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SuperLUGetPerformanceTuningParameters Method
Returns a performance tuning parameter value.

Namespace: Imsl.Math
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:
public int GetPerformanceTuningParameters(
	SuperLUPerformanceParameters parameter


Type: Imsl.MathSuperLUPerformanceParameters
A PerformanceParameters scalar that specifies the parameter for which the value is to be returned.

PanelSize The panel size.
RelaxationParameter The relaxation parameter to control supernode amalgamation.
MaximumSupernodeSize The maximum allowable size for a supernode.
MinimumRowDimension The minimum row dimension to be used for 2D blocking.
MinimumColumnDimension The minimum column dimension to be used for 2D blocking.
FillFactor The estimated fill factor for L and U, compared with A.

Return Value

Type: Int32
An int containing the current value used for the specified tuning parameter.
See Also