrid.length solution components. atol must be greater than or equal to zero. Also, not all entries in atol and rtol are allowed to be equal to 0 simultaneously. Default value is 1.0e-5 for each solution component.


public void setAbsoluteErrorTolerances(double[] atol)
Sets the absolute error tolerances.

atol - a double array of length 3*xGrid.length specifying the absolute error tolerances for the row-wise solutions returned by method getSplineCoefficients. All entries in atol must be greater than or equal to zero. Also, not all entries in atol and rtol are allowed to be equal to 0 simultaneously. Default value is 1.0e-5 for each solution component.


public void setForcingTerm(FeynmanKac.ForcingTerm forceTerm)
Sets the user-supplied method that computes approximations to the forcing term phi(x) and its derivative partial phi/partial y used in the FeynmanKac PDE.

forceTerm - a ForcingTerm interface specifying the user defined function used for computation of the forcing term phi(f,x,t) and its derivative partial phi/partial y. If this member function is not called it is assumed that phi(f,x,t) is identically zero.


public void setGaussLegendreDegree(int degree)
Sets the number of quadrature points used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula.

degree - an int, the degree of the polynomial used in the Gauss-Legendre quadrature. It is required that degree is greater than or equal to 6. The default value is 6.


public void setInitialData(FeynmanKac.InitialData initData)
Sets the user-supplied method for adjustment of initial data or as an opportunity for output during the integration steps.

initData - an InitialData object specifying the user-defined function for adjustment of initial data or the object can be used as an opportunity for output during the integration steps. If this member function is not called, no adjustment of initial data or output during the integration steps is done.


public void setInitialStepsize(double initStepsize)
Sets the starting stepsize for the integration.

initStepsize - a double, the starting stepsize used by the integrator. Must be less than zero since the integration is internally done from t=0 to t=tGrid[tGrid.length-1] in a negative direction. The default is initStepsize = -1.1102230246252e-16.


public void setMaximumBDFOrder(int maxBDFOrder)
Sets the maximum order of the BDF formulas.

maxBDFOrder - an int specifying the maximum order of the backward differentiation formulas used in the integrator. It is required that maxBDFOrder is greater than zero and smaller than 6. The default is maxBDFOrder = 5.


public void setMaximumStepsize(double maximumStepsize)
Sets the maximum internal step size used by the integrator.

maximumStepsize - a positive scalar of type double, the maximum internal step size. Default value is Double.MAX_VALUE, the largest possible machine number.


public void setMaxSteps(int maxSteps)
Sets the maximum number of internal steps allowed.

maxSteps - an int specifying the maximum number of internal steps allowed between each output point of the integration. maxSteps must be positive. The default value is 500000.


public void setRelativeErrorTolerances(double rtol)
Sets the relative error tolerances.

rtol - a double scalar specifying the relative error tolerances for the solution. The tolerance value rtol is applied to all 3*xGrid.length solution components. rtol must be greater than or equal to zero. Also, not all entries in atol and rtol are allowed to be equal to 0 simultaneously. Default value is 1.0e-5 for each solution component.


public void setRelativeErrorTolerances(double[] rtol)
Sets the relative error tolerances.

rtol - a double array of length 3*xGrid.length specifying the relative error tolerances for the solution. All entries in rtol must be greater than or equal to zero. Also, not all entries in atol and rtol are allowed to be equal to 0 simultaneously. Default value is 1.0e-5 for each solution component.


public void setStepControlMethod(int stepControlMethod)
Sets the step control method used in the integration of the Feynman-Kac PDE.

stepControlMethod - an int scalar specifying the step control method to be used in the integration. If this member function is not called stepControlMethod is set to METHOD_OF_SOEDERLIND by default.
stepControlMethod Description
METHOD_OF_SOEDERLIND Use method of Soederlind.
METHOD_OF_PETZOLD Use method from the original Petzold code DASSL.


public void setTimeBarrier(double timeBarrier)
Sets a barrier for the integration in the time direction.

timeBarrier - a double, controls whether the integrator should integrate in the time direction beyond a special point, timeBarrier, and then interpolate to get the Hermite quintic spline coefficients and its derivatives at the points in tGrid. It is required that timeBarrier be greater than or equal to tGrid[tGrid.length-1]. The default is timeBarrier = tGrid[tGrid.length-1].


public void setTimeDependence(boolean[] timeFlag)
Sets the time dependence of the coefficients, boundary conditions and function phi in the Feynman Kac equation.

timeFlag - a boolean vector of length 7 indicating time dependencies in the Feynman-Kac PDE.
Index Time dependency of
0 sigma'
1 sigma
2 mu
3 kappa
4 Left boundary conditions
5 Right boundary conditions
6 phi
timeFlag[i] = true indicates that the associated value is time-dependent, timeFlag[i] = false indicates that the associated value is not time-dependent. By default, timeFlag[i] = false for i=0,ldots,6.

JMSLTM Numerical Library 6.1

Copyright © 1970-2010 Visual Numerics, Inc.
Built July 30 2010.